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AF Daily- Sat 9/4

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    AF Daily- Sat 9/4

    Wakey Wakey, Fabbies!!

    Heading out in a bit to partake in the clean up project for the Congaree National Swamp.

    Congaree National Park - Things To Do (U.S. National Park Service)
    We (sierra club) are cleaning up the road leading to and from the entrance. If it's not too hot (like yesterday), I'll go knock around in the park a bit when we're done. I have quite the sun hat to wear. Then since I'm on that side of town, I'll drop by to visit GF w/ a birthday pressie for her. Maybe pick up some lunch to bring.

    Haven't really thought past that, but I know one thing's for sure.........

    Have a serendipitious saturday!

    Feck. It had been changed to LAST Saturday & I didn't know. I was wondering why they picked a holiday weekend. Buggar. Guess I'll go to the river with little doggie.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily- Sat 9/4

    Morning Greenie & everyone!

    Looks pretty swampy there Greenie :H
    Is that area also filled with mosquitos & spiders? I took a walk thru a bayou outside New Orleans several years ago - the 'wildlife' put on an amazing show!

    Nothing special planned this weekend - gonna play it by ear. Mr Lav the yard boy is on the way over. Hope his slighlt lighter mood is still with him.

    Will check in later - wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily- Sat 9/4

      Hello friends.

      I'll be you all thought I've been lounging around at the lake drinking tonic and lime and reading some smutty novel, huh? Well you're WRONG!:H

      I think I may have printed the wrong picture in your minds about this "lake". It is a state recreational area on the edge of town, which is 8 miles from my home. It is nice, but gets pretty crowded, so I wanted to get our camper out there to save a spot. I will say I have had to force myself to learn to pull the camper (a 25 foot 5th wheel) with hubby's pickup and get it situated and unhooked by myself, because he is always busy. He does hook it up for me usually because I am afraid of doing it wrong and losing it halfway to town!:H I took me almost an hour to get it there and get it into position, but it is there. After I unhooked, I discovered that when I left in such a rush when Terry had her last "spell" and hubby had to take the camper home, he neglected to dump the septic.:eeew: or empty the fridgg, which luckily didn't have much of anything perishable in it. So now, we (I) have to hook it back up and go dump the sewage and then put it back. Oh, well.

      I'm letting the boys sleep in (big football game last night) and we will head to the lake later for the rest of the weekend. Hubby has work to do (since I made him go to the game with me) so we won't see much of him at least today. My son turns 16 tomorrow so I hope it is a fun weekend for him at least.

      Speaking of phones...I WANT A PINK ONE!!!....My son's got stolen at school the other day and whoever took it was using it to send obscene messages to his friends. (girls) Funny, huh? We'll see how funny they think it is when the cops come to visit and this madd mom gets ahold of them for the $40 it cost to replace it. Of course the whole thing got blown out of proportion when I told hubby about it cuz he was drunk and obnoxious.

      Gaia, I'm sorry your hubby treats you that way. It sounds like he is the one that needs therapy, but if he's anything like mine he wouldn't even begin to consider that! I hope your situation improves.

      I guess it can be expected in a small town, but guess who is now working with me at the cemetery? My new friend's brother with the drinking problem! He is a nice guy. I need to find out from my friend if he knows we have been conspiring behind his back before I say anything. And then....not sure how to approach it.

      Ok, I'll stop going on and on and on about ME. I need to get busy so I can relax for a bit.

      Have a great sober weekend everyone!!!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily- Sat 9/4

        Top of the Saturday ABeroooos

        my, it's a schleepy morning. yawn.....
        working today and home tomorrow finally. whew, been a long darn week. I miss Dx so much! sniff sniff.

        Swamp cleaning? interesting. if there are spiders involved then I'm definitely out. eeeek!

        ok, off to some emails

        be well friends
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily- Sat 9/4

          Fabbie Abbies!!!

          Greenie, thanks for getting us started today. Hope you had a nice river walk with Little Doggie. So sorry that you missed the swamp cleaning!! I hate when that sort of schedule mix up happens and it was LAST week rather than NEXT week. Well, I guess it was meant to be that way. Maybe you avoided a big ol' spider bite. :egad: How's the mojo today?

          Lav, I admire you making a positive out of the Mr. Lav situation. Most of us would LOVE to have our own yard boy. Seriously, I too hope he is in lighter spirits and maybe you two can have a decent visit and actually * talk* about stuff.

          LVT, your posts remind me of the dog trainer who worked with our female Shepherd. She is very competent and figures out how to do just about everything on her own. Mr. Doggy fondly refers to her as "Prairie Woman" in the most complimentary way. I think you too are a Prairie Woman!! Hope you have fun this weekend and that your son has a very special 16th b-day.

          Deter!! Hi! Good to see you! When does Dx come home?

          Hey - how is Jewel doing? Early sobriety is tough - Jewel if you are reading check in and let us know how you are doing. Whether it's good news or bad news, we are here to help and support you in your journey. (that goes for all AFers and those attempting to be AF out there!!!)

          Hello to everyone from yesterday and today and tomorrow. Does that cover things???

          The weather here today is GORGEOUS!! I'm loving sitting in my temporary office with windows all along 3 sides. This room has always been called The Wisconsin Bar Room in our house. :H Wonderful view of the woodsy yard with all these window. Wood paneling. Guns and birds and fish on the walls. Christmas tree lights all around where the cieling and walls meet. :H It's a dry bar now. Windows open. Breeze. Love it.

          I was asked this morning to be the speaker at an open speaker meeting tomorrow morning. That came out of the blue and the request rattled me at first but after an hour long meeting to think about it, I said yes. Last time I did this I ended up with a new sponsee and friendship so maybe another blessing is on it's way.

          Might go out to dinner tonight with Mom & Dad & brother and nephew. Haven't seen brother in a long time. I'm guessing he's buying too. And he has good taste in food. Why not???

          Life is good. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to mess it up by drinking today!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily- Sat 9/4

            We can call LVT "laura" from little house on the praire! :H I have to admire your nonpulsed comment about hubby forgetting to empty the septic and fridge. I am absolutely certain I would have been angry about that. Made me want to give him a haircut for a second there. :H

            The river was superb! I took river sandals and bumped into a guy I know that trecks across with their doggie. So we crossed over to the island and through the stream to the river side. He let his doggie off leash (he'd been wanting to but nervous about it) and the two had a good butt-scooting frolic. He told me about a veggie stand I didn't know about so I went to check it out. It is right in the yard at the farmer's house on honor system. I picked up a red pepper, a smallish eggplant, a nice zucchini and I scored some red okra that is beautiful! I've never had it before so I'll let you know. Heirloom Red Okra

            Good mojo today.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily- Sat 9/4

              Wow Greenie. Let us know what you do with that Okra! Sounds like a good day!

              OK. I took a break from reading One Breath At A Time to look Shooties to be exact. I came across these. They are actual shoes you can buy with real money. Really. This is not a joke.

              Devious Ballet-1020 - Black Patent - Free Shipping & Return Shipping -

              These are less expensive and have to be infinitely more comfortable.

              Funtasma Frolic 10 - Red Microfiber - Free Shipping & Return Shipping -

              :H I will pay $5 to see any one of you in those devious ballet shoes. $10 if you are a guy.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily- Sat 9/4

                Greeting's FabAbber's!

                Ah alright! I'll put on a pair. They'll go well with me kilt.....;-)
                Glad you have mojo Greenie.

                Wishing all a safe, sober, and magical weekend.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF Daily- Sat 9/4

                  I'd pay too to see someone in those shoes - you wouldn't catch me dead in them :H

                  Congrats on keeping your cool LVT!
                  I'd be busy planning revenge..........something involving the contents of the septic tank after this weekend :H

                  Well, the yard boy was here & pleasant enough. Promised to return tomorrow morning. He's noticing certain jobs around the house & yard needing attention. Mumbled that he is 'trying'. That is his offhand way of telling me that he is feeling a bit better.

                  My daughter stopped by to help me peel apples & make 5 quarts of applesauce. This is the first year the apple trees produced enough fruit to actually do something. I also baked a very tasty Apple Challah

                  So far so good today!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily- Sat 9/4

                    OK G. I will be waiting patiently for the pictures of you in a kilt wearing the Devious Ballet shoes. You are ON GF (Guy Friend)! You have a magical one too. Are you gigging?

                    Lav, we are on parallel journies in the fruit department this year. That sounds pretty spiritual in a grape, lemon and cherry sort of way, doesn't it??? I'm staring down a huge basket of apples myself wondering what to do with them all. Applesauce would make Mr. Doggy very happy. Eating a couple of them a day and making Apple Crisp more often than I can afford the points is not making a dent. Our apple trees are still pretty young and this is the first Big Production year we have had. I suspect weather conditions have somehow been favorable (for apples more than for people) so we shall see for next year. I guess I should drag the jars and pots and stuff back out...again. Good to know that YB is...."trying." Do you think there is hope for a *normal* relationship with him somewhere down the line?

                    One thing is for sure...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily- Sat 9/4

                      Well gee, DG-I would LOVE to get that $5 but unfortunately the Devious Ballet slippers don't come in Pink so I'll have to pass!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily- Sat 9/4

                        Freeze the applesauce DG - I did! I really can't stand the whole canning process & I still have a steam scar on my right inner wrist from the peach jam.......

                        I'm way too stubborn to permanetly give up hope on YB or anyone else for that matter. I really believe that anything is possible - look at all of us
                        As far as having a 'normal relationship' with him........I don't think we really ever did have one. It just was what it was. I was always acutely aware that there were bits & parts missing but just accepted it because I couldn't change him. I just loved him the way he was - imperfect We'll see what happens. I'm just letting him live out his drama for now, letting him figure things out on his own.

                        No excitement here tonight - EB coming over tomorrow - Yay!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

