I've already been for my short walk with the neighbor. Need to start getting ready for work and try not to be late!!
The soup kitchen picked up all my extra veggies yesterday. I would LOVE to have a garden big enough to give half to them. I'm kind of intrigued as to what it might be like to volunteer with them, thanks to DG. they do need a little help with their website - not bad, just some tweaking and the dispatching job sounds interesting. I might check it out, might not. It's hard to commit to something like that without having a lot of free time.
Anyhoo, getting a little anxious about the weekend. My sis sent out an e-invite about the party and I emailed her back to say I wasn't coming. No response so of course I'm nervous that she is very upset. I guess I'll have to put on the BGP and ask her. I'm also nervous about going to the sheephearding trial. I'm not looking forward to keeping all 3 dogs cooped up in crates all day and just hanging out. I find these trials very boring and the clambake won't even be until late Sunday nite. I'll have to take a bunch of books out of the library tonite and I'll bring my chaise like fold up chair and LOTS of good snacks. I can think of so many things I would rather be doing on my weekend off but I know my friend will appreciate me being there and it is payback for the weekend she spent at my first agility trial. TBGP for sure!!
OK, enough or I'll be late again!!