I like the sound of October Optimists. Or October Optimism. Very uplifting names. And I am feeling it already! It's going to be a great month for continued progress.
No announcement yet.
September Serenity - week 4
September Serenity - week 4
I like the sound of October Optimists. Or October Optimism. Very uplifting names. And I am feeling it already! It's going to be a great month for continued progress.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
September Serenity - week 4
Good morning to all.
Sped, wedding's are stressful, with all the planning and work, entertaining and pressure, but please make sure to enjoy too. I just had some pictures developed from my daughter's wedding and despite the pressure (I was stressed) it was just the most wonderful celebration and party. I will always remember how happy she was, how beautiful, all the people who love her and her husband were there, we ate, danced, celebrated their love. If things were not perfect, so what. I am glad that I had prespective despite the stress, and the presence of mind to be there fully. It was my present to myself.
RB, let us know how you are doing and please we are here for support if you want or need it.
LBH, we are not powerless and we do have the ability to act in our own interests. We only lose our power if we pick up that first drink. Thanks so much for sharing your struggle and reminding us that we have to act to gain strength and follow the right path.
Cyn, dill, lav, rusty, rustop, papmom, guitarista and all, have a good AF day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
September Serenity - week 4
Good Morning Friends,
Dill-I like October Optimism. The reason is, and I mean no disrespect, Rustop, is that Optimists reminds me of The Optimists' Club here in the US. It's a networking group for mostly middle-aged, phony, politically-minded men who try to schmooze others in the hopes of expanding their career. I call it The Opportunists' Club. :H Could we please have Optimism instead?Rustop-enjoy the day with your daughter. They grow up so fast!
Dill-Yes, I hope Paris is off RED alert by the time I get there. Oh, yes, I'll be able to post. I just bought a new I-Phone yesterday and will be in contact with you guys while I'm gone. I will miss you terribly, though.
Cyn-I loved your idea of revving up our engines and driving into October with a clear, positive head. Sooty, are you driving or are you on holiday?
Star-You were reading my mind today. I was wondering if you had gotten pictures of the wedding. I am so glad you were pleased and were able to enjoy the wedding AF! Good for you....and I bet you were a smashing mother-of-the-bride!
Lav-did YB show up yesterday?
Sped-hope everything goes well this week. To answer your question, I go to bed between 8:30 -10:00 p.m. depending on what state/country I'm in. Hence, I wake up at 3:30 a.m. Hey, I get a ton of stuff done at 4:00 in the morning.
Hi to Rebirth, Mr. G, Papmom, Paguy, SD and anyone I may have missed-have a wonderful AF Monday!
September Serenity - week 4
Happy Monday Everyone:
It is pretty hard to believe September is coming to a close and a new month is knocking at our door. I like the sound of optimism for our October theme as it will help us build on some of the serene moments we were able to capture during September. All of us are faced with the struggles and challenges of our everyday lives, whatever the circumstances, and for me, I hope to be able to concentrate on my behaviors and actions that I control and be less focused on the behaviors and actions of others that I do not control. Setting expectations for other people?s behavior has historically been an area that gets me into trouble so I have to constantly remind myself that I can only set those expectations for myself.
I had a busy but nice weekend visiting with my family. There was a brief fleeting moment when I thought to myself it would be so easy and OK to have a drink. It?s amazing how quickly those thoughts sneak in reminding me that I constantly have to be on guard.
It?s back to work today, still working from home for at least the next 3 weeks. Doing my best to be patient and keep positive about the healing process for my foot. I?m getting better with using the crutches every day!
Hope everyone has a positive start for the new week. Wishing you all the very best?.John
AF since 7/13/2010
September Serenity - week 4
Good Monday moring everyone!
Feeling sluggish here..........could be due to the heavy cloud cover & rain - oh well.
Shelley, hope the week goes smoothly for you! My kids were both married 4 years ago & I well remember the anxious activity. Keep your focus, breathe deeply often
Rustop, hope your day with your daughter is nice. I always enjoy spending a day with mine.
Rusty, I can be packed in 5 minutes if you need an assistant to go to Paris!!!!!!
Dill, I look forward with optimism to a new month right along with you!
Greetings to Star, cyn, papmom, Jon, SD & everyone!
I had a PM response from rebirth this morning, She is OK & hopefully will be posting soon.
Rusty, yes YB was back yesterday. I can see that he is pushing himself trying to rejoin the 'living although he is not quite there yet. He knows his time is now limited.
My daughter is having an ultra sound today & will know the sex of her baby.......very exciting
OK, time to get to work.
Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
September Serenity - week 4
Running didn't help yesterday. Botanical garden didn't help either. Taking a nap did. Happy to settle in last night with a Lifetime movie and Madmen.
Waiting for the bride's mother to arrive (in an hour and a half). Son and fiance are in Arizona heading east. I feel like ground zero.
can't wait to see my sons, niece and nephew, best friends from Chicago and California.
Star, thanks for your wise wedding words. From someone whose been in my shoes so recently. Hope everything goes smoothly. Knowing I'll be sober through the whole week is comforting although I do experience some pouty moments of "why can't I have some wine (whine) toooo..".
Rusty, I do love running at 4:30 in the morning. I slept in this morning...until 4! Managed to stay up til 10 last night. Oh and I agree, no "optimists" for me either.
Lav, what's the word on Mr. Lav. Is he finally going to tell you exactly what he wants, needs, plans to do? I empathize with your frustration.
Dill, so happy you are back. Transitioning between summer break and a new school year was always tough for me. Remember I've only recently escaped the public school trenches. Now I only visit them briefly and with no strings attached. I know how treacherous they can be. Take care of yourself.
I work this afternoon and tomorrow. Feels like my escape. Still don't have shoes. I do have black sneakers!!
September Serenity - week 4
Hi everyone, sorry I didn't get on yesterday - busy day and evening and went to bed early. I've got a bit of a cold which is bothering me at night so sleep has been a bit disturbed and I was shattered.
Another busy day today I've had my annual eye test and didn't need anything different so thats some money saved, altho I was tempted by the designer frames the optician had - very trendy, just like me
So glad that we are all returned to the fold. I love the idea of Optimism for October, I don't want to be confused with any middle aged smoozy type folk.
Good news on the progress John.
Mr G keep forgetting to tell you I finally got to listen to your song and it was absolutely fab you are one very talented individual!
Beading class tonight, hoping to finish a bracelet which will become someones christmas present ... the shops were full of halloween and christmas stuff today grrrrr I don't like it!
So to all of us, have a productive and positive start to this last week of September - one big push and we'll be on good form for October
See you all tomorrow
love Sooty
September Serenity - week 4
Oh its so nice to be missed by my virtual friends.:l
Thank you who sent PM's and your general words of concerns. Meant alot to me. I am really down in the dumps but still determined to stay AF. Its very tempting right now but I fast forward the clock and know that I would be full of regret the next day. Just got to remember the next day when I get my urges..
Dill thank you for your hug and thank you for coming back to post. Thank you also LBH.I need to hear stories like yours because it reminds me that AL is not the answer to my problems?.even when it seems so attractive right now..Yes I have a great reason to stay AF
P3 I admit that I miss AL because I liked the numbness effect.Sometimes I daydream of being able to moderate... But thats dangerous thinking for me because it creates resentment inside. I cant moderate right now because I am still addicted to AL and will be for a long time.Maybe forever. Who knows? I try and focus on the positive changes since being AF ( and there is ALOT!!!!) to keep me on track. But It's difficult sometimes despite all the support on can get...
Star,Sped,guitarista,paguy,SD, P3, Cyn, Rustop, Chill. A wam hello.
xBe strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
September Serenity - week 4
I am also cutting down on the sugar so it's making me even more miserable!!! But thats a good thing tooBe strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
September Serenity - week 4
No more Krispy Kreme for you Rebirth. My mouth waters just writing it.
Bad news. My son was in a minor car accident in Arizona. A tire fell off a truck in front of their car and they hit it, drove over it, tearing up the bottom of their car. They are stuck in western Arizona. They are now in the process of renting a car. Poor kids. As if the wedding is not stress enough. So grateful everyone is safe.
I'm still waiting for the mother of the bride. Waiting around really brings out my OCD cleaning behavior. I should get a job as a custodian!
September Serenity - week 4
OMG! I am so sorry about this horrible situation, and so glad your son is ok. You'll get through this....with your brilliant and strong attitude! Sending good thoughts and hugs your way! As long as everyone is safe....then I think you could probably handle anything at this point and maybe the MOB could help out, too. It would give her a real reason to be needed. :-) ;=)
September Serenity - week 4
Wow loads of news on here!!
Sped - that must have been a shock for all of you! The good thing is that they are all safe. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything else runs smoothly for you and your family.
Lav how EXCITING!!!!! There is nothing greater than NEW life! I am so happy for you!
It's all happening on this thread eh!
Hi Rusty. xBe strong-
We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T
September Serenity - week 4
You are so right rebirth........it all happens here
I am very happy & excited for my daughter & SIL - this is their first baby!
In a few more weeks we'll find out what my DIL is having.........she's due about 7 weeks after my daughter with her 2nd baby. EB grandson is going to be a big brother........hard to imagine right now!!!
Shelley, I've seen those freaky incidents on highways.....frightening! Very happy your son & wife to be are OK
Speaking of EB - he's on the way over for dinner!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: