Greenie - Same problem here with the meditation......don't know where it got to????
I posted this on the daily thread:
John's partner called just before 6 pm - John is home safe & sound. The surgery turned out to be a little more involved than originally thought. Apparently there were some nerves that needed to be repaired as well. He's kind of wiped out today but will be back on line in a few days. Let's continue to send him good vibes from all over - they're sure to help

Papmom, keep those BGP's'll be OK! Disappoinments are just that & not the end of the world. I think I have finally learnned that lesson myself

Gaia, you keep your BGP's on too! We all need titanium pants, right Greenie?
Stick to your guns girls - that's what I'm doing.
Hi Cindi!
Time for a little relaxing!!