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tue 28 Sep af daily

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    tue 28 Sep af daily

    Good morning all - off sick today - getting a cold and I'm going to stay all snuggly at home today. Plan to do a bit of cleaning, plan food for week and sort out Winter wardrobe (i.e find my jumpers!). I know that I need to buy a new winter coat (possibly two a mid length one and a short one for on my bike).

    Mighty glad I am sober,for one more reason a hangover combined with a cold is horrible from memory! Finished 'drinking a love story' yesterday, I would also really recommend 'cleaning up' by Tania Glyde. Feeling very tired and floppy rather than specifically ill.

    Anyway not much to say here of inspiration I am afraid today!
    one day at a time

    tue 28 Sep af daily

    Morning Bear,

    Hope you feel better. And that the day goes well.

    I'm sort of quiet today too...
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      tue 28 Sep af daily

      Morning fabbies!

      Sorry you're feeling puny bear; snuggly at home sounds good.

      Hi gaia!

      Deter, BLEACH!!uch: That must have been horrid the way that stuff has a coating tendancy.

      P3, I admire the hell out of you. Just wanted you to know that!

      I wimped out of the artsy group. It was pouring rain, I was stressed out and feeling insecure over some resume work and navigating the job workforce site that I just didn't want to put myself in a position that I already felt inadequate about. Actually the rain didn't have anything to do with it, but it was a good starting buffer for the bare naked truth, don't you think?

      I made flight reservations for mid October to go visit a GF I've had since 5th grade. I want to cancel that credit card (has annual fee) and need to use the sky miles first. Really looking forward to that fall visit up by the Chesapeake Bay.

      Marshy, so how did go? I want to know if you had dinner too because that reeeeeeealy makes it suspect as a date.

      Zooming along..... and one thing is for sure!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        tue 28 Sep af daily

        Oh Det yuck! I'm glad you are ok - it can be fatal, can't it?

        Once, I drank a glass of efferdent. (no I don't have dentures - it was for an orthodontic device.) Then I did a body pump class. I was sick for half a day. Wonder why now I feel nauseous after taking my vitamins in the morning. Didn't used to be that way... Actually I was hungover when I drank it - just didn't realize until after several gulps what it was. Embarrassing.

        Chesapeake Bay sounds lovely, Greenie.

        Marshy how did the non-date go? We want to hear!
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          tue 28 Sep af daily

          GM Abbers!

          Still cloudy & damp in these parts. Ended up turning the AC back on last night but slept great!

          Deter, yuck! I'm tasting bleach myself now...........hope you are OK!

          Get well greetings to bear! Rest today, don't overdue!

          GM Gaia & Greenie! Are you flying into Baltimore Greenie? That airport is so much more manageable than Philadelphia.

          I'm off to a dental cleaning this morning then a haircut afterwards. Afternoon reserved for a little work
          Wishing a great AF day for everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            tue 28 Sep af daily

            Good morning, fellow pickles,

            Feeling a little overwhelmed this week. Very big work meeting yesterday that required a lot of prep and "performance." I used to have panic attacks at the very idea of business meetings (a real career booster, let me tell you), and although it hasn't happened in years, I felt a wave of anticipatory anxiety beforehand that had me rifling through my desk drawers for beta-blockers. The feeling passed, but it was an "oh shit, not that again" half-hour or so. Shudder.

            It was also my oldest son's 17th birthday, which I get worked up over making special, and my fiance came back from a week-long business trip and needed an airport pick-up and quality time. GAAAAAAK.

            On the plus side, I didn't drink to drown out the feelings. I never did find that bottle of beta-blockers, so rode out the whole day in my own skin, feeling uncomfortable, scared, excited, proud, overtaxed, sad (had an impromptu crying jag in the shower yesterday a.m. missing my dog, who died last year). And I not only survived, but pulled the whole thing off. Which was pretty freaking cool.

            I've avoided so much over the last ten or fifteen years, and being sober, here it all is, just waiting for me. Oh well, bring it on!

            Boxing gloves all around, as needed, Ab Fabs! xoxoxo Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              tue 28 Sep af daily

              Complete non sequitur to previous post but--

              There used to be a brand of dog biscuits called People Crackers. It was shaped just like a box of animal crackers, but inside were dog biscuits formed into postmen, fire hydrants, cats, etc. My brother Scott, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, sat down in front of the TV with them one day and ate the whole box. Not bleach or Efferdent, but pretty gross.

              Of course, we let him.
              AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
              "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                tue 28 Sep af daily

                [Of course, we let him.
                LOL! That made me laugh this morning.

                It is a miserable, rainy day here today. My BF came in to wake me up and asked me why I was staying in bed and not enjoying my "vacation". That pissed me right off. Granted yes, I needed to get my butt out of bed - but vacation? Um, remember when my job caused me so much anxiety and pain that my doctor took me off work and said I can't go back? Remember when I am taking 2 University courses right now to finish my diploma and am cleaning and taking care of the house plus trying to get healthy? Vacation - grrrrrrrrrrrr.

                I need to let it go because I know he didn't mean anything malicious by it but it ticked me off. I will have a hot shower, tidy the kitchen and get over it. I'm going to a meeting at noon as well which I know will help. Funny, in the past I would have cracked a drink at that comment. Now I'm organizing which meeting I'm going to go to. Go figure! LOL

                Hope everyone else has a great Tuesday - I'll check in later.

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  tue 28 Sep af daily

                  Hi-de-hi abbers!

                  Pride - well done getting through all that and coping with the discomfort sober. :goodjob:

                  And Uni, good for you for going to a meeting to get support and sound off (if you do!) instead of drinking. That's what it's all about.

                  Greenie & Gaia - non-date was great, as usual. Yes, Greenie, I made dinner. C'mon! Wouldn't you feed someone who just happened to be at your house round about dinnertime? :H Nothing dateish about that. We're having another non-date tonight. And she's invited me to stay with her for a week near the sea next month. Nothing like dating AT ALL. Oh, and she asked me if I wanted her to take the wine away when she left last night, so that's got rid of that.

                  Have a good day all!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    tue 28 Sep af daily

                    RELATIONSHIP!!! That is all.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      tue 28 Sep af daily

                      LOL - sorry Marshy - have to agree with Greeny on this one!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        tue 28 Sep af daily

                        Wow, good for you Marshy! A week by the sea in a non-dating relationship. Go for it!

                        Greenie, where's your mojo at the mo? DG, is your bathroom still pink? Lav, has YB experienced enlightenment? Uni, how's life back home? Det, what's with the bleach??

                        I've been away again for a few weeks doing all these grown-up things. Sorted out my sister's unpaid bills, found a family friend to take over her financial management in December, collected evidence of negligence on the part of the current financial guy in case I need to take it to court (have never done that before), started painting her empty flat, started organising future rental of said flat... I do still have a tendency to want everything sorted ASAP (and preferably throw a tantrum if it isn't) but have managed to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

                        I'll have to stock the fridge and have a read around the boards. Just wanted to pop by and wish you all a good evening for now.


                          tue 28 Sep af daily

                          Hey Pam,
                          Good to see you
                          YB has been given 1 more month to either see the light or pack up the rest of his stuff & disappear forever! He's had plenty of time to fix his problems. Well, he's thinking about what to do - DUH! Don't work too hard friend!

                          Pride, good for you riding out the anxiety wave at work!

                          Uni - they do say the dumbest things, don't they?

                          Marshy, I'm envious! I wish I could go away for a week, lounge on the beach, etc. That's a nice non-date you have there

                          Well, I had my teeth buffed & my hair cut this morning. It's little things like that that make me feel better! And I'm getting some decent work done this afternoon. Life is good today.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            tue 28 Sep af daily

                            Hi Peeps,

                            Just popping in to say hello. Not got much more to say except that today is a better day and that I am relieved that I did not drink when I was feeling down. I do enjoy reading people's posts...

                            Hey Pride. I suffer from panic attacks too. Infact this is how my drinking career started. I thought that drinking would calm me down whenever I had an attack..15 years later and I become an alcoholic! But it's all good cause I have learnt to deal with my attacks naturally. Maybe I am finally growing up. Ha ha
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                              tue 28 Sep af daily

                              Non-date???? I'm practically hearing wedding bells. Non-date to a week by the sea? Yea right. Next you will be telling us that you will be sleeping in separate rooms in your non-matching flannel nighties. :H

                              Uni, good that you let the remark go. I'm always good at reading WAAAAY too much into stuff like that!

                              BLEACH???? (gotta go back and read that!) And I thought I was weird for shooshing peroxide around my mouth every morning. (that was NOT my own idea!) Gaia, efferdent sounds pretty horrid. I hope it wasn't still fizzing on the way down.....

                              Bear, hope a snuggly day gets you feeling better. I've been feeling not sick, but very tired this week even though I've been sleeping good. So that will be my excuse to lounge out early tonight with Netflix on the big screen.

                              LVT - CONGRATS ON 2 YEARS AF!!!! You ROCK. Hope you are doing something special for yourself today. Flogging husbands does not count.

                              Lav, glad life is good. Now that my hair is short especially, I love the feel of a fresh cut! You seem to have a weight off your shoulders after sending that ball back to YB's court.

                              Pamina, as long as I live the Phyllis Diller Powder Room will be boldly pink and gold with cherubs on the wallpaper and in the sink. Sounds like you are doing a great job staying on an even keel through tedious life stuff. Hope you have some FUN planned soon. How about meeting up with me in Ixtapa at Club Med in February??? (see MWO Meetup? Thread!) (and this encouragement goes out to ALL AF Daily people. I am looking for a room mate! We could really cut the cost if we had 4 people sharing a 2 bedroom room)

                              Pride, I love reading your posts about EXPERIENCING life again!

                              Greenie, your upcoming trip sounds fabulous! I've never been to Chesepeake Bay. Sounds like it would be so gorgeous in the fall. I can also really relate to the difficulty making decorating choices. There is just no way I could do it myself. Our decorator knows me well enough to come up with a general theme that Mr. Doggy would like, then present us (me) with 2 choices that fit within a Mr. Doggy approved concept, because I can pick between A & B. Then Mr. Doggy works with her on the minute details like light fixtures and toilet paper holders and whatever else is in the details.

                              Hi Deter, P3, M3, LVT and anyone I have missed from yesterday or today!

                              As some of you know, I've been doing a "Mary Kay Day" at my Curves once a month. I put in a whole long day there, and also do a monthly drawing for some nice product (which of course costs me $). I've gotten a little business but not quite enough to really cover my costs (I also give out a lot of samples, catalogs, etc.) I was about to throw in the towel. But when I first started doing this, I promised myself I would do it through the end of the year to give it adequate time to work (if it's going to). I was really feeling like throwing in the towel early. But in the last couple of weeks, I've finally gotten a bunch of orders! It just takes time. I'm like so many people - I want immediate gratification and that's just not the way things work most of the time.

                              So what's the moral to this story?

                              There is a saying I hear a lot around AA. "Don't leave before the miracle happens." These old timers have seen many many people struggle and struggle and struggle some more with sobriety. But if they keep after it, people eventually figure it out. Other people give up too soon.

                              So in the quest for sobriety and the quest for anything worthwhile in life, don't leave before the miracle happens.

                              One thing is for sure.....I will NOT be drinking any AL in celebration of Marshy's engagement. :H

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

