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AF August - Week 4

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    AF August - Week 4

    Hi Lav-

    Sorry....cross post! Yup, I took Nurse Lav's advice....with a little help from Advil and it's feeling a little better. I had it wrapped in ice from Montgomery-Atlanta-Milwaukee.

    What does TBGP mean?

    Lav, I forgot to mention-I know you're having a rummage sale next month, right? Well, if you are selling some jewelry, there was this great Hint from Heloise in the Montgomery paper yesterday. I'll PM you this idea later....I was really impressed.

    I'll check in later after I get the bad news about the car repairs. :-(


      AF August - Week 4

      WHOOPSS....don't know how to delete posts or I would.


        AF August - Week 4

        Hi Everyone,
        Chill-Personally I like September Sobriety. Has a nice ring. There is a celebration/campout in my area every labor day weekend called "Sober in the Sun" (not sure what they call it if is rains :H). About 20 years ago I was birdwatching in the place they hold it and they were getting set up. At that time I just couldn't understand why anyone would want to campout and have a "party" without AL. It was infathomnable to me!! Not sure why I just said all that-has absolutely nothing to do with the topic :H. I guess it's been on my mind lately and if I hadn't committed to doing something else that weekend I would probably check it out. Have a fabulous time at "White Night Out"!! Sounds magical!!
        Rusty-so so sorry about your knee!! Nurse Lav is absolutely right-lots of ice and advil. Be careful with the swimming-try not to kick. Once the swelling goes down, you can do moist heat (if you don't have a moist heat heating pad, you can wet down a towel and nuke it-be careful of burns tho) and light stretches. A neoprene sleeve will help with walking around. Once all pain is gone, you can start doing leg lifts and light running as long as it doesn't cause pain. Trainer Pam over and out.
        TBGP stands for Titanium Big Girl Pants. Either DG or Greenie coined it.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF August - Week 4

          Hi Friends,

          I'm getting the car fixed and thought I would write.

          Nurse Pam, wow....thank you so much for the training/nursing/healing tips for my knee. A neoprene sleeve? I've never heard of them but I bet Walgreen's has them. Moist heat sounds good. The Advil helps for about 3 hours and then BAM! the throbbing starts again. Sober in the Sun...interesting. Doggygirl is going to Soberfest in November.

          Chill-I like September Sobriety. It is peaceful and has a nice ring to it.

          Star-did you find a pair of shoes for the wedding?

          Will check back in later....have to do some paperwork now.

          You guys are da every way!


            AF August - Week 4

            Morning all,
            Things not going so well here. Saw my therapist yesterday. Talked about how angry I was about the phone calls my husband made about my drinking. She told me she thought the phone calls were just the tip of the iceberg. The anger is about the marriage. Asked my husband to stay at his brother's this weekend so I could have some time to sort things out. Went to sleep thinking I was alone in the house, only to find him here this morning. He left without our seeing each other. Now I'm just puttering about, doing a little gardening, making muffins, but so anxious about the possibility of his walking in the door at any minute. Good thing I drank last week; got all those urges out of my system. The last thing I need right now is a drink.

            Rusty, sorry about your knee. Nothing worse for one who runs regularly than being laid up.

            Okay I got TBGP, what's FH?

            Chill, the white night sounds wonderful. I would love to visit Portugal. Have never been to Europe and don't have much desire to go to the typical big draws like France, Italy, Germany. My current top 3 picks are the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal and somewhere east like the Czech Republic.

            Paps, sober in the sun sounds pretty entertaining too. Have you ever gone?

            How about Serene September?

            I bought a dress. I don't it is the right dress for the wedding, too informal, but now at least I own a dress and have practiced dress buying. Will have to model it for LBH for her expert opinion.

            23 mile group run tomorrow. That's just about a full marathon. We'll have a van escorting us in case somebody (hopefully not me) can't go the whole distance.

            My marriage...I cannot end it a month before my son starts his. Have put up with it for 30 years, another month won't kill me or make me indulge in self destructive behavior. I did however consume a fair amount of chocolate last night.

            Love and big thank yous to all of you.


              AF August - Week 4


              Sorry things are going awry for you and I can so understand your angst about your FH (former husband or f*ckhead, I think) showing up at any time. I agree with your therapist about her assessment and you are being very unselfish and wise to not end your marriage before your son starts his. I admire your strength. Have fun on the run, are an inspiration to me in more ways then one.


                AF August - Week 4

                Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for those of you struggling with miserable husbands and exes.
                We can beat the lot of them cos we are the tough guys!

                I've had the most ridiculously busy day, just one thing after another and now daughter No1 wants my laptop so I'll have to rush - she's returned home this week after a failed relationship with the biggest waste of space ever so I'm being a little indulgent!

                Have a good Saturday one and all, see you all tomorrow
                love Sooty


                  AF August - Week 4

                  Hi Sooty,

                  Good thing your daughter was smart enough to kiss that loser goodbye!


                    AF August - Week 4

                    Hey Sped- i'm so sorry to hear how things have taken a turn for the worse but sounds like you have already made up your mind (his tattling was the last straw, no?) and you're just waiting for the right time. I'm wondering if the drinking episode was actually one of the syptoms of the marriage gone bad and you just weren't ready to recognize it? Probably should MMOB. Sorry. It can't be easy but we are here for you. I've never actually attended the Sober in the Sun celebration as I was never sober until this March :H !! Maybe next year.

                    Yes Rusty, you can get all sorts of braces and sleeve at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, you name it. If you are not seeing a huge improvement by the end of next week you would do well to see an ortho. you might have done something to the capsule or the ACL or the cartilage.

                    Hi Sooty and anyone else I 've missed today.

                    Just sitting here at my other job bored to tears and thinking really bad thoughts about drinking and eating. I've already had a Big Mac and 2 apple pies. Not good at all. I've got to find another part time job as this is toxic to me. I worked on my budget while waiting for the phones to ring and got even more depressed. Even if I cut out clothes (which I don't ever go crazy on-my last purchase was a couple of weeks ago at a thrift shop), cable TV, drop food to $100/month, cancel the newspaper and and never go to the hairdresser again, I still can't make ends meet without a second job. Good thing I don't buy AL anymore-I wouldn't have anything left to buy real food with!! It's crystal clear I can't afford even one nite at the cape in Sept on my week off. I'll have to drive down for the day and visit my friend for only a few hours and then drive home. My dad would say "get rid of the animals and then you'll have plenty of money.". He's the best dad in the world and i know he really worries about me even tho I'm middled aged now!! But sometimes he just doesn't get me. I know drinking won't make this any better but sometimes I just want to hide, you know?
                    I was going to go to an AA meeting tonite after work-my first open/speaker one but then my sis reminded me I'm expected for dinner. Sigh. Time to put the BGTP on so I'm not tempted to join her in a bottle of PG tonite.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF August - Week 4

                      TITANIUM BIG GIRL PANTS!

                      So glad I had mine on today
                      Mr Lav (FH) just left BUT he did take the time to fix my machine problem, cut grass & promise to return tomorrow morning to help me prepare the chicken coop for some new arrivals

                      Being a glutton for punishment I've ordered 25 new day old hatchlings. They will be delivered (by mail) between Sept 8-11. I just LOVE them when they are so tiny & new My EB grandson should enjoy this project as well. My old 'girls' are kind of beat, not laying much anymore.

                      Rusty, my yard sale is Sept 18 - I'm going to try to sell all kinds of stuff! My daughter & DIL have stuff stored here that they want to sell too.

                      Shelley, please use us for support! I can just imagine what's going on in your mind & heart right now. We all care very much about you. Enjoy your run - be careful!

                      Sooty, my daughter had a boyfriend many years ago who was such a LOSER. His face piercings, inability to come up with his share of the rent (because he spent his money on pot), etc really turned me off. She went into some serious debt because of him, I was so grateful when she dumped him & returned home for a while to heal.

                      Papmom, I've been to a lot of places in Europe. My last trip, 3 1/2 years ago was to Holland with my SIL. We stayed with her sister in Haarlem - very neat place. Amsterdam was easy to get to by train. Absolutely everyone there speaks English.......makes it quite easy for the rest of us

                      Let's see - Dill, LBH, Cyn, rebirth & whoever I'm forgetting - wishing you all a great day.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF August - Week 4

                        Saturday afternoon....

                        Rusty, the gifts for the bridesmaids are: a necklace, a pair of earrings, and two picture frames. She decided to get each person what they like. Good for you for losing a few pounds, it really makes a a difference.

                        Sped, no I am not wearing an evening gown. I got a cute dress that is comfortable, semi-dressy, and one I like. Just get what you like and feel great wearing. If I wanted to I would get dressy, but I am just not comfortable that dressed up. Sorry to hear that your husband betrayed your confidence, not helpful and acutally mean. I support you and so do we all on this thread. You have done great and have learned so much, caring enough to share with all of us.

                        It is hot outside, I have turned on the air....I loved the cooler weather. I went to an outdoor eating fest at a botanical garden today. It was wonderful. Now, I am tired. Too much food, and I am supposed to go out for dinner. Chill, your outdoor festival sounds like a great time. Wish I could go with you.

                        Have a great day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          AF August - Week 4

                          Hey everybody,
                          Just after I posted, in walks my husband with a bunch of boxes. He says he's moving to a motel. I leave to get away, run some errands. When I got back, there were the empty boxes, strewn around the living room and a note saying he will return after 10pm on Tuesday. I know it's a cliche but I have to say "whateverrrr".

                          I've had a great afternoon. Spent it cleaning, gardening, throwing junk away. Usually when I clean, my husband is sitting right in the middle of everything, on the computer, listening to books on tape. Then I get resentful because I'm cleaning and he's not. It was wonderful to have the house to myself. Feel like I've been starved for this. Now I'm going to make a farmers market dinner...corn, sliced tomatoes, green beans.

                          Wish me luck tomorrow. Need to have a "can do it" attitude. Hope it's not humid. Have to get up at 4.

                          I love the support. Keep it comin.


                            AF August - Week 4

                            GO Shelley GO
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

