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sat 18/09 af daily

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    sat 18/09 af daily

    Thanks for the link M3! Gonna give a couple of those a whirl. I order some other stuff from Vitacost (i.e. cod liver oil) and so need to buy some stuff anyway.

    Yes Det, it is FABULOUS that you got right back to your program. Glad you are home and enjoying time with Dx. You are both lucky people to have each other. :h (and usually that particular smilie is reserved for G :H)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      sat 18/09 af daily

      DG...Love Vitacost!! Online Pharmacy - Prescription Drugs, Health and Beauty, plus more is good too.

      One of my favorite healthy things to eat when I feel a big fat sugar urge coming on is Fage greek yogurt (0% or 2%), chocolate stevia, granola, and almonds. So yummmy...think I will go have that right now. Seltzer water with rootbeer stevia and lots of ice is also a favorite. I give this to my kids too. It's the closes thing to soda that they get.

      Do you get more sugar cravings when you're stressed? I could dive in the middle of a vat of chocolate icecream right now.

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        sat 18/09 af daily

        Yes M3 - stress is a HUGE sugar trigger. My AL replacement I guess. I have got to bear down on this problem and figure out how to stop trying to solve problems with food (aka sugar). That is no more effective than AL was. I love the root beer flavor / soda idea.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          sat 18/09 af daily

          Doggygirl;962460 wrote: Yes M3 - stress is a HUGE sugar trigger. My AL replacement I guess. I have got to bear down on this problem and figure out how to stop trying to solve problems with food (aka sugar). That is no more effective than AL was. I love the root beer flavor / soda idea.

          sometimes eating the opposite works for me when I'm wanting sugar. My latest is a snack of toasted pita with cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumber, sliced red onion and a chunk of feta. Then sometimes I just have to squirt canned whipped cream directly into mouth (kidding, really)
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            sat 18/09 af daily

            greeneyes;962492 wrote: My latest is a snack of toasted pita with cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumber, sliced red onion and a chunk of feta. Then sometimes I just have to squirt canned whipped cream directly into mouth (kidding, really)

            Greenie - I was thinking that was a really sensible snack until you got to the whipped cream topping!!

            M3 and DG - the liquid stevia sounds great. I never heard of it before. I LOVED root beer as a kid so I just may have to order some on-line this afternoon.

            I am also a big fan of the greek yogurt, M3. I love the tartness and richness of it. I usually add some fresh fruit like strawberries or blueberries.

            This has been an interesting thread for me becasue although I don't consider myself to have a 'sweet tooth', I did manage to wolf down a box of chocolate covered pretzels that a neighbor brought me the other day :H Maybe I'm in denial??
            AF since 7/13/2010


              sat 18/09 af daily

              well I am feeling proud of myself. 11 tiny chocolate peanuts in four days. I caved in and ate those ten minutes ago. But not bad for someone who usually eats spoonfuls of nutella on a daily basis.

              Tomorrow I am going to get up early and do a boxing class. On a sunday too! Isnt life sweet when you are not hungover... x
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                sat 18/09 af daily

                Dont get a sweet tooth John!
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  sat 18/09 af daily

                  Hey Abbers!

                  :yay: THE YARD SALE IS OVER :yay:

                  We had a good turnout, including some Amish locals ( horse & buggy & all)! The weather was great & we unloaded a lot of stuff. It was definitely a success and I am seriously exhausted :H
                  Will be donating some things that didn't sell, that's OK. EB was here for the whole thing & had a ball. The chicks made great entertainment for the kids.

                  bear, congrats on your 2 weeks, you sound good!

                  Raven, one year is a big deal - be proud!

                  Greetings to everyone - I'm going to give up & call it a day.
                  Wishing everyone a peaceful & restful night

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    sat 18/09 af daily

                    kudos Lavande, yard sales are a serious workout eh?

                    stevia rootbeer? no way?! is it a syrup? must google this now.....
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      sat 18/09 af daily

                      Whoo Wee Fab Abbers!! 3 pages to get through tonite but get through them I did and I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing so well. M3-you may not think you are but your undercurrent is one of controlled chaos and I think that is an admirable state to be considering all you're up a against. Getting a mental health checkup is a fabulous idea before thinks started spriraling. Please let us know how it goes if you feel comfy doing so.

                      SUGAR!!!!! I still can't beat this beast!! I have my 3 month follow up with my doc tomorrow a.m. and I just ate 1/2 container of B&J!! Plus a Fresheta's single serve pizza but I'm giving myself kudos on that one as I really wanted a full size pizza!!

                      Bear-congrats on your 2 weeks and everything else you are doing for your life.

                      Hi Raven-joy-nice to meet you.

                      Hey to Deter, G, Greenie, DG, RB and anyone else I missed!

                      What a crazy fun weekend!! Dinner with dad and sis and BIL was very nice. New seafood restaurant (for me anyway) and it was very good. I had my first sushi quality tuna steak and yes it was raw/pink in the middle!! Sweet chili sauce on top. Yumm. I couldn't wait to order my cranberry/seltzer/lime drink and could have killed the waitress who made me wait over 10 minutes!! I finally didn't miss the wine.
                      Yesterday and today was the agility trial-1.5 hours each way both days but a nice drive. All local roads and no traffic. The club that put on the trial did a fabulous job-first class all the way. They even rented a portable handwashing station along with the portapotties!! It's the little things ya know?? DD and I placed and Q'd on all 4 runs-with 2 first places. I was told our last run today was seamless and a joy to watch. That felt very good!! We can now move up a level in our games.
                      Although I spent way too much money on supplies, I'm glad I did as I and the dogs were very comfortable this time around. Nice easy up tent, sunshade, chair, tarp for the ground, Xpens so the dogs didn't have to stay in their crates the whole time and it all fit in my Outback nice and organized!! I set up next to a mother/daughter team from CT and we exchanged phone numbers and emails so we can connect if we enter the same trials again. That's what I'm talking about!! I also found out there is an agility club out of Western MA that I can join. They have practices every Mon. nite about 45 min from me. The timing will be tight since I don't get out of work until 5pm, which means I won't get to the practice until at least 7 and that may not work for anyone but i'll give it whirl. I wish there was a club closer to me but there isn't so I'll have to make do.
                      My next trial is up in Bar Harbor, ME over Columbus Day weekend. I've made the motel reservations but still need to send in the registration. I don't have the cash for this so it's all going on my credit card but what a fun long weekend it will be and I so love BH!! I think I have to go for it and ask the financial gods forgiveness later. It will probably be my last trial until next Spring. Maybe. I'm really enjoying this sport and so is DD. It's the first time in my life I'm actually good at doing something athletic. Sorry DG-no videos this weekend but I saw proofs from the photographer and I think I'm going to buy one pic and then I'll post it.
                      My body is aching from all the setting up, running around as ring crew and score runner and taking down so I'm heading off to bed for a little R&R and reading and hopefully will get a very good nite's sleep.

                      See you all tomorrow!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        sat 18/09 af daily

                        :yougo::yougo: Congratulations P3 and DD!!!! You sound so happy and like you found a great groove with your hobby. That is so awesome!! Can't wait to see the piccy!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

