I listened to a telecast last night while I made and ate dinner. Gotta love speakerphones. It was good and if you're interested, here's the replay link. audio
These are 6 steps to stopping fear
1.Stop looking for other people's approval to determine your own self worth.
2.Stop feeling responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others.
3.Stop thinking you can change what happened yesterday by reliving it today.
4.Stop spending time with people who have agreed to live with negative states.
5.Stop believing you can only be as successful as you are willing to push yourself through life.
6.Stop explaining or justifying your actions to yourself or others.
Fear is a big issue for me and was a major factor in my drinking. I know that FH has always used that to his advantage and would like to continue to do so. So I've yanked up the TBGPs and will keep busy on my side of the street.
Be right back...
Lav, the chicks are so cute and I just want to squeeze EB!!
Det, I'm glad Dx is home and hope you feel better after sharing your experience.
Mohun, only healthy food for you!! (we allow ice cream though
Marshy & P3, I hope you both have mega restful weekend lined up.
M3, how's the mojo?
Shout out to chilli, G, spuds, & gyco. Where's jewel, babysteps, bear....
Toight is an art show and reception with a couple friends. I used to love those as there is always self-pour wine. Now I really pick the ones to attend based on the show participants. (the hors dovures are nice
Have a fabbie AF friday!