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Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19

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    Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19

    Greeting's everyone,

    Well, i went to an AA meeting on friday. My 3rd in almost 2 years. I really enjoyed it, and came out recharged and refreshed, somehow. Does everyone else feel this after a meeting too? I will go again, but i don't feel the need at this stage to attend daily, or even weekly, but i'll see how things pan out. I am strong, commited, and relaxed in my sobriety, but i also know i need to keep working on it, and keep a regular focus. AA, i suspect, will become a part of maintaining focus, keep my mind on the job, and humbled and grateful, and i see that meeting's will also remind me of where i was, and how far i've come. At the end, we all stood in a circle, held hand's, and read aloud the serenity prayer. That was very special. One member put it like this.....'when i'm here, i feel plugged in to humanity'. That's how i felt. It was a moving experience, and one that i will return to early next week.

    Mary, you used to blow snow?

    Best wishes all!

    Before i forget, Jvo, what was that link i presume you tried to post about men's health issues, and the male of today, a page or 2 back? If you were posting a link with related info, i'd be very interested to read it, if you have the time, but no worries otherwise. Thank's.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19


      Cherbear I am so happy that you are celebrating three months! Will you get a coin? I didnt because there wernt any left..Bet you cant believe that you have three AF months eh!! is that cool or what girlfriend!!

      Guitarista I feel exactly the same after an AA meeting. So glad you were moved..
      And I am moved by your singing!!!! Your voice is like chocolate to me!
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19

        Cher: Congrats!

        Yes, I did blow snow...real cold, freezing, Massachusetts snow.

        Rebirth: Thanks for reminding me about drinking Sundays. That was my prime day to drink. Just thinking about it upsets my stomach & gives me a headache.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19

          Hello all! Just got back from an AA meeting and rebirth, I'm right there with you on that gratitude that I have AA to help me stay stopped! Sunday was a massive drinking day for me too. While every day was a drinking day for me, Sunday was the day I usually felt the most "guilt free" about it. I usually made sure I had NO committments to anyone or anything. Katie bar the door - the drinks were flowing early and often. Sunday was usually a "2 drunk" day as I would pass out early for my "nap" and then wake up hungover in the afternoon, and drink some more. Over time, my Mondays became nearly impossible. I am so grateful that today is different. Rebirth, you can ask for your coin again at your same meeting, or if you go to a different meeting mention that the other group was out.

          Cherber, :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS on 3 MONTHS SOBER!!!:yougo::yougo: Keep takin' it one day at a time with your busy schedule.

          Mary, those old Sundays make me sick thinking about them too. I'm glad I never ran the snow blower, because I would have done it drunk and probably would have chopped something off.

          G, I love the serenity prayer and there is nothing like saying it with a group. Glad to hear you enjoyed your experience. You have a lot to offer others who are struggling to get sober. I know you will be an asset to AA if you choose to go sometimes, sharing your experience, strength and hope (in your own very magical way!) with others.

          The topic at the 12&12 today was Tradition 1, which says that our personal recovery depends on AA Unity. This got me thinking about how I used to at why people kept going to AA long after they were "sober." Of course now I understand that sobriety can be fragile, and it's a 24 hours at a time deal. But I also realize that there is an ebb and flow to sobriety. There are times I am feeling strong in sobriety and in life, and there are times when I am feeling more vulnerable in life and sobriety. When I am feeling vulnerable, I need AA the most as I go their to gain experience, strength and hope from others. When I am feeling strong is when AA needs me the most, so I can offer my experience, strength and hope to others. I am willing to give just as I am willing to get. I view long term AA participation (and long term MWO participation) in a less selfish way than I used to view it.

          I hope everyone has a fabulous sober Sunday!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread 9/13-9/19

            Hi all!

            Cherbear, great work on 3 months sober. Fantastic!

            Thank's RB, that's a really lovely thing to hear.

            DG. i really like what you just said in your last couple of lines. About when you're feeling strong in sobriety, AA needs you, and when fragile, you need AA. I was looking at using AA whenever I think i need a booster, but now you've given me some food for thought, about my responsibilities to my bro's and sister's on this planet too, even though i do this in my day to day work. it's a nice reminder, thank's.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

