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AF Daily - Friday September 3

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    AF Daily - Friday September 3

    Wakey wakey!

    Greenie we didn't hear your JACKRABBIT this month??? Or did I miss it?

    Any of you have this happen? Intermittent anger? (warning - painful post)

    Two days ago, DH calls from a business trip and totally tears me apart. He for some reason reviewed some of his old thoughts from 4 months ago and his anger welled unconcontrollably and he ripped me to shreds. He said he's a putz for staying with me, that he was stupid not to leave.

    I was just starting to trust him again, to allow myself to enjoy being with him and to show love. In fact, just the day before I sent him an email of love just to send cheer while he was away and working really hard. Now I feel like I don't want him to touch me.

    He did call early the next morning, not to say sorry, but to say his anger came up and that he should try harder to put the past behind him. He said he loves me with all his heart, but how can he really feel this way if he's so cruel? Of course, he says "it's not cruel if it's true."

    He also accused me of hacking into his computer to delete a specific email that he sent me 4 months ago. He said it was a question, not an accusation, but it sure feels like an accusation to me. He said he was able to retrieve his email (probably by contacting his 'friends' who advised him to leave me and told him he's a putz for staying with me). Guess he just wanted to read it for old times sake.

    His rages are terrible to witness. I know that past is gone forever and I must forgive but I am back on uncertain grounds with him again. It's a pity. Now my guard is up again.

    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Friday September 3

    Morning abbers!!!

    Oh gaia...:l How difficult to be a player in that scenario. I'm not sure how a person could build a loving trustful realtionship in a minefield. Tranqdarts? does his rage issue affect his work as well? Do you think he would consider anger management or something like that or does he even perceive it as a problem? Seems he feels quite justified in maintaining a behavior that he obviously gets something (the rush of it?) out of; like he's entitiled to it. Maybe it would be better for you to learn how to deflect it.

    By the way, I did say JACKRABBIT! on the first - just not in print.

    Have a fabby AF friday!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Friday September 3

      Happy Friday morning Abbers!

      Good God Gaia - is this the year of the 'difficult man' or what????
      Receiving mixed messages is nothing less than frustrating & very damaging in the long run. My difficult spouse was easy enough to deal with until he hit 42 & went right into his mid-life crisis. Instead of spending a limited amount of time in crisis mode he allowed it to develop into a full blown depression! Now you see what I'm dealing with 15 years later......
      Stay strong Gaia - he needs to live out his drama & deal with his issues as well.

      Greenie, how's your weather? Did you have any Hurricane Earl weather? I'm sitting here in what looks like dusk instead of mid-morning, having light showers off & on. Well, at least this will break the heatwave - only going to 86 degrees today - yay!

      My preparation for the new chicks is done - just waiting now for delivery of the little cuties next week

      Need to get back to work.
      Wishing everyone a good, AF Friday.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Friday September 3

        Lav, just a late summer sunny, clear blue sky day. Lovely out. Had to water the tundra since we didn't even get rain.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday September 3

          Sounds like you lucked out Greenie
          Don't water that damn grass - it will keep growing!!!

          Looks like the surf is kicking up pretty good at the NJ shore. I'm located closer to the Chesapeake Bay, don't think they're expecting any problems. Well, at least the surfers are having fun.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Friday September 3

            A friend just emailed me this and said she didn't think my giving up would have such a dramatic effect on alcohol consumption figures! Cheeky!
            Alcohol drinking in Britain sees sharpest fall since 1948 - Telegraph

            Gaia - that sounds so horrible after you were starting to trust him again. But what do YOU want to do? Do you want to be with him if he treats you like this?

            Hi Lav & Greenie!

            I'm zooming... At work. Had my hair cut on the way in and have little itchy bits everywhere. Can't wait to get home and have a shower!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Friday September 3

              Hi Fabbies and for those in the US, happy start to the holiday weekend. It's a goreous fall day here - finally COOL and NOT HUMID and sunny all day! Windows in the house all open wide - it's a wonderful thing. I think everyone in my town is off work this afternoon and they were all driving around doing errands or whatever at the same time as me. How DARE they???!!!!! Oh wait. I am not queen. So I guess they were within their rights as long as they don't do that when Greenie is on the road!!!! Wow I'm feeling silly this afternoon!

              Gaia, thanks for kicking things off for today. I am so sorry you are going through this difficulty with Mr. T. I guess I have the same question as Marshy - do YOU want to work on the relationship (i.e. counseling or whatever)? Good question from Greenie too - does he see his behavior as a problem? While I think it is SOOOO important that we work on letting go of resentments over past events (just eats US alive - not the other person) that doesn't mean we are to be door mats and just sit there waiting for the same things to happen over and over. While you cannot control his behavior, you do have choices (difficult ones, for sure). :l Only you can know what is right for you.

              Lav I still wish we could have chickies! Well, we could but have just not come up with the right plan, investment, etc. to make it work. Maybe some day.... Can't wait to hear about the arrival of yours. Especially the call from the post office!

              Marshy - :H:H on your affect on Brittish alcohol consumption stats. Did your AFness cause losses to the liquor companies which in turn triggered the global recession? Geez. What were you thinking. And all this time we thought it was George's fault. Are you going to see your Mom this weekend?

              Greenie, sounds like you are having a lovely day weather wise in your neck of the woods as well. We HAVE gotten some rain this week. Of course. The mosquitos couldn't live without it. I was in my garden last night and all I could think of was my Marine Corps Uncle's descriptions of Viet Nam.

              Is LVT already on her way to the lake? Is P3 on her way to the sheep herding trial? Hello to ALL fabbie abbies!

              One thing is for sure....

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Friday September 3

                Doggygirl;950775 wrote: Did your AFness cause losses to the liquor companies which in turn triggered the global recession? Geez. What were you thinking.
                Oh no! I caused the recession. Oops!! :H:H:H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Friday September 3

                  Yeah well the sharp decline in liquor sales was probably offset by the sharp increase in ice cream sales. :H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Friday September 3

                    greeneyes;950795 wrote: Yeah well the sharp decline in liquor sales was probably offset by the sharp increase in ice cream sales. :H
                    It's ALL Greenie's fault!!! What a woman...
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      AF Daily - Friday September 3

                      greeneyes;950795 wrote: Yeah well the sharp decline in liquor sales was probably offset by the sharp increase in ice cream sales. :H
                      :H:H You're not wrong Greenie
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF Daily - Friday September 3

                        I can vouch for the uptake in ice cream sales :H

                        I've been a busy little bee this evening. Got me a new phone!! Will this one be "Mr." right? it's android Sumsung Intercept touch phone and I've been playing with it all nite!! It's very cool and it's...... wait for it.....

                        PINK!! :giggle: inkele:

                        The only bad thing so far is I can't get my bluetooth ear piece to "talk" to the phone. It's connective and active but when I push on the talk button, it doesn't ask me to "say a command". It says nothing. I'll figure it out. Probably end up getting a whole new headset as mine is about 5 years old and probably doesn't understand "droid".

                        Gaia-I'm so sorry your hubby is being so mean. I have no advice in this area but others have asked some really interesting questions. just know we are here for you.

                        DG-glad the weather has turned for you. We're expecting our cold front tomorrow. Lav, has it hit you yet?

                        Marshy-have a nice trip home. Hope the visit is a positive one for you.

                        I think I forgot to read through the rest of the posts so will go do that now.

                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

