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AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

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    AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

    M3-cross post.
    I'm so sorry to hear of Raffi's passing. No matter how old they are or how sick they are, it's still so tough to see them go. I've said goobye to 3 old girls now and I have a 16 yo male still at home. he's doing well so far but I know he could turn the corner at any time. Raffi was a very lucky cat to have found your home. He'll be waiting for you at the Bridge. For now he's chasing butterflys and mice and is a kitten again.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

      Awwww. Thanks papmom3. There were lots of tears here yesterday. Today since I've been home, I swear I've seen him scoot by me. It's amazing how the spirit still lingers.
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

        Good Evening, Ladies!

        Wasn't it nice to finally see some sunshine on the East coast today? I know I appreciated it although I spent 4 hours of the day driving up and down the New Jersey Turnpike to attend a meeting in northern NJ. Glad tomorrow is Friday!

        M3 - So sorry to hear of Raffi's passing. May he RIP. I can't imagine what I will do or how I will feel when my dog passes. He is a 6 year old Westie so hopefully I won't be faced with that trauma for some time.

        To everyone else - hope you all have a restful evening!
        AF since 7/13/2010


          AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

          Thanks Paguy, How's the leg feeling? When is your appointment to get the second opinion? Hope your spirits are a little better. Be proud of the AF time you have underneath your belt and how you are NOT drinking despite all that you are going through with your injury. Many would have used that as a big excuse.:goodjob:
          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

            M3, I am so sorry and Raffi. They are so difficult to lose. :l

            Greenie and Lav, please don't isolate and withdraw. I am learning that when I least feel like "connecting" with my life lines (MWO and AA) - that is when I need you guys the most. Doesn't have to be fancy or upbeat - just a check in. 2 cents from the dog house anyway. :l to you both and a :b&d:, and not in a good way, for Mr. Lav.

            P3, good for you on starting a new morning routine with the dogs and a friend. As you life slowly changes in sobriety one thing at a time, you will be amazed. I predict that a year from now you will look back and you are not going to believe you are the same person as that one who used to drink too much all the time.

            I had easy duty today. I sat at the desk with the receptionist for the family center and she showed me the ropes of that job so I can do back up for it if needed. The biggest thing is the "intake form" which is filled out for anyone who calls or walks in wanting to know if they can participate in the program.

            Things were quiet this afternoon so we had a chance to talk. Perceptions and our "realities" in this life are so different. This program offers a MAJOR life line and opportunity for positive change to women and their families. But the biggest reason people either quit or don't come in? "Too many rules." In thinking about that, I guess I resist change too. If I want my life to change, *I* have to change. But I don't always see that and/or I'm not always willing. This is going to be very interesting.

            I was talking to a young woman new in this program. Her main goal is wanting to get her kids back. As part of her court mandate, she has to attend AA and NA meetings. I told her that I attend AA. That's all that was said. I have a feeling it won't be too long before a lot of people know that. I know many of these people have drug and/or alcohol problems. I have a common bond with the alcohol side of that equation. It feels risky but also right in some way. We'll see if I ever live to regret it. The woman in charge of the family center used to be homeless and as a result of a mission center program (this one didn't exist back then) she recieved the help she needed to get on her feet. She is now college educated, married with a family, etc. She believes that gives her an important connection with many of the guests.

            Anyway...I'm babbling. Time for beddy bye. And an ice cream bar. P3, I appreciated your post yesterday (or Tuesday?) about your sister who is lifetime WW. I really hope I stick with it and stay on track as a result of weekly weigh ins that could cost me Big Bucks if I insist on eating like a piggy. :H And Uni, YOU GO GIRL!!! I am so happy you are approaching your rehab with such gusto. It really is a wonderful opportunity if you treat it that way. I have found the fellowship of AA amazing, and I was definitely a die hard "AA is NOT for ME!!!!! girl for a very long time.

            Oh - I thought of you guys with fondness today while I was working out.[/video]]This song came on and while I realize it has absolutely nothing to do with smudging at all, it somehow made me thing of our occassional total weirdness as an AF team. And don't you think there should be a barbie along these lines? Possibly a headless one? That could work.

            One thing is for sure....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

              Thanks, M3. My foot actually feels fine - I just can't move my big toe :upset: I have my next appointment on Monday with a foot and ankle specialist. I should find out my options then. At this point, I'm not sure if additional surgery will fix it - will know more on Monday.

              And yes, you are right, if this happened to me 2 months ago, I would be wallowing in self-pity and self-medicating with vodka!! I am glad I am NOT there....
              AF since 7/13/2010


                AF Daily-Thursday August 26, 2010

                M3-don't you doubt for a minute that their little ghosts stick around. It's been almost 10 years since my TC died and everyonce in a while I see a flash of white and it isn't Freddy who is sleeping in a totally different room. My LM I think, is the reincarnation of TC but in dog form. He sleeps under the covers like she did and he is my lap dog just like she was. She had many dog like qualities and LM has many cat like qualities.

                PAguy-you have a dog too? Cool! I love westies!! are you able to walk him even with your foot not healed?

                Uni-so sorry I missed you before!! Your posts from rehab are one of the bright spots of my day!! You should get the award for the "camper" who embraces and gets as much out of this experience as can be gotten!!

                DG-I can only think that your being an AA member will only help connect you with some of the people at the mission. There is no shame in doing something that keeps you healthy and makes you a better person, right? you might just inspire someone there. You inspire me everyday. I'm taking babysteps but someday I will be an AAer. I just need to rearrange my priorities so I can fit it and all it emcompasses into my crazy schedule.

                OK, time for nitety nite if I'm going to honor my committment tomorrow morning. The boyz are already on the bed waiting for me!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!

