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AF Daily - Friday August 27

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    AF Daily - Friday August 27


    That is what FH posted on his Facebook page today - real nice, huh?
    The statement didn't include anyone's name (not even mine). I can only assume he hasn't made any headway in his therapy.

    G - are you going to be spending your 3 weeks in Paris by any chance? I'll bet I could organize a field trip & have a bunch of us meet you there! :h
    That would be memorable - to say the least :H:H

    I've just fired up my smudge stick again - need all the help I can get around here!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Friday August 27

      Hello again everyone. What great posts and topics today!

      Greenie, awesome to see you. In a word? bedonewith'imyousillygirl! Good that you had fun at the dog park. That is a great story from Rhonda. How often are you in touch with her? She must be a facinating person.

      M3, good for you taking on all the design stuff yourself! I can't imagine what sort of place I would be living in if I designed it myself. I must have other talents because it's NOT that!! Sounds like your space will be greatly enhanced!

      P3, how awesome that you had fun on the morning walk and might end up with a new friend to boot!

      Pride, congrats on your 1.5 months!!! That is awesome. I know what you mean about that change in thinking. It took a hard relapse for me to finally let go of that last little shred of "maybe I really CAN drink safely someday..." hope.

      Serial slippers. I exchanged mine for a pair of rhinestone studded sandals. That is all.

      For me the support of serial slippers ebbs and flows. At times I have the energy for it and at other times less so. I often struggle to remember that it's not up to me to assess anyone's journey but my own. The harsh reality is that a very high percentage of alcoholic will die as active alcoholics. Those statistics apply to those of us here too. Only a tragically small percentage of people achieve long term sobriety. I also try to remember that reaching out to others is not so much about the sobriety of others, but of the sobriety of me. Helping others keeps me humble and centered somewhere other than me me me. It is definitely an ebb and flow though. I'm getting more in touch over time with my energy.

      G, I have not taken a long holiday since getting sober. A few short things. I have not wanted to take a "real vacation" of the kind I would have staggered through in my drinking days. The trip to San Antonio with planes and hotels full of AAers was a safe way to get my feet wet with sober travel! :H I am looking forward to more of that but it is not in the cards $$$ wise right now. I AM looking forward to winter and things slowing down a bit around the house. I hope to read 4 pages per day in my novels instead of 2. I am ready to go to Paris with you and Lav if you guys are buying. :h Great question. So what are you doing on your upcoming time off?

      Hello to anyone more than 10 posts back if I missed some!

      Served dinner at the mission tonight. It feels friendly and comfortable. I'm starting to get to know the people who work there and also some of the guests and public customers and even know a couple of names. (that is big progress for me!) It is good work to do. Spreading some cheer or at least trying to.

      One thing is for sure.... as I head off to calculate the weight watchers points of the wonderful home made seafood salad and bakery brownie I brought home for dinner. (the homeless people really can eat well around here!)

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Friday August 27

        thank you DG for putting the whole serial slippers thing into perspective. You are absolutely right. We cannot hold anyone but ourselves to our own sobriety benchmark. Offer support if it's in your heart, otherwise just listen or read as the case may be.

        Lav-he really posted that on FB? Wow. That's all I can say.

        Paris hmmm. And someone said they are buying?

        Greenie-I wish my city had a dog park. It's the most anti dog city in the country I swear. You can't walk your dogs in the city parks, even on leash. You're not allowed to have more than 2 licensed dogs in one household-it actually says animals but who in their right mind would license a cat and now the city council is very close to passing a very stringent pit bull ordinance that basically treats them like the charactor Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs. They won't address the gangs that own more than half the pits in the city-no they have to go after the breed. Any wonder I am chomping at the bit to get out of this F%%**ing city?

        I think I had a big letdown at the end of the workday. I was working so hard the past few weeks to get everything done for yesterday and now it's over. I felt really blue on the way home and was surprised because I've been feeling quite balanced and peaceful lately. Ugly thoughts surfaced but I was able to recognise them as WTF thoughts and not physical cravings so I was able to ride those out. Took LM for a very long walk and met some more dog people but still didn't feel right when I got home. Ate horribly-cashews, zucchini bread and a creamsicle for dinner. That oughtta track well!! I'm going to hit the hay now with a good book (finished UNDRUNK and liked it very much) and hope I feel better in the morning. Plan is to take DD for as much of a jog as i can handle for 30 min. tomorrow morning.
        Nite all!!:l
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Friday August 27

          LAV!!! :egad:

          DG, haven't been in touch in a while, She said that last year, in person. Communication is just every once in a while; usually no reason, just keeping up. Funny, she believes in me more than I do.

          My long vacation was awesome. The 3 week one in Nags Head. It was a very active one.

          I'm enjoying all your posts, sorry I don't have it in me to chat back more.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Friday August 27

            C'mon ladies!

            Sign up for the field trip to Paris & we can charge it to Mr Lav's credit card :H:H

            I think G might enjoy meeting his US fan club
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday August 27

              Thought you'd be impressed with that Facebook post greenie.

              Charming, just charming
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Friday August 27

                Good evening, everyone!

                My goodness, what a busy thread this is today - everyone must be chomping at the bit for the weekend - Yeah!

                Lav - I've seen some pretty rude stuff on Facebook but your FH's posting is down right nasty!!

                Greenie - I can relate to your receiving letters from your ex. I can remember breaking up with someone close to 30 years ago and I continuously received letters telling me what an awful person I was. The campfire is a GREAT idea! I wasn't as creative - I just got to the point where I didn't open the letters and wrote RETURN TO SENDER and put them back in the mail. I am sure that really ticked him off! :H

                Marshy - My mom has been gone 4 years now and I can honestly say that rarely a day goes by when I do not think about her. In fact, I truly believe that I am drawing from her strength to get me through this transition to be AF. She was an incredibly strong woman and I remember one of the last things I told her when she was in hospice was that I would try to be as strong as her. I think I am finally making progress! Cherish the time you have with your mom :h

                Now that the full moon is behind us, I feel like I have gotten out of my funk this week. It was such a beautiful evening here - I enjoyed sitting outside on my patio (which I have been avoiding because that is where most of my summer night drinking would take place) and sipped on a very tastey Fuji Apple Pear Mineral Water - Yum! Then, went to dinner with some friends and now I am settling in for the evening.

                Thanks to all of you for your best wishes with my foot - I'll know more on Monday after I see the Specialist.

                Hope you all have a fabulous Friday evening and weekend.

                Best wishes to all of you....
                AF since 7/13/2010


                  AF Daily - Friday August 27

                  lav. PM me with mr lavs info and I will thoroughly screw with him on facebook! I am in for Paris as long as he is paying! I have lots more to add, but will do that perhaps tomorrow after the in laws leave.
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily - Friday August 27

                    Lav - OMG what a cross post to miss! What is really funny is that most of us are quite sensitive and tend to think *everything* is directed at us even when it's not. So..... If Mr. Lav has 250 FB friends, then I bet at least 249 of them are thinking he was directing that at them, and are now thinking YOU A-HOLE!!! The Universe has a funny way of making things right.

                    I am running late so gotta go but can't wait to come back later and post! Off to call Sister, then AA then farmers market!

                    Hope everyone is off to a good start. Hey - count me in for Fangirls to Paris on Mr. Lav.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Friday August 27

                      I wanna go to Paris too! G are you staying on the 5th or 6th? I would go anytime to Paris. In fact anytime, anywhere to France. It's magic!

                      Lav he's just crazy to post something like that. Definitely unbalanced. Geez. I'll join you in any rites you choose to extinguish his power over you.

                      Greenie I'm glad you are feeling better! Big hugs to you.

                      M3 I applaud you you are going through the renovation project and making all the decisions calmly. I can certainly understand hiding under the bed with wine - been there! Imagine what a well thought-out result you will have - so much better than if you had done it with AL.

                      DG busy woman you are hard to keep up with. Your energy is boundless.

                      PA you sound really good.

                      Well now I guess someone should start the Saturday thread...
                      AF since May 6, 2010

                      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                        AF Daily - Friday August 27

                        Lavande;945722 wrote: C'mon ladies!

                        Sign up for the field trip to Paris & we can charge it to Mr Lav's credit card :H:H

                        I think G might enjoy meeting his US fan club
                        Someone else's credit card? I'll have you know that i am not that underhanded!
                        So when are we going?!

                        DG, re my 3 weeks off, i'll be making music, and experimenting with some sounds, but i defo need to get out of the city for a few day's. Deserted beach and country air.

                        Best wishes all, and keep up the fight. Try to enjoy it even.....

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          AF Daily - Friday August 27

                          Good Morning Friends,

                          I'm running off to get my car fixed (and car shopping, too) and don't have much time to post.

                          Lav, I just wanted to say:shocked::shocked: about Mr. Lav's FB post! What a prick!!!! I would probably say, "Hey fuzz nuts, grow some balls! If you have something to say to me, tell me to my face instead of on FB, you weasel!"

                          Do you think I have anger issues?:H:H

                          Hi to everyone here....Doggygirl, G, Greenie, Gaia, M3, Papmom and anyone I may have missed!

                          No drinking for me today. Too much to do!


                            AF Daily - Friday August 27

                            Hiya Rusty!

                            Gaia's already started sat thread.....Anger issues? You?'re a runner......;-)

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

