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September Serenity - week 4
September Serenity - week 4
Evening guys
Rusty - I always trust people until they have given me a reason not too, I believe you date's story. As he has been a client I assume you know a little about him, i.e. he is definitely single? I am becoming more comfortable every day with being a bachelorette too. It's going to have to be a very special guy to tempt me into a relationship. I really want someone spiritual who is also AF and enjoys a quiet healthy life. So far no one comes even close.
Paguy - you are doing just great, I know your a really active guy so this must be tough going. Remember "this too shall pass".
Rebirth - I love your dream of living in India! Im a romantic and would love to just get on a plane to someplace new.
Dill - fantastic quote! I was out on my bike this morning with my mind in overdrive when I suddenly realized I wasn't taking in the beauty around me, my body was tense and my breathing shallow, I looked around me and deepened my breathing and immediately my body relaxed. I'd gone nearly 10km in auto pilot and was definitely missing that metaphorical sunset....
Sooty - healing thoughts coming your way.
Lav - not much longer for the retriever breath just remember dogs never criticize our driving and they know we are always right :H"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
September Serenity - week 4
ONE MORE POST!!! what shall I do what shall I do..I am going to leave that one for tomorrow's first post.
Goodnight my wonderful virtual friends. I am grateful and happy to be AF. xBe strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
September Serenity - week 4
Rebirth, you are too funny! In my mind you have achieved Senior status already because you have done such an awesome job.
It's been an absolutely beautiful and serene day here. I managed to overcome one of my biggest triggers today and am on the downhill now. Feeling good. The trigger is "alone time". I never get it. Well, today, Mr. Dill went off with a friend for a few hours. I had the whole place to myself for several hours. It was wonderful. Anyhow, usually I see alone time as an opportunity to drink wtihout any distractions.I didn't fall for it this time and I had an absolutely serene afternoon and I remember every minute of it!
I made you some virtual chicken soup, Sooty. Hope it helps!
Peace and strength to all.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
September Serenity - week 4
Here's a good one:
True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by. E. S. Bouton
Nice thought for the end of the day
Glad you had a good day Dill!
rebirth officially gets her TBGPs tomorrowAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
September Serenity - week 4
Quick check in as I still need to garden a bit before dark. Dill, do I understand that version of ?alone time?, and for the same reason. For me, however, when Lord Bird Heart would be out of town, it was often the open empty to road to ending up taking a ?nap? on the floor in front of the fireplace, on a bench in the aviary with the parrot, out back in the bushes with the stars, etc. Good show on not going ?there?. Rusty, I am with Chill on this one, I would never imagine somebody I knew let alone a client making up a story like that to get out of a date, it is rather easy to cancel with less fanfare. I am sorry in any case, it is always nice to have something/someone who is perceived to be easy, sweet, and uncomplicated in our world. You funny tease Rebirth, we shall see what you say on your milestone! Off for now and dear RB, I did save a bit of wood for a memento. Love, Ladybird.may we be well
September Serenity - week 4
Dill - thanks for the quote! Marvelous - it made me realize how perpetually furrowed my brow has become, and how I've missed the chick-chicking of the Gambel's quails on my morning walks (instead: wait! - leave the bunny! - don't pull! - HONESTLY DOGS!). What a fun dog-Mom I've become...
So glad too, Dill, that you had a good evening alone. I get it -- trying to face that seductive lying voice; I can almost see myself in memory become a zombie and walk right toward the absence of light, uuuuugh.
RB - thanks for answering a crucial question for me - 'what is a Senior Member' - I never knew! (Now you can tell me; what's the deal with the pencil that shows up under some of the names?) Congrats on your 1000th post!
This September is the first start-to-finish AF September I've had in, mmmmmm, maybe decades? And last year's September was particularly saddening, so I have to say a big THANK YOU to everyone here - you formed a bridge of hearts, souls and minds for me to traverse. Forever grateful -- I'll see you in our optimistic the light
September Serenity - week 4
Morning all and thanks for your kind thoughts - they did the trick and I'm feeling loads better today, and got a good nights sleep too!
I can't believe that its the last day of September and I'm really feeling optimistic about October. Its cold, wet and windy here so the bus is heading for warm (but not hot) climes - I think its about time we went to Portugal !!
Have a good day everyone
love Sooty
September Serenity - week 4
Good morning all!
I am a big girl now! Senior title (chuckle). DG kindly marked this day for me. I want to revert back to it whenever I feel like drinking cause today I am happy to be sober.
Have a positive thursday. Had a good workout and rearing to go.I even think that my arms have lost a few millimeters in fat.Better than nothing. lol xBe strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
September Serenity - week 4
Good morning.
Chill, RB, I had alot to think about regarding the extreme excuse Rusty received a few days ago. I guess I just trust too much. Rusty, listen to them, I am naive. Of course, it is one thing to communicate without physical contact. You can tell alot from people by their non verbals, tone of voice, etc. Anyways, it gave me food for thought.
Cyn, how awesome to have this September a success and to measure it against last year. Thanks for coming back and being here daily, your support and stability are appreciated.
Dill, loved the quote. Thought about how getting caught up in our heads prevents us from living in the moment. Mindfulness is the way to go. Wonderful that you enjoyed your afternoon AF and recognzied and said NO to your trigger. For some reason I was tempted to drink last night too, and quickly heated up my dinner. When I am hungry after work, I am weak, and need to take care of business and eat.
RB, I am not sure what site I was reading about nutrition and alcoholism. I know that in the past MWO members offered links and I read all I could. It seems to me that the nutritional piece is really important to understand and follow. That's why I was attracted to MWO in the first place.....the holistic aspect made total sense to me.
Chill, good to have you back. I liked your description of a man you might be interested in the future. I often wonder if I would ever want another man after being married over 25 years. You get used to someone and their ways. Then the trust factor that was mentioned. Risk/opportunity. Loved your September summary...we are a group that lives life, actively, and mostly AF.
PA, I too am a perfectionist and have been really trying to purposefully not be so driven and hard on myself. Let a little work go till Monday, not vacuum more than once a week, stuff like that. I can drive myself crazy and for what? I am not perfect, no one is. I think it can be a characteristic of drinkers to be this way. So important to reflect and be easier on ourselves. I have been asking myself, does it really matter? Most things, no, they get done.
Lav, loved your quote. Dogsitting is alot of work. My daughter is coming to visit and bringing her dog. I really hate it, but it is a necessary evil, I guess. But dogsitting? I would probably do it, but am glad I am never asked.
I have a busy day, work and then starting to shop for the weekend festivities. I am having a big meal for family on Sat eve. and it will be fun but alot of work. It is supposed to really cool off this weekend, and that is OK with me. Have a great AF day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
September Serenity - week 4
Good morning everyone
Just a quick check in from me as I have to go shopping. My daughter is 18 next week and I need to get a few things. We are getting her a piece of jewellery but she needs to pick it out herself. However, I want some other bits and pieces that she can unwrap on the day. There are also a few other October birthdays in the family too so I need to get cards etc.
Sooty - Glad you are feeling better and back in the driving seat.
Star - I think you are right about a lot of us Alcoholics being perfectionists. Maybe we are using Al to get away from the constant pressure of being perfect.
Cyn - Well done on an AF September. It proves that sticking with MWO works.
Chill - Thanks for the summary of the month.
Lav - Good luck with the doggie sitting.
Everyone else big hello.