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sunday 12/09 AF daily

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    sunday 12/09 AF daily

    Good morning all - it's a beautiful blue skied sunny day here with birds tweeting and everything.
    Been up for a couple of hours drifting with coffee and dressing gown, off to gym in a moment then sauna.Then food shopping then the mighty clean up/tidy up begins.

    Papmom - I'm not sure if I will lose weight on 1700 calories - I'm trying it for a week to see what happens.

    Had a great day yesterday wasn't tempted to drink - I had an af shandy in the pub after lunch.It really bugs me that pubs only sell diet coke and not diet lemonade!
    Great to catch up with old friends at birthday lunch, some were drinking but a few of us were AF and drink wasn't the focus of the meal (if I had been drinking it would have been).
    Takeaway Indian last night and bed at 11.30pm - another early one!Feels good though -I feel rested.

    Had a chat with friend who needs to quit smoking weed - he talked about that and I talked about drinking. It feels nice to share it with my good friends, we talked about how we all were/are heavy drinkers and how we all gravitated together. How we use both to cover up our insecurities,and how we both feel better when we don't do either.
    Anyway best do my leg stretches and get my ass to the gym!
    Blimey - is this another sandwich post?!
    one day at a time

    sunday 12/09 AF daily

    bear73;957585 wrote: Blimey - is this another sandwich post?!

    Good day Bear and Fabbie Abbies to come!

    Bear, I find it to be a relief to talk with others about the truth of this addiction. After so many years of inner turmoil and failed efforts at control and trying to keep it a secret, it's just flat out RELIEF to be able to talk to someone about it. I'm glad you have found some of that. Pot is really difficult for some people. Mr. D was VERY hooked. We share a sobriety date. For years he went on and on with the "pot is better than AL because it's not addictive..." :H:H Just like with AL, for some people it's hook city. He was one and both of our lives are way better without pot in them just like me and AL.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE today's Hazelden thought.

    Today's thought from Hazelden is:

    No person could save another.
    --Joyce Carol Oates

    We encounter the experiences we need in our lives. It's sometimes hard to believe that when we're grappling with disappointment, anger, or loss. Yet everything that comes our way is material for our growth.

    Many of us entertain a fantasy that some person can complete us. We don't believe that we're complete in ourselves. Only when we do will we become able to share in a life-enhancing partnership with another person. Only when we love ourselves can we love others realistically, instead of seeing them as fantasy figures, projections of our own desire.

    No one can hurt us emotionally unless we allow the hurt. We're full partners in everything that we do, and taking responsibility for our actions and our desires is our first step toward being fully lovable.

    The only one who can save me is me.

    How many years did I spend drinking my life away and thinking my misery was due to not having the right Mr. in my life? (or parents or friends or boss or whatever.

    Hello to all from yesterdays thread too! Lot's of action for a Saturday!

    Today I really need to tackle some applesauce before the apples go bad. They are so good. Lav the reason I don't freeze any produce is because the space is needed for the cow and pig come December. One of these days I might have to break down and get another freezer. So canning it shall be.

    Have a WONDERFUL day everyone. One thing is for sure..... there will be no drinking in Doggyland today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      sunday 12/09 AF daily

      Morning Bear, DG, Abber's, chicken's, bald headed babies, and everyone out there!

      I reckon a new freezer DG, asap. You can't be inhibited in yer jam creation's by a lack of space. The artiste need's her space!
      I have a couple of close friends who i can talk to very candidly about my drinking shenanigan's. It's great, and i'm sure a good release. I'm lucky i can talk to folk who understand. Though that's a benefit of AA, and here too.

      A marvellous day to all!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        sunday 12/09 AF daily

        Hello my friends.

        After having a week without MWO I realised just how much I rely on this place and you people to keep me focused and on the right path. In only seven days, my thinking reverted back to "one glass wont hurt", "I can drink just one and stop"!!!
        But the good news is, I didnt pick up. Instead I picked up my laptop and came to see you! Much healthier for me...

        Hope everyone is doing well and had a good weekend. I am actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow for a rest! We are in the process of getting our house ready to sell so I have been madly cleaning and getting sorted out. My body aches and I am exhausted. But we have found a house we want so it will be all worth it.

        Need to make a commitment to myself to visit more often so will catch you again later.

        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          sunday 12/09 AF daily

          Great to see you HC! You sound simply exuberant, and aglow even.......

          Have a great week.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            sunday 12/09 AF daily

            Morning abbers!

            Thanks for the start bear! My day started earty too when the cat cried outside the bedroom window wanting in (after refusing at bedtime, grrrr), then promptly puking up a disgusting grassy hairball on the carpet. It's so nice that you have the support of a fellow "quitter".

            DG, that quote is so true. I get that about me. I just have trouble leaving others alone. :H

            Yesterday, I thought it was Sunday most of the day. I realize this AM why I couldn't find Masterpiece Theatre on PBS last night.

            Everybody seems to be on the clear and clean page. Hipster, moving to a place you love is great motivation!

            I had the best coke in the world yesterday. I rarely drink soda. When I met friends for the steak sub, they all had beers. I ordered a fountain coke - caffeine sugar and all. The carbonation and syrup mix were perfection! I could have done a TV commercial on the spot. If there was drinking envy at the table I do believe it was over my coke. :H

            Have a super AF SUNDAY!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              sunday 12/09 AF daily

              Good Sunday morning Abbers!

              Damp & cloudy here today but that's OK!
              My plan is to spend another day inside organizing yard sale stuff - there's more!

              Good to see you HC! Stick with us - safety in numbers you know

              Today IS Sunday Greenie - all day long. Masterpiece Theatre tonight, woo hoo!

              Have a great day all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                sunday 12/09 AF daily

                Hello friends,

                Another busy day for me. First day of Sunday school, a potluck after church, candle deliveries, skating with the 4-H club, and a meeting this evening. I think I would rather be hanging out at the camper, but I guess it is time to bring it home.

                DG--loved the Hazeldon thoughts. If I was willing to give up more of my free time maybe I would offer to take my friend's brother to an AA meeting. I have never been to one. I live in a really small town, and the thought doesn't thrill me at all. You guys make it sound so great, but I have doubts here. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get the words Hi, I'm an alcoholic out of my mouth. Something to think about though.

                Greenie, glad you didn't step in that juicy hairball.

                Wanted to report my tomatoes are finally starting to produce and picked quite a few cucs and green beans. I think if we get the greenhouse closed up I might even have some produce for a couple more months!

                Ok, gotta run. Have a great sober day all.:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  sunday 12/09 AF daily


                  This is the first time I"ve selected 'grateful' for my mood.

                  The only person who can save me is me.

                  Nothing more to say for now.

                  Have a great day!

                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    sunday 12/09 AF daily

                    what a great day everyone is having (except for Greenie's cat!)!! Day 2 of agility and it was great one!! We DQ'd the first run-pesky teeter again and Ms. Senile forgot to run the whole middle of the course!! Run #2 was perfection!! DD took the teeter like a pro, I remember the whole course and we didn't have one fault!! Earned ourselves a 1st place and a Q (qualifying run), our first one in this organization. 3rd run was first place again (we were the only ones running) but no Q as DD decided again the teeter was very bad plus we missed one jump. All in all a very positive experience and I will gladly sign up for any other TDAA trials in the area. Nice bunch of people.

                    Don't know if it was the positive energy of the weekend or the fact that I increased my Amoryn to 2 a day but I'm feeling much much better. Probably a little of both PLUS all the wonderful words of love and encouragement you guys poured onto me this week. Even a potentially major car problem isn't getting me too upset. Haven't talked to the dealer yet however!! (The hinge thingy that is hydraulic and lifts up the hatch totally broke in half today and almost took most of the rear light housing with it. Took some finangling to get DD out of the car when we got home!!). I'm crossing my fingers this will be easily fixed and that the dealer will honor his 60 day warranty even tho it happened 1 day after it expired. My dad said he mentioned that he might take care of certain things that might happen after the warrany expires. Crossing fingers this is one of them as the whole contraption was most likely rusted out.

                    Bear-you are really lucky to have someone to talk to about the addiction. I just have you guys. I've talked to my sister about it but she doesn't really get it - at least not yet. One friend at work listens but she doesn't get it at all. I can now see why AA is so helpful and comforting. I'm still feeling a lot of resistence towards getting there-blaming it on not being able to find a meeting that's convenient for me. Weak.

                    DG-if I haven't mentioned it before, check out The Freecycle Network and see if you can get a used freezer for free. And there's always Craig's List. Of course, if you want energy efficient you'll have to settle for new.
                    Loved the quote from Hazelton today. Very timely and something I need to work on immediately.

                    Lav-Do you have more pics of the chicks? I understand they are getting very big for only being there a few days!!

                    HC-good to see you back my friend!! I can't wait to hear more about this new house of yours!! Big garden hey? I'll have to live vicariously though you this next growing season!!

                    Hey G, LVT, Gaia, Greenie and all to come. Hope you're having a marvelous Sunday!!

                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      sunday 12/09 AF daily

                      Whew. A late check in, but AF 8 days none the less. Starting to feel better. For the first 7 days, everyday I woke up I initially felt hungover. Then I would realize I hadn't drank anything the night before. Weird.

                      A nice relaxing day today I hope. Was planning gardening and yard work, but there's enough rain to justify staying indoors and watch tv.

                      I like the Hazeldon comments as well. I've tried quitting for my wife and for my children. It doesn't work. But I really have to quit for my self.



                        sunday 12/09 AF daily

                        For those interested, here's the video that was shot of our second run yesterday. Not clean but you can get an idea of how tight the course is and look at those cute itty bitty tunnels!!
              [/video]]YouTube - Pam and Koby
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          sunday 12/09 AF daily

                          Way to go Mohun!! Keep up the great work! And yes, you have to do this for yourself first but having your wife and kids as motivators doesn't hurt!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            sunday 12/09 AF daily

                            P3 the video is AWESOME!!!

                            Gotta run mow part of the tundra & do dinner before Masterpiece Theatre.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              sunday 12/09 AF daily

                              Cool video, Papmom! Yes, those are itty bitty tunnels. Looks like lots of fun!
                              AF since 7/13/2010

