P3, of COURSE I will share my sober vacation sponsor with you!!! :l Just as soon as said sponsor appears in my PM box, hint hint, I will let you know.
M3, boy I know those pissy moods and yep, I relished making everyone around me miserable in the bygone days. I'm glad I was able to let the mood of the last couple days go today. Not worth it. Are you getting any closer to being able to let yours go? I have mixed feelings about the start of the remodeling project on Friday. On a positive note, it can't get done until it gets underway, so starting will be good progress. On the other hand.....life as we know it is coming to an end for 6 - 8 weeks. Time has really flown so far this year, so maybe it will pass quickly. And without any noise. Or dust. Or inconvenience. The contractor will not show up here even one time before I am fully dressed. Thinking positive. Hope things improve for you.