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September Serenity - Week 1

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    September Serenity - Week 1

    Hi everyone

    Just thought I would get us started on the first day of what I hope will be a very serene month. Yesterday's thread was really interesting, some great stuff. Still have my visitors so this is just a quick check in.


    September Serenity - Week 1

    Good morning Rustop and a very happy a september serenity for everyone to come!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      September Serenity - Week 1

      Wishing all September serener's a safe, happy, sober and serene September!


      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        September Serenity - Week 1

        Good morning rustop, chill and guitarista!

        I love the title! I am a very happy chappy today cause I have reached 90 days!!! But I am no longer counting the days anymore...I want to accept sobriety as a way of life.
        I hope to be on this site for many many sober years to come. Have a lovely thursday everyone.

        I am gonna celebrate with a yummy fruit punch!
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          September Serenity - Week 1

          September 1...I can't believe it is here.

          On the way home from work last night, I had that feeling of excitement in thinking about the wedding. After so much planning and anticipation, we are almost there. Working till early afternoon, then coming home and organizing for the short trip tomorrow, phone calls to make, of course now it is going to rain. Whatever, I am going to be AF and remember all of it, be myself and enjoy all the people I love.

          On another thread, I was reading about a person who just found this site, and they were discussing being another person when drinking. Giving away their true selves. It is like that for me. I like the AF me, the person who is bright and funny, hard working and determined. We give away the essence of who we are when we drink. Almost our soul/spirit. So, this AF journey is one of seeking our true selves again. Especially if we have given alcohol a primary place since a young age.

          Last night my daughter said something about a cash bar and we discussed that it does not matter. We don't want people to drink too much, and don't care if they don't drink at all. I mentioned that I am not drinking at all as I want to have all good memories, and she agreed that she wants the same for herself. We both realize that AF, we will have a great memorable time. Alcohol robs both of us and so many others, especially at weddings. I have memories of past weddings that were not AF, and they are embarrassing. Now I am mother of the bride and it is so important to be AF. It was good to talk about it and make it clear ahead of time. So, any thoughts about this topic?

          I am so grateful for another month of sharing our lives and our AF journeys. Will probably check in later today.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            September Serenity - Week 1

            Hi Star- We certainly give away the essence of who we are when we drink. My AF journey is a rediscovery of myself as I stopped spiritually growing the day alcohol took over my life. I have alot of catching up to do but it's an exciting journey to go through many "firsts" again. I went to my first party, my first holiday without drink. It's so empowering!

            The last wedding I attended was majorly embarassing. I tried moderating but failed..ended up doing some stupid breakdancing, falling over a couple of times, ripping my dress and blacking out. Cringe.....
            I cant wait to go to another wedding SOBER!!!
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              September Serenity - Week 1

              Good morning,

              Rustop, thank you for getting us started on our serene month of September.
              Rebirth, congrats on your 90 day mark!! That is wonderful. Again, thank you for sharing your journey with us on this thread.
              Chill, while I'm thanking people, let me also thank you for the meditation link. I will be exploring it this weekend.
              Star, you will have a wonderful time and will have many wonderful memories. MOB is a very special role and one you need to be "present" for. Enjoy the whole experience. I'll be thinking of you.
              Sooty, my book and CD came. I jumped ahead and listened to the body scan right away. It's going to work well for me. Thank you!
              LBH, thanks for the suggestion to check out the 21 day challenge. I will definitely look into that, too.
              Mr. G, nice to see you.
              Rusty, school is going just fine so far. Thank you for asking!
              My talking parrot was a huge hit with the preschoolers and certainly got them talking. It was lots of fun.

              Have a Happy AF Hump Day!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                September Serenity - Week 1

                Hi again all,

                Huge congratulation's Rebirth on your 90 day's af. That is sensational!
                I agree when you say you stopped growing spiritually when booze took too. There are a lot of 'first's' for me, even as an older fella. It's amazing, and kinda cool, even though there's a criminal amount of living to catch up on.

                Have a great week folk's!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  September Serenity - Week 1

                  Hello everyone and a very happy september to us all. I had forgotten it was humpday, I'm all confused this week because Monday was a holiday, even though I don't work anymore I still get thrown out of synch when the routine changes!

                  Dill I am so glad you liked the body scan - its a big responsibility recommending something to someone in case they don't like it - I do hope you get a lot of out it as I have.

                  I've been to the osteopath this morning and plan another walk this afternoon as the weather continues to be good and it might not last for much longer.

                  Have a good day everybody, see you later
                  love Sooty


                    September Serenity - Week 1

                    YAY! A new month

                    Good morning & a Happy Hump Day to everyone!
                    Thanks for starting us up Rustop - hope your day is wonderful.

                    Hello to Chill & G (my fav music man)

                    rebirth - a big congrats to you on your 90 AF days - good for you girl! I hope you enjoy the DailyOM emails as much as I do.

                    Red(Star) & Dill - you both sound good! I love that we are are all moving forward together - strength in numbers, right? Your wedding will be fabulous Red

                    Sooty of the Cliffs - glad you are enjoying your weather. We are still stuck in a heatwave here - temps near 100 degrees all week, ugh. Keeping an eye on Hurricane Earl - will be affecting our weather in the next few days.

                    Time for some work!
                    Have a great day one & all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      September Serenity - Week 1

                      Hello Everybody!

                      CONGRATULATIONS REBIRTH ON 90 DAYS AF!!!:jumpwow::jumpwow::jumpwow: I AM SO PROUD AND HAPPY FOR YOU!

                      Well, today is my godson's 21st birthday and my parents would have been married 61 years if my dad were still alive. It's a very happy day for me....the sun is shining and I am unhung and happy to be able to work out again after twisting my knee. Thank you again, Nurses Lav and Papmom! I was reading the threads

                      Hi G-Great to see you! Ever hear of Les Paul? I live right near where he grew up.

                      Star-you asked our thoughts about being AF for weddings. I have been AF at some weddings but always drank in moderation at others. I never thought much about the booze at weddings.....I was always too caught up in the moment to care about AL. When my drinking was at my heaviest about a year and half-ago, I went to a wedding and was AF just because I didn't even want to take a chance on overdoing it and I really had a nice time. I didn't miss it at all. Star, you absolutely want to remember and enjoy all those wedding activities! That will make this wedding even more memorable. My aunt is in her 3 year of recovery and how well I remember her daughter's wedding several years ago. My aunt was so drunk, I bet she doesn't remember too much! In fact, the bride and groom both got really blitzed and ended up getting into a fight at the bar.

                      A cheery hello to Dill, Rustop, Sooty, LBH, Papmom, and anyone who comes along, have a wonderful AF day!




                        September Serenity - Week 1

                        Thank you rusty, dill, lav and guitarista for congrats. xxxxx

                        rusty -I love the great big pink letters! Was a delight to see them when I clicked onto this thread. x

                        guitarista- are you a man? I thought you were a woman for some reason. it doesnt really matter really.

                        Lav- I am still waiting for my long does it take? I registered yesterday..

                        Hello sooty bet you are enjoying this lovely weather
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          September Serenity - Week 1

                          Oh I am so rediculously HAPPY today!!
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            September Serenity - Week 1


                            Yes, G. is a man and I bet he is totally hot! (But I think he's married :-( )

                            G is a talented musician and is also one of our MWO jocks-a runner!


                              September Serenity - Week 1

                              you are gonna have to excuse my ignorance but what on earth is a jock?
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

