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AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

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    AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10


    Happy Humpday from gloriously sunny and COOL Massachusetts-the home of the newest Oprah winners!!!

    Need to zoom to get to work on time today after being late yesterday because......... I had 2 different shoes on and had to go home to change that :H :H I'd blame it on the big M but I'm done with that!!

    Found out this morning that the woman I walk my dogs with every morning quit drinking the same time as me!! I had heard rumors that she was a heavy drinker (neighbor worked at the Liquor store she frequented). She downplayed it this morning but as we talked, I got hints that she drank more heavily than just "a couple of glasses" of wine every nite. So I shared a bit too. We just keep having more and more in common!! I wonder if she would like to go to an AA meeting with me? I wonder if that would be appropriate thing to ask?

    John-I sure hope your PC problems get straightened out today. I would go absolutely crazy without the net!!

    Lav-can't wait for those pics!!

    Greenie-are you a great auntie yet? Flyfishing? wow!! I'm so impressed!!

    G-where are you on Holiday? anywhere exotic? I might have missed the announcement?

    DG-were you around yesterday? Sorry-I didn't go back to page 1 last nite

    Hello to everyone else that might pop by!!

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

    Morning Folks!

    Papmom - Yes, those women from Massachusetts were a delight to watch on the Oprah show. They were just beside themselves when their car pulled up onto the stage and there they were on the Oprah Winfrey Show :H Hey - make sure to check your shoes before you leave the house today!

    Not sure how much progress I will make with sorting out my computer woes but I have a plan to get started in a little bit. Wish me luck..

    Happy Hump Day everyone! :banana:
    AF since 7/13/2010


      AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

      Morning everyone,

      Pap3 how lucky you are to find a companion in our collective journey. I just read Gale Caldwell's Let's Take the Long Way Home and it was very moving. It's about her friendship with Caroline Knapp. After beating anorexia and alcoholism, Knapp meets Caldwell (also a recovering alcoholic), and they share a deep bond of love for their dogs and deep friendship. Knapp wrote Drinking: A Love Story which I have also just finished. Very moving.

      I googled Knapp and read a review of Drinking by someone who said that she was fundamentally self-absorbed and that her stories are fellow alcoholics and her struggle were boring. Callous and unfeeling. And judgemental. Obviously this reviewer has no experience with addiction and how one beats it. It made me want to write a strong letter to her. Knapp is helping so many people with her story, while this reviewer will never be remembered, least of all for her snippy comments.

      Bye for now.
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

        Hi John,

        Hope your computer problems get resolved! Keep up the good spirits.

        And I do mean spirits, not 'spirits'!
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

          Good Morning abbies!!

          Thanks for the start P3! 2 diff shoes :H I think there are more people who HAVE done that than not.

          I AM great aunt greenie! I've always been a "great" aunt, now I'm technically a great aunt! I can't wait to see her - Thanksgiving. Put in my au pair pitch.

          PAguy, I didn't know you were having computer problems. Ewww.. I have noticed your recipes and thought to self... self, PAguy must be missing being in the kitchen while he's on the mend because he seems to be thinking of food and recipes a lot. Or else watching food channel all day. :H

          Last night I went into town at the last minute and had a couple apps at a fave resto where I know the people and eat at the bar. Bartender was making martinis and I did rave over her skills, commenting that they were probably one of the reasons I now must abstain. I had killer flash fried oysters with roumelade sauce and a chilled melon soup that was awesome! Then went to a cemetary where I weasled into a full tour (I went alone to ehnance my chances) by the historic society. Beautiful balmy evening with a lovely sunset that eased into a soft moonlit night. It was interesting, but I'd like to go back in the daytime as the torches didn't do much for visibility.

          Busy today, but a massage appt and lunch is parked in the middle of it.

          Hi gaia and all to come. Uni goes home today, right?

          HAve a wonderful AF hump day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

            Happy Hump Day Abbers!

            Cool here this morning too - nice!
            Have lots to do today (of course) but taking time to go meet my former work friends for lunch. Only one of them is still working at the hospital because he son is still in college. She'll be out of there in another year, hopefully.

            I have to go tidy up the bedding in the chick box then take their one week pics - they are very happy

            Wishing everyone a superior AF Hump Day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

              Happy hump day ABeroooos! too early to think yet, but wishing you all a holly jolly AF day filled with garlic and happiness

              zoom zoom
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                Happy Hump Day all! We heard yesterday that Oprah is coming to AUS!! Whoo hoo haha
                Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                  AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                  Good morning. Day 11 AF for me. Feeling very good today. A good nights sleep, made the kids a hot breakfast and sent them off to school.

                  It's really helped that I have no business travel for almost an 8 week period. I hope that gives me a strong foundation for when I have to travel again.



                    AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                    Hey everyone. Happy hump day!

                    greenie you made me salivate! Oysters and melon soup.. I could kill for that! I live in a small backward town that only sells fish and chips. It sucks.

                    Today is the day that I kick my sugar craving in the butt!
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                      Quick (very!) hello! thanks for thinking of me P3 and fabbies. Very busy week. I could not have handled this at all without a head explosion of some kind until very recently. I'm getting better and better at one day (or thing) at a time.

                      Hope to catch up and post more later. I'm here. I'm AF. And one thing is for sure....

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                        Hello again,

                        Just getting through the day. What's for dinner everyone?

                        Pork chops for me, with mushrooms and sour cream.
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                          Gaia;960144 wrote: What's for dinner everyone?
                          Mushroom soup, cauliflower curry. Yum!

                          Now off to bed to sleep it off! Just been listening to a radio phone-in about George Michael being jailed for drug-driving. Apparently he has 25 spliffs a day - I'm amazed he could function well enough to even find the car.

                          Papmom - could you mention that you're thinking of going to AA to your friend and see how she reacts rather than asking her outright?

                          Have a good week everyone!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                            Marshy that sounds delicious!

                            Ug ug grinding away. Tomorrow WILL be better, I just know it!
                            AF since May 6, 2010

                            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                              AF Daily-Wed 9/15/10

                              Cup of slimline soup for my dinner tonight.Prefere what you are eating Gaia
                              No sugar today so far!
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

