Gotta make this fast (ok, I can hear your sigh of relief from here!

Deter I have been thinking of you a lot since you posted yesterday. I wish relapse had not happened for you. I'm so grateful that you chose to share about it though. This is truly a one day at a time gig and we can never let down our guards. I was thinking that even now when I am feeling generally strong in sobriety, there are occassional thoughts that pop through my head, seemingly out of nowhere. Nothing like an "urge." I don't feel compelled to act on these thoughts. They are usually really silly. Things like "if you went on that Alaskan cruise someday you could drink and who would know." But I'm seeing every day that these thoughts are not harmless, even though they are brief and in the "now" they do not feel like a threat to my sobriety. AL is always out there doing push ups in the parking lot.
Deter I hope you are feeling better today and just ready to get back on the wagon and move forward. I hope you will share more about what went wrong if / when you feel up to it. I would be grateful for the help.
Hello to all. One thing is for sure. I will NOT be drinking today.