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AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

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    AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

    Wakey Wakey everyone!! It's a gorgeous day here in the North East- FINALLY!! Just needed to check in with everyone but I really can't post much as I am at work and have to attend to my transfers in a bit. Back now-they're starting to come in so I will say Ta until tonite. Hope everyone has a fab ab day!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

    Where the heck is everyone? I expected to read a lot of stuff about Greenie and DG and Mom3 and Lav and...


    I wanted to say that Jewel did not feel very welcomed here and that makes me feel badly. I don't think it was intended at all.

    Jewel, if you are reading this, please post. (However, the halls do seem a bit quiet today, so shake things up!!)

    Anyone who visits here and thinks they need to be sober for 30 days or more, that is not true. All you need is the "desire to be sober." That is all that matters.

    The people here for the most part are sober and that is a really good group to listen to. They will listen back. They know what you are going through and they know how to get through it.

    This is my personal invitation for anyone desiring sobriety. :welcome:

    I have absolutely no fear that anyone on this thread will disagree. I feel very comfortable on this thread and I am no saint, trust me.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

      Good morning!

      Thanks, Cindi.... I can be overly sensitive. But it is true, that is how I felt. I was very hesitant in even posting a couple of days ago.

      I hope I get to know all on this thread and through out the boards soon and feel like I belong.

      Have a great day everyone!
      If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


        AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

        Amen on the weather, Papmom! I loved the rain on the first day, still happy on account of the brown lawn on the second day, not so much love on the 3rd. Just wanted to nap, which my boss, oddly, frowns upon.

        Jewel, I missed the flap, if there was one (pesky work interfering with "me time" again ), but I didn't have 30 days under my belt when I first posted here (or on a number of days thereafter!), and as far as I knew, nobody cared. Or maybe I'm just obtuse and don't notice "clubbiness" in a thread. I even posted on AA Daily, misreading it as AF daily, and no one bit my head off there, either.

        Regardless, AF Daily seems like 1 day sober would qualify, so welcome! Warm and funny women here (my favorite kind! and an occasional warm and funny guy, too), and I stop in when I can.
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

          P3, thanks for the wake up call and for starting us off today! The weather is gorgeous here too, for which I am THANKFUL beyond belief! A good day to be out and about.

          Hello Jewels and Cindi! Great to see you both today.

          Jewels, everyone who is trying to stay AF is welcome here as far as I'm concerned, and I believe that to be true of all the regular Daily AF posters. The more the merrier. What exactly made you feel unwelcome if you don't mind me asking? I sure didn't see anything I thought was insensitive but I don't see every post so may have missed something.

          I can relate to hyper sensitivity today. Had some harsh feelings while out with Sister this morning. They really were unfounded and I'm learning to think through what is "my problem" in terms of my perceptions and reactions rather than always feeling like someone else is *doing* something to me if I feel uncomfortable. The thing I was feeling uncomfortable about is a matter of me learning how to speak simply and honestly, and learning to say "no" when appropriate rather than just expecting others to behave in a way that *prevents* my discomfort.

          Just some food for thought that I am personally finding useful - Jewels, I have no idea if that applies or is helpful for you.

          Mean time, the sober life is the good life. Taking a little break right now for lunch and them I'm off to work in the mission's Family Center for a couple hours this afternoon. Should be interesting to see what I end up doing. Since I mentioned that babysitting is my area of least experience, anybody want to lay odds that will be my first task??? :H I'm wearing white pants which increases the odds I think... Then I'm going to head to Curves and then out to my neglected garden to see what has rotted since my last visit to that forgotten place!!

          Zoom Zoom. One thing is for sure. When my thinking gets goofy like it did earlier today (a pity party mode for sure) AL would only make it worse! There will be no drinking for this girl today.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

            Hi Pride - cross post! Ditto on the "all are welcome" front. The only thing that has ever not worked out real well in my recollection on this thread is folks with moderation as the goal. It's not a good thread for people who are intending to keep drinking. (not the same as slipping and struggling!) We are not really qualified to help as none of us regulars have been successful at moderation. Lord knows we have all tried it.

            Anyway...also wanted to say YES to PAGuy and the others to the GF club! (and anyone else. It's a wide open club)

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

              Afternoon fabbies!

              Jewel, I don't think I knew you were here. I don't always read back but I may have and just forgot to say hello. I'm in "fake it till you make it" mode at the moment and even considered dropping out for a while as I don't feel I have much to offer. However, I reconsidered as it might not be a good idea to cut off this aspect of support. Besides, I am queen of the universe and I'm afraid Lav's fat blue head might be coveting my crown, so I'd best stick around. So, :welcome: jewel.

              I swapped out a monitor from the hole. I was about to go blind with that other one.

              Gotta zoom!

              Oh, and ONE thing is for sure!!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                Hey Abbers!

                Sorry I'm just getting here today. I looked to see if someone started the day earlier this morning. If I'm not feeling 100% positive I tend to not want to start the day's thread. I'm dealing with yet another FH issue & not exactly 100% smiling - if you know what I mean :H
                I did another smudging last night since the moon was still so bright........maybe it will help!

                I'm jumping through hoops trying to drum up some new business but.......
                I hope everyone is having a more productive day, really

                Jewel, I certainly hope you remain part of our group here - the support is invaluable! Getting to know new people may be a little uncomfortable at times but it is worth the effort in the long run.

                DG - if you need babysitting pointers you do know to ask Mi Mom Lav

                Wishing everyone the best today!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                  Cross post Greenie - your crown & DG's tiara are safe.........they won't fit on my big, blue head
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010



                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                      Thank you very much for the warm welcome.

                      I am just a bit sensitive.... I apologize.

                      You are a great bunch and I hope to be a part of this group. xoxoxo
                      If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


                        AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                        Good to see you back Jewel!
                        Stick with us, we'll end up fitting you for your very own crown as well :H

                        It just occured to me that I should share this link with everyone - they make awesome smudge sticks

                        Juniper Ridge - gifts from the mountains and deserts of the West

                        I keep extras on hand.........just in case :H

                        EB & his Mom are on the way over for some turkey tetrazzini. That boy loves turkey & his Mi Mom
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                          Helloooooo Abbies,

                          Long day of meetings today and just got home. No time to visit here yesterday because our dear cat Raffi died yesterday. He was comfortable and stayed home with us to the very end. I spent much of my day laying on the floor yesterday and talking about all of the grand things we have done together and what a good pet he was. There was lots of sadness and emotions in my home (with three daughters you can only imagine). RIP Raffi. You were a good cat.

                          Welcome Jewels. Welcome everyone.

                          DG, Your story about taking responsibility for your feelings really hit home for me. I don't know if all of you have heard of Pema Chodron. She is a buddhist nun who has written some fabulous books. She talks about how are feelings of anger and hurt are clues for us to look inside to see what might be going on instead of looking outside to blame others for those feelings. Good stuff. I really strive to live by this...not easy but certainly easier with some AF time under my belt.

                          Greenie, Lav, I would welcome hearing from the sad or "in a funk" or whatever parts of you. We are all working hard to get through the various challenges in our lives and we are learning to do this without the crutch of alcohol.

                          Meanwhile, I have not exercised at all this week, which leads to poor sleeping, which leads to eating more crap, which makes for a very grumpy and disorganized M3

                          That's all for now folks. Be well.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                            Hi Everyone-finally back home after a busy busy day at work!!
                            Jewel, I know that everyone that was on line at the time you first posted welcomed you. If you could clarify just how we made you feel unwelcome, it would help us tremendously so that we could be that much more aware of how we welcome newbies to the thread. There's never such a thing as too much info in terms of improving communication as far as I'm concerned. If it was only one person who made you feel unwelcome, I'm sure a PM to that person would be appreciated. I know that I would be very anxious to know if I had inadvertantly put someone off. Sometimes the type written word just doesn't quite get what you are feeling across and there can be misunderstandings galore.

                            Greenie-i'm so glad you decided to stick around!! We would be lost without our Queen! BTW, you would be proud of me-I went into the body shoppe last nite at the mall and bought their concealer (for $14 I might add!!). I'm not thrilled with the ingrediants but at least they don't test on animals and I have to admit today is the first day my eyes did not look like Niagra Falls so they've done something right. I was even able to put on Mascara!! At least this tube will last quite a while.

                            I'm so excited!! While out walking LM (decided to ditch the bark collar I bought 2 weeks ago as it made him scream out in pain when he barked :upset, we met up with 2 dogs from my street. I used a squirt gun to snap him out of his barking frenzy when he sees other dogs and he got the message pretty fast. Anyway, one of the people, Deb, walks her dog every morning at 6:15am for about 15 minutes. You all know how i've struggled to get up early enough to take one of the 3 for a walk. Well, now I have motivation and committment. From now on Deb and I will walk the dogs together in the morning. It will be tough the first few days but I think like all habits, it will get easier and it certainly will help me in the activity department.

                            Lav, thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out. I sure hope things get better with the business and that FH straightens out and flys right real soon!!

                            DG-how did the mission work go? did you end up in the daycare part of it? I'm :H picturing you in white pants and little children running all around!!

                            OK, I don't know who I've missed but I've got to get the dogs fed and pottied one more time before the season finale of Burn Notice.

                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                              Hello Papmom3 Cross posted
                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!

