Well, somebody had to start things off.
I'm zoomin' but wanted to send healing vibes to Marshy's Mom, LVT's Sister, PAGuy for surgery next week, and anyone else who needs a healing vibe for today. And a little prayer too for Greenie's mojo. May the universe deliver it back to her soon!
Yesterdays thread was so busy that I lost track! It was the EB thread! So I'll just say hello to all and start fresh for today.
Today will be another busy one. This morning it's AA, Chamber Ambassadors, donate some stuff, return some stuff, mail some stuff, pick up some stuff, then work out. Then home to finish moving the odds and ends from upstairs and if it stops raining, go out and see what can still be salvaged from my neglected garden.
G - so are your going to be teaching employers? The prospective employees? Both?
One thing is for sure. I would be totally under water in a heart beat if I poured myself "a" (hahahaha) drink today. So I'm not gonna do it!