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AF Daily Monday 8/23

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    AF Daily Monday 8/23

    Morning abbers!!

    Plodding along here.... I'm missing the spring in my step for some reason, but I figure it's enough that I'm moving forward as I figure it out. I fell out of a breakfast routine (which means supplements too) so that is one thing I will fix starting today. I think I'll cut my hair too, it's overdue. Sometimes I get so busy taking care of stuff, getting stuff done, blah, blah,,, I forget to take care of me.

    Gaia, I hope you take to heart what M3 was saying about being in a new place and the opportunity to start off selecting good-for-you people to hang with. I'd like to toss in my 2 cents to urge you to do this right off. Habits and patterns are going to be established sooner than you realize so it would be good to consciously select healthy ones. I don't think you have the support of DH in that arena, so it will be up to you to steer the boat. BGPs!!

    Lav, I'm glad you had a good day... you needed it! I sniggered when I peeled a peach this AM. :H

    Everyone sounds busy, cheerful, healthy and solidly sober! Yay!

    Have a maaaaaavelous monday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Monday 8/23

    By the way, these are drug-store brands that don't use animal testing. Make a statement with your purchases.

    > Cruelty-Free Drugstore Finds:
    > Alba Botanica
    > Almay
    > Avalon Organics
    > Bonne Bell
    > Burt's Bees
    > Carmex
    > Certain Dri
    > Conair
    > David Babaii For WildAid
    > Dr. Hauschka
    > Eco-Tools Cosmetic Brushes
    > Freeman Beauty
    > Hard Candy
    > The Healing Garden
    > Hugo Naturals
    > Jane Cosmetics
    > Jason Natural Cosmetics
    > Jergens
    > John Frieda
    > Jolen Creme Bleach
    > Kiss My Face
    > Mr. Bubble
    > OPI
    > Organix
    > Orly
    > Palmer's
    > Physicians Formula
    > Prestige Cosmetics
    > Queen Helene
    > Revlon
    > Rosebud Perfume Company (at NM Walgreen stores)
    > Soap & Glory (at Target)
    > Tom's of Maine
    > Trader Joe's Company
    > Wet n Wild
    > White Rain
    > Yes to Carrots
    > Yes to Cucumbers
    > Yes to Tomatoes
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily Monday 8/23

      Greeting's Fab abber's, and morning Greenie!

      Ah, well Greenie, i'm sure you'll get your spring back real soon. Are you taking on too much? Getting enough rest?

      A fabulous day to everyone out there, and one thing is for sure......

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF Daily Monday 8/23

        Hello Fabbie Abbies! A zoom zoom check in for me. Although not sold in drug stores, no animal testing for Mary Kay products either.

        Greenie, I hope you get your mojo back soon. I think we are not destined to have great mojo every day. I think I used AL on days like that to try to fake some mojo. What seemed to work in the younger years definitely stopped working in the "29" years. Maybe it's a time of rest and rejuvination on the inside?

        G I was thinking of you yesterday in terms of magical moments. There is a man who is newly coming to our AA group and sometimes someone's eyes are just like a mirror. I see my old fear in his eyes but I also see my own hope in his eyes and that is magical!

        Hello to everyone yet to come! One thing is for sure....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Monday 8/23

          Hi all.

          Thanks for that list Greenie. I note my usual brand L'Oreal is not there! I am starting to change over to a mineral, organic, cruelty free brand that I discovered when i was on hols recently.

          I had a break thru with my husband tonight. He came to me and told me he was going to try not to drink so much now. He was very naughty on Saturday night, not only driving home really pissed, but reversing into the wall of the garage (even with a reversing camera!). I said my piece to him Saturday night. I was trying to find a way to tell him how his drinking affected me. I knew that it wasnt up to me to tell him he was drinking too much and doing foolish, dangerous things when drunk. So I thought I would try and tell him how it upset me. I know if someone had told me I was drinking too much, I probably would have drunk more just to annoy them. But if someone told me how it made them feel, it would have been different.
          He has promised this before so I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

          Anyway hope everyone has had or has a great AF Monday.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            AF Daily Monday 8/23

            Doggygirl;941690 wrote: Hello Fabbie Abbies! A zoom zoom check in for me. Although not sold in drug stores, no animal testing for Mary Kay products either.

            Greenie, I hope you get your mojo back soon. I think we are not destined to have great mojo every day. I think I used AL on days like that to try to fake some mojo. What seemed to work in the younger years definitely stopped working in the "29" years. Maybe it's a time of rest and rejuvination on the inside?

            G I was thinking of you yesterday in terms of magical moments. There is a man who is newly coming to our AA group and sometimes someone's eyes are just like a mirror. I see my old fear in his eyes but I also see my own hope in his eyes and that is magical!

            Hello to everyone yet to come! One thing is for sure....

            Ah, that's grand DG. I hope this fella see's it through.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              AF Daily Monday 8/23

              Hi HC. All the best!

              I'm off to bed. Take care everyone!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                AF Daily Monday 8/23

                Hello Hello Hello! Wakey Wakey!

                Thanks for starting us off, Greenie. I hope you are getting yourself back in sorts. Do you cut your own hair? I think I'm going to try that as the past few cuts I had were a disaster. Reminds me of the joke about the woman who backed into the airplane propeller...

                Papmom you certainly had a busy day yesterday. I'm impressed with your checkilist! Won't it feel good to have all that done and it's only MOnday morning?

                Uni - so good to hear how things are going. You sound excited, and happy. What a good start you are getting in your sobriety. It's nice you can check in here too while you're there. How many more days to you have?

                Marshy I hope you got some rest yesterday - you deserve it!

                M3 yep in the past this woman would have been my best friend too. Sure had lots of 'em like this in my old friday and thursday afternoon neighborhood playdate days. DG your comments were funny about how that was you! Yes this is a chance to change habits and I fully intend to do so. There are some activities I am interested in which meet in the evenings. Before this, I would not have done it because it would have interfered with wine drinking. However, now it's hard to get there because I am just plain tired and want to get in bed with a book!

                Hi HC - good job talking to your husband. First take care of yourself, ok? I can't remember where you are in your sobriety but I hope it helps and it sounds like you have a good strategy.

                Hi G - off to bed with you then!

                Hi Dg - eyes like a mirror is better than eyes like a trout. Heard a woman talk about her husband having eyes like a trout once on NPR many years ago. He was a drunk and she wound up leaving him.

                Here's to having bright eyes!
                AF since May 6, 2010

                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                  AF Daily Monday 8/23

                  Good Morning All,

                  Up and ready to go to a loooooong meeting today. But, it is with a great group of folks whom I work with regularly and it will be very productive.

                  Greenie, Noticed you've been in a funk for awhile. Sending you hugs. Sometimes you just have to ride with it. I find that my energy and mood start to dip this time of year. Part of it is because the days are getting shorter and I am very sensitive to that. The other is that I have lost two very special people very suddenly and unexpectedly around this time of year (my mom and fiance). Also, it's the end of Summer Fun and back to the grind. So, I'm wondering if there is something connected to this time of year for you too?

                  All I can think of for now. Headed to the shower.

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily Monday 8/23

                    90% of my "beauty" routine comes from Trader Joe's or Burt's Bees. Tinted moisturizer is Phys. Formula Organics. The only thing I use not on this list is my concealer and that is due to be replaced. Thanks for the list Greenie. This is a keeper!!

                    greeneyes;941674 wrote: By the way, these are drug-store brands that don't use animal testing. Make a statement with your purchases.

                    > Cruelty-Free Drugstore Finds:
                    > Alba Botanica
                    > Almay
                    > Avalon Organics
                    > Bonne Bell
                    > Burt's Bees
                    > Carmex
                    > Certain Dri
                    > Conair
                    > David Babaii For WildAid
                    > Dr. Hauschka
                    > Eco-Tools Cosmetic Brushes
                    > Freeman Beauty
                    > Hard Candy
                    > The Healing Garden
                    > Hugo Naturals
                    > Jane Cosmetics
                    > Jason Natural Cosmetics
                    > Jergens
                    > John Frieda
                    > Jolen Creme Bleach
                    > Kiss My Face
                    > Mr. Bubble
                    > OPI
                    > Organix
                    > Orly
                    > Palmer's
                    > Physicians Formula
                    > Prestige Cosmetics
                    > Queen Helene
                    > Revlon
                    > Rosebud Perfume Company (at NM Walgreen stores)
                    > Soap & Glory (at Target)
                    > Tom's of Maine
                    > Trader Joe's Company
                    > Wet n Wild
                    > White Rain
                    > Yes to Carrots
                    > Yes to Cucumbers
                    > Yes to Tomatoes
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily Monday 8/23

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Monday, Monday
                      I'm ready to jump straight into some work then head out later for a haircut myself. My short hair style requires frequent trims - nothing I can do myself, that's for sure!

                      Will be heading out early tomorrow morning with EB & his parents. They have invited me to join them for a day at the Philadelphia Zoo. Haven't been there for quite a few years so it should be fun

                      Greenie, hope your mojo returns today!
                      Btw, I use an Almay facial scrub great & doesn't irritate my sensitive skin.

                      Gaia, hope you can find some peace & happiness in your new location.

                      Greetings G & DG!

                      HC, I hope your spouse gives you a break with his drinking. That must be very difficult for you! It's only now, after some good AF time under my belt that I can see how selfish abusing AL really can be for the people around you. I drank to block the emotional pain of constantly being rejected by FH. It was a shitty choice I know but I couldn't bring myself to just turf him. I now know that would have been a better choice for me in the long run. I'm pretty sure that's why he has chosen to leave at this point in time. It is a gift.......

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Monday 8/23

                        Cross post M3 & papmom
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily Monday 8/23

                          Busy in here today!

                          Greenie, I'm plodding too. Can't seem to get off my arse and "do" anything, so instead of feeling bad about it I've decided that... it's OK to feel like that. Ta-da! It will pass sometime. It's pissing down outside and I'm hunkering down with some trashy romances.

                          Need to get my hair cut too but my hairdresser has gone on holiday. How dare he! :H

                          Checked my extensive range of beauty products (shower gel, toothpaste, moisturiser) :H - all good. Can I add Nivea to the list coz their moisturiser is great.
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF Daily Monday 8/23

                            Marshy;941732 wrote: Can I add Nivea to the list coz their moisturiser is great.
                            erm... no. Also, beware of companies that claim to not use animal testing in our laboratories as they may use third party companies that DO.

                            My funk is a combination of hurdles I must jump. I keep looking too far down the road at all the hurdles. I need to drop into ODAT mode and just jump one at a time. Impatience is not my friend. Thanks for the support, friends. :h
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily Monday 8/23

                              Greenie, I know companies use wording to imply that their products are not tested on animals when in fact they are but this is from Nivea's website:

                              "No laboratory animals are used during the development of NIVEA cosmetics."

                              Is there a loophole there? I can't see it. Or is "development" different from "manufacture"? I think I'll email them and ask (as if they'd tell me :H).

                              I've emailed them. I'll let you know the response.
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

