It is absolutely FREEZING here with frost on the rooftops.
I hope everyone is feeling fine and enjoying the freedom of another clear day.

This is just a quick Hello and just to say that we are still here - in fact I think pretty much we are in it together for the long haul... My last couple of days have been dicey, I have felt that breath down my neck more often than I would like. But I'm over 5 weeks now, so i'm not giving in... I've been a slave to 'that' for too long.
So mittens on, scarves wrapped and out to face the world.
I have a meeting with my Bank at 12, and then counsellor ( Troy ) at 1.30. So I have to pull my socks up and get on with it.
I wish everyone here lots of love and warm ( WARM ) snuggles ! XXXX
Love to you all, as always ,