I thought I'd start week 5 as I think we could all so with a fresh start...
Rusty - Hows that knee doing?
Papmom - I hope you successfully beat the blues yesterday, as a fellow dog freak whenever I get down I focus on how much i love my darlin dog and how much pleasure she gives me, it cant help but make me smile.
Lav - New chicks coming, how lovely! Photos please....
Sped - I hope your 23 mile run went well, thats a hell of a distance! Hopefully the endorphins will give you a much needed mental boost. Im a great believer in chains of events occurring in devine order and maybe your year of sobriety was necessary to give you the clarity about your marriage and hopefully the strength you are going to need to deal with it. My heart goes out to you so much as I know the difficulty I have in sorting out the details to allow me to move forward. Again finding this unique little band of supporters isnt just here by accident and we will be here whenever you need us. :l