Hello everyone! Mary, I love your comments about fears. Fear can sneak into my life so quietly and easily. I still have to work on staying very aware. A good sign for me is when I feel I want to avoid something. Fear is usually somewhere behind that.
Dance, I bet you were excited to get your 1 year chip! I love reading your story of how you ran up and said thank you and ran back.
I like your comments Dance about needing different things at different times. Me too. Lately there has been a lot of new recovery under my nose and I am really feeling good about seeing the hope in people's eyes. The guy who had 3 weeks on Friday continues to come every day to the 7AM meetings. There were two other new guys today - one with just a week today. They both spoke of how they hit bottom and were SO ready for recovery. It's sad how horrible that "bottom" is but I'm grateful I hit mine while I was still alive so I could experience recovery. Watching it in others is just :h. We talked about Step 12 today. There were tons of great comments. After my recent scary experience with the relapse person, the necessity of always having 2 people for that sort of 12th Step work was driven home for me today.
I'm grateful to be sober and to start my day off with such a positive experience as I always have with this AA group. I hope everyone has a fabulous sober day today!