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AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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    AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010


    I've already been for my short walk with the neighbor. Need to start getting ready for work and try not to be late!!

    The soup kitchen picked up all my extra veggies yesterday. I would LOVE to have a garden big enough to give half to them. I'm kind of intrigued as to what it might be like to volunteer with them, thanks to DG. they do need a little help with their website - not bad, just some tweaking and the dispatching job sounds interesting. I might check it out, might not. It's hard to commit to something like that without having a lot of free time.
    Anyhoo, getting a little anxious about the weekend. My sis sent out an e-invite about the party and I emailed her back to say I wasn't coming. No response so of course I'm nervous that she is very upset. I guess I'll have to put on the BGP and ask her. I'm also nervous about going to the sheephearding trial. I'm not looking forward to keeping all 3 dogs cooped up in crates all day and just hanging out. I find these trials very boring and the clambake won't even be until late Sunday nite. I'll have to take a bunch of books out of the library tonite and I'll bring my chaise like fold up chair and LOTS of good snacks. I can think of so many things I would rather be doing on my weekend off but I know my friend will appreciate me being there and it is payback for the weekend she spent at my first agility trial. TBGP for sure!!
    OK, enough or I'll be late again!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

    Good morning!! Need to make this a quickie but will try to come back later. Thanks P3 for getting things started today. Handling life with BGP's and sober is so much different than handling life like a baby with at bottle (of AL) in hand, isn't it? You will do just fine and the experience working things through with your sister, and making the most of a weekend where you are graciously paying back a friend will be good ones I imagine. Growth opportunities!! Sounds like you have a good plan to stay occupied for the weekend. (some time away to sit in a lounge chair and read some books sounds like heaven to me right about now! :H)

    John, I read your post from yesterday. Wow it is really amazing what the medical world can do these days. I could really identify with you saying that in the old days, you would be loading up on AL right now. That's exactly how I used to handle this sort of thing. (well, and any sort of thing!) You are doing great. Will you be giving an Oprah "cliff note" summary each day? That would be awesome!

    Pamina!!! :yougo: Sounds like you are wading through a mucky time of life one thing at a time. You post is inspiring just to know that we CAN handle the stuff of life with a mature and level headed outlook on things. It's great to see you. Travel safely!

    Well, I am off to AA, leads group, Curves and Weight Watchers. No worries about the weigh in this week. I have been a good girl and will keep my $13 in my pocket today.

    Hello to everyone yet to come! See ya later!! Here's to mojo! (enough of your own, or if not sharing a bit of someone else's)

    One thing is for sure.....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

      Papmom - does your sister know about your drink problem and that's why you're not going to the party? Can you talk to her about it? Easier said than done, though, I know. I've tried to explain why I don't want to go to big booze-ups and "normal" drinkers don't get it - they just think you can go and not drink and that will be fine.

      Greenie - I tried to find some neroli but my health shop has taken the testers off the shelves because they used to get nicked, apparently. So I went to my local incense shop but they didn't have any. They sell lots of strange lotions and potions but no essential oils. They have lots of bottles of bright pink or green liquids with names like "house blessing", "retribution" or "court date" which always makes me laugh. God knows what you're supposed to do with them. I always feel very unexotic just buying some incense.

      The 5HTP made me feel drugged yesterday. Not a particularly nice feeling, and I still couldn't sleep! I'll take it before I go to bed tonight coz I don't want to be slowed down - although maybe that's the point?

      I've got a pummelling with a personal trainer this afternoon, and am then planning to go to an AA meeting, although I suspect when I get home from being beaten up I might just flake out instead.

      DG - I think we need pix of your fabulous bathroom! And what's that about $13 at WW? Do they fine you if you've put on weight??

      Pamina - thought about you the other day when I finally booked my hot stones massage. Glad you're getting things sorted out.

      Paguy - well, at least the surgery will hopefully sort your foot out once and for all. Any thoughts about what you'll do while you're immobile? I think I'd get some books that I'd never otherwise read. War & Peace or something.

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

        Morning abbies!

        Thanks for the start P3. I ate an apple with peanut butter waiting for you. Your decision to do something else doesn't determine you sister's feelings. She owns them. You know that though - so don't you go imagining what she does or doesn't feel, right?

        PA, I initially thought wow, that sucks when I was reading your post but then realized how fantastic it is that they can even DO that! The time will go by faster than you think. (consider that this year is 3/4 gone, eek!)

        Pamina, it is so wonderful to see how you look at your accomplishments. Bravo!

        Marshy, mail order for oils? Frontier has a good line. Frontier Co-op | Bulk organic herbs, spices, teas & essential oils.

        An artsy GF came by last night to look at the bathroom. Another is coming tomorrow AM and a third to be arranged. It amazes me how they get excited over it. They see endless possibilities and I'm like a deer in headlights. :H

        :waving: to everybody!

        It's time to hear from uni!

        Gotta scoot - meeting GF at the river for walk w/ doggies. Her grown son told me yesterday how glad she is that I came back into the picture. That we just picked up where we left off and how good it felt. He says he sees it when she comes back from the walks. That was sure nice to hear. Certainly helped my wavering mojo.

        Don't forget to oil you cutting boards

        One thing is for sure!!! My $13 will stay in my pocket too because I'm not getting on any scales. :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

          Good morning everyone!

          It seems so unfair to wake up with a headache without consuming any AL. Dearie me, just heading to the fawcet for more and more water. Hydration is the spice of life!

          Papmom- that's really nice that the soup kitchen took the veggies. I'd hate to think that home grown goodies would be wasted. And yeah, I hope your conversation with sis goes well. A very dear friend is visiting me this week, and she said that after YEARS of therapy the one thing she learned is that if there is a problem with someone you care about, the best thing to do is got to that person right away and talk about it. Easier said than done, I know, but words to think about. And, those trials sound grueling.

          DG what are you going to do with your $13? Enjoy your day!

          Marshy how is your mom doing this week? Lucky you to have a great training session. Working the body hard does so much good, even though perhaps painful at the moment.

          PAguy too bad about the surgery. Six weeks no drive is a long time. Losing your license for years because of drinking would be so much worse, to say the least. You are handling this so well!

          Greenie - where are you?????

          Pamina great job dealing with all the stressful items in your life.

          M3 I was thinking about you at the beach and how these thoughts of AL float by from time to time. To note your three years of AF experience on this trip is meaningful and inspiring.

          Must wake up kids now.
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

            Good Morning Busy People,

            It's great to read all of the high energy on the threads early in the morning. Certainly no hangovers here!

            I read the posts last night and I like to put out some extra support to Cinders who is in Chicago. Cinders, I'm happy to hear that you were planning to go to a meeting and I hope that your evening was easier than expected. In my early days of being AF, I can't imagine what it would be like to travel and stay AF. It would have been a huge trigger for me. Well, I think it still would be. I used to travel about 50 - 60% of the time before children and I never found it easy. I recall nights of laying in a bed in my hotel room and feeling so disconnected and alone. Almost like I could just float away and disappear without anyone knowing. I hope that some day soon you do not have to travel.

            Sending support to Paguy. Wow, another surgery. Sounds like you are taking it in stride. I don't want to sound too Pollyanna here but perhaps you can think of some things you would like to do but otherwise wouldn't while recovering (like read a favorite novel, journal, watch Oprah, etc). Will your partner be around to take care of you?

            P3. Stay strong with your Sistah! She loves you and will understand in the long run. Family dynamics are always in an upheaval when someone decides to make a big change, no matter what it is.

            Gaia, thinking of you and hoping your friend who is visiting is supportive of you not drinking. Are you going to tell?

            Hello to some of my favorite gals...Greenie, Marshy, and DG. I sometimes imagine what it would be like for all of us to meet up some day. It would be so much old friends meeting even though we have never seen each other face-to-face.

            Looks like the potential for hurricane Earl coming to the Outer Banks is high. I hope we don't have to evacuate. I think today may be the last swimming day on the beach. Surf is getting rough and they are predicting some dangerous rip tides.

            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

              HI still hangin' around here...

              Yeah Cindi travelling would be hard for me too, although I love to get into bed with a book and read now. It feels so cozy. I enjoy my late evenings so much more. And hotel rooms can be lovely - fluffy towels, plumped pillows.... no cleaning the bathrooms... hotel gyms early in the morning... ah.

              Hey watch out for those waves, and if it comes to evacuation, do it early! I've been there twice, once taking (seriously!) 14 hours to go 100 miles and it's hellish.

              M3 I thought about telling my friend. She is a wonderful person who cares about us very much. She shares many many personal details about her life with me. However, whenever I start to talk about myself her eyes glaze over and she casually comments "that's nice." Maybe I would need to shake her and say "Listen! I have something important to say here!" but I'm not there yet. But, focusing on the positive, she didn't drink last night, or notice or comment that I did not. At least that makes for smooth sailing.

              Greenie what oil is good for cutting boards? Good luck with the BR. I think if there's one room for having fun it's the bathroom.
              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                Hello friends.
                Quickly checking in to say hello.

                PAguy, that sounds like an amazing surgery, hope all goes well.

                Pap, what a wonderful thing to do to donate veggies to the soup kitchen! I love volunteering my time for stuff, unfortunately I have less time to do that these days and it becomes kind of stressful for me.

                Mom3--I think it would be awesome for us all to meet up one day. It feels like we all have a lot in common and if not, so interesting to hear about other's lives.

                Hello to everyone out there today. I've got a full day ahead, and hopefully my kids won't push me to the point of flipping out again this evening.

                Have a great af day all!:h

                Oh, and thanks for all of the advice about my new friend and her brother. I will pass everything on!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                  LVT...forgot to mention you as one of my very favorite too! I always enjoy reading your posts and how steady you seem. And yes, it would be wonderful to meet up too.

                  Gaia, I hear you around the hurricanes. I grew up on the East Coast near the ocean so I know all to well the danger of a hurricane and the damage it can bring. We had to evacuate our home a few l times when I was a child although my dad would not leave because he was afraid that looters would come in and take everything we had. He would send us to his sister's house which was further inland. PS...I have a few of those friends too. They like to talk about themselves alot but are not so good at listening. I'm happy that she is not asking questions or pressuring you to drink. Does she drink much?

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                    gaia I use olive oil for the cutting boards. No particular reason. What do you mean "where am I"? been wondering that a lot myself lately
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                      Good afternoon Abbers!

                      EB grandson showed up 1 1/2 hours early this morning - Yikes! I was barely awake but I sure woke up fast :H
                      I swear my pregnant DIL's thinking is a bit skewed by hormones these days. I wonder how she'll do this semester in her two classes

                      Have to run during his nap time to get a few things done - I :h watching him but I :h his nap time even more :H

                      Enjoy your AF Tuesday - I wil!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                        Hi all! Unfortunately there will be no time for a REAL good catch up today. Zoom zoom. Life is good.

                        Marshy I'm sure there are some pictures of the Phyllis Powder room (or could be some new ones) somewhere in the cyberspace of my home. Will dredge some up when there is time. I think you will have to come see it in person though to really appreciate the special ambiance!! On the WW question - In addition to group support there are flyers with a topic at each meeting, rent to pay, etc. So there is a fee of (just went up to) $13 per week (or per meeting if you go less often than once per week) while you are losing weight. Once you reach your goal weight and maintain that within 2 pounds either way for 6 weeks, you make "Lifetime member." That means as long as you don't go more than 2 pounds over your goal weight, you never have to pay again! They also have monthly passes and such that are discounted a bit but you get the idea. So now I have motivation to stay in line.

                        Gaia I spent the money on some Weight Watchers highly processed but yummy junk food items. So they got me anyway.

                        Cinders - shout out to you. I understand that meetings at the Mustard Seed if you are downtown are out of this world, and I mean that in a strange way. Might be worth a cab ride if that's in range for you. I'm told to go to a closed one. Phil went to a meeting there when he was in Chicago recently. The important thing of course is to get to one - any one - since that's a good tool for you.

                        M3, I'm jealous of the beach!

                        Greenie, hope you are having fun with your friend. Good to hear some slightly positive news about the mojo.

                        LVT - I too hope your kids behave today!

                        Lav, enjoy the EB nap time!

                        Hello to anyone I might have missed and all yet to come. I think of you whether I'm posting or not.

                        My AA Step Coach is in ICU this week. Oxygen problems. He's dying of lung cancer. I was talking to my sponsor this morning about how much he will be missed. He is such a fabulous example of someone who has incorporated the principles of AA into his everyday live, and has devoted himself to carrying the message in the most positive way. I have been so blessed to learn from him. I hope there is still more gas in the tank.

                        One thing is for sure...
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                          greeneyes;948082 wrote:
                          Marshy, mail order for oils?
                          I was trying to find a tester to have a sniff. Don't know what neroli smells like. Sometime when I'm out of my crime-ridden neighbourhood I'll find a shop that dares to put stock on the shelves!

                          momof3;948090 wrote:

                          Looks like the potential for hurricane Earl coming to the Outer Banks is high.
                          Mom3, I don't want to worry you but....

                          nfire: nfire: nfire:

                          They've just shown the hurricane on the news, somewhere in the Caribbean (Virgin Islands, maybe, I missed where), and said it's now heading towards the Outer Banks. So when we have this meet-up, YOU don't get to pick the location OK? :H :H

                          DG - sounds like a good incentive at WW.

                          Gaia, Lav, LVT and all to come, have a good day/evening. I'm going to try to get an early night.
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                            Greeting's all!

                            All good here. Just did 2 day's of training to be a facilitator for a return to employment program for folk's with mental health issues. It was interesting, and i'm excited. Great to spice things up a bit, non?

                            A grand week to all!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              AF Daily Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                              Wow - haven't been following the news this week and had no idea about the hurricanes!! :egad: M3, stay safe, OK? EVACUATE if they are even hinting about that. (she says as a former Floridian)

                              G, that work sounds really really interesting. I hope you will share more about it. I'm involved through the local Chamber of Commerce with some folks who work with all sorts of disabilities and employment.

                              Off to volunteer in the mission kitchen! I'm looking forward to it, believe it or not. Even in this continued heat.

                              One thing is for sure..

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

