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AF Daily - Thursday September 30

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    AF Daily - Thursday September 30

    Howdy. Just thought I would pop by for a visit. I am still working at being AF. Going on a month now since I started with 1 slip after 14 days. I am feeling great, sleeping better, and losing weight. I also no longer eat "Tums" like they were candy.

    I don't think I will do a daily check in, but I will drop by from time to time. Thanks for the early words of encouragement.



      AF Daily - Thursday September 30

      Marshy - are you about 8 feet tall???
      I don't know why I've always pictured you that way (in the best possible sense) :H

      OK, did my best to get WEEK 3 CHICK PICS
      wasn't easy - the little bitches won't sit still for long. I sat on the floor to try to get decent pics & they wanted to crawl all over me :H

      Chicks Week 3 pictures by elkmills - Photobucket
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Thursday September 30


        Doggygirl, sorry to hear your feeling blue-ish. I wish the weather would turn here. whew! almost 100 this week. I'm also in the habit of self medicating with sugar these days....bad bad. SF it is!

        anyhow, back home last night. weeeeeeeee!

        be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Thursday September 30

          Yo Det! Is that little bitty bitch yours???? How cute! Excactly the kind of doggy *I'm* going to have someday! Sorry to hear the sugar monster has got 'hold of you too. Some sort of challenge will definitley begin officially tomorrow, but today for me. Doin' good so far but afternoon / evening is my downfall anyway.

          Lav, amazing how the shape of them goes from "chicks" to "small chickens" so quickly, if that makes any sense!

          Hi Mo! Check in here any time that it helps you on your journey! Glad you are doing well with your goals.

          Marshy I confess I absolutely cannot leave a bag of cookies or carton of ice cream alone until it is gone. That is all. On the work related drinking discussions....I don't have an employer in the traditional sense, but I have gotten AOK with saying "I don't drink" when the subject comes up at business social events, etc. If asked why (which I'm usually not) I generally make it humourous with a "You do NOT want to SEE it. I PROMISE." Or something. It's not ever been a big deal. (much to my suprise - I was all worked up about the issue initially as many of us are). I also helped a fellow AAer get a part time job at a client site and I'm quite sure she told them she knows me from AA. Nobody has said anything and nothing has changed.

          Pride - you are too funny! I love the new thread title. Also, I looked on line yesterday to see if my library has "lit" and they don't. I take it you would say it's worth buying?

          LVT, good for you buying some new clothes!!! :yougo: Have fun at the football game tonight. I take it you will not be the DB (Designated Babysitter) for YB (Yagermyster Breath)? (sorry for my spelling liberties!)

          Yes rebirth, I will do some natural sugars in fruit and such. I'm gonna really go harsh on the processed type stuff.

          Greenie, the Botanical Gardens are supposed to be fabulous. Can you believe I have never been there? It's not very close to where I live but one of these days would certainly be worth a road trip. I'm sure Mr. Doggy would make you some sort of lawn mowing deal if you did it in a bikini or something. Gaia - yes it's a big riding mower!

          Uni, it sounds like at one of your meetings they do anniversary celebrations once a month? Sounds like you have a fun day planned. And flask free is good!

          Just got back from volunteering at the family center. Holy Moly. I and two other women babysitting 9 children under the age of 5. And me with no experience. That God that was only for 2 hours! My utmost respect to all mothers out there.

          Well, gotta grab some sugar free lunch and head out for the bus trip. Yo Bitches! Have a fabbie day!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Thursday September 30

            Cute Doggie Deter

            Yeah DG, the chicks are looking like 'birds' now - doesn't take long!
            EB still calls them 'baby chickies' though.

            Hi Mo, good to hear you are getting along OK.

            On generator power the past 2 hours or so. The high winds & rain must have messed up some wires somewhere. Flood & tornado warnings still in effect. I may have to fashion some life jackets for the chickens.........
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Thursday September 30

              Lavande;970537 wrote: Marshy - are you about 8 feet tall???
              I don't know why I've always pictured you that way (in the best possible sense) :H
              Eh? :H:H Nope, not eight feet tall. I think DG is the tall one here (although maybe not 8ft).

              Greenie, that exhibition looks great, I'd love to go - Emily Dickinson is one of my favourite poets (she always makes me feels so much better when I'm down, oddly enough :H).
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                So you are a girl marshy. But I doubt you are the only gay in your village London. :HBet the gay scene is rocking there..

                So DG are you 8 foot?
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                  Christ I am hungry. Ate healtily all day and my tummy is rumbling. I suppose it needs to shrink back to it's normal size. I have been eating man portions since giving up the boos. Not good. Dont want to start looking like a beach ball with legs and arms sticking out.
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                    Yo Babblers,

                    It's so busy here these days! I've also caught the sugar bug, scoffing a lemon meringue bar as we speak...

                    I was back at work today but feeling very disoriented about what day it is and what I'm meant to be doing. My head is still in my sister's issues, and it seems to take me longer to tune back into London. And I'm ONLY 29. What happens when I turn 30?!

                    No Marshy, I haven't done the hot rocks yet. It's good to hear it'll be a treat. Actually my shoulder is all jammed up to the point where I occasionally have pain in the palm of my hand. That's never happened before and I think it's some pinched nerve thing. Time to book a massage.

                    Now it's time for bed. Nighty night ye luverly bitches!


                      AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                      Sugar cravings are back for me too. Always happens this time of year when the days get shorter...sugar, bread, pasta...more sugar, bread, pasta.

                      Did I hear something about an 8 foot tall woman in the village of London?

                      Kitchen appliances ordered yesterday. Kitchen cabinets ordered today. Demolition of walls next week. Gotta pack up the kitchen to get ready.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                        Yo af Bitches! lav, tell yb this is all his fault! :H

                        I feel your pain M3! (on the kitchen AND the food front!) Sounds like you are making great progress with the kitchen.

                        Pamina, welcome back to London. Hope your head joins you there soon. I know what you mean about that disoriented feeling.

                        rebirth, I am not quite 8 feet tall. :H Almost though. 5'9". A beach ball with stick arms and legs does NOT sound attractive. Sugar Free Challenge here we come!

                        Lav, your weather sounds SCARY!!

                        Greenie, how was the exhibition?

                        Well, our bus broke down this afternoon. I was 20 minutes away from my house and we were stuck out there for over 3 hours being strung along with "the repair vehicle will be here in 20 minutes..." "a limo will be here in 30 minutes...." etc. Made the most of it goofing around and getting to know the participants a little better. I feel bad for calling "stick up her butt" stick up her butt. She is a preacher's wife. The fun little young 'un on my project team is dating a prominent local brain surgeon. She was a hoot - she was behind me prompting me with questions to ask the women who are there representing the hospital. :H The but got really hot so I think I know who wears the best deoderant and who does not.

                        There really is some cool stuff going on around my town. We got to go here before the break down (but didn't get to drive anything boo hiss!) Bobby Rahall has "his Midwest home" there right along the track. Where we broke down was near a rather new and HUGE intermodal hub that is close to my house but you would never know it was there except for increased truck traffic. I now now a bit about containers. I know what a "20" is and I saw plenty of "40's" and "45's." Actually, I saw way more of all that than I cared to for 3 hours.

                        You know what? If I had been jonsing for a drink ("a" ....yah right) or had snuck something to drink, which I would have run out of....oh my. I don't even want to think about how uncomfortable that would have been. I am VEREEEE grateful to be a sober lurvely bitch today!!

                        One thing is for sure......

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                          hey Yo my wonderful B's!! Sorry, Just hate that word-good thing I don't raise show dogs :H.

                          Been a very busy 2 days. had my nutrition appt yesterday morning and guess what?? Lost 6.5 lbs in 6 weeks!! :yay:. We tweaked my diet a bit. I told her about the dinner time thing and her solution was sooo simple!! Eat my main meal at lunch and snack on healthy things at nite. Duh!! so that's what I did today and except for the pint of B&J I had after my "snack", I did pretty good today. Seriously do not know what is up with this sugar craving!! I started back on the L-Glut today. Will probably take a while to kick in. Should probably take second dose before eating and not wait until bedtime. Last nite I had my counseling appt. Very nice woman. I think we're going to click. It was basically background for the hour. I see her in 2 weeks so no verdict yet. tomorrow is my first chiropractic appt (at 7:15-yikes!!). I'm really looking forward to that. Did I tell you all that my lab results from last Mon. came in? My GFR is back to normal!! That's that pesky kidney function thing. I'm not celebrating too much until I see the Nephrologist again in Nov. Unfortunately my A1C was 2 points higher and closer to Diabetes. Nutritionist says that's my sugar binging at nite so I definitely need to get that under control. I just don't think I'm up for a challenge however.
                          It's official-I'm all signed up for ultimate boot camp! Double yikes! My co-workers are fighting over who will do the eulogy :H :H.

                          I had to read a lot of pages to catch up so please forgive me for not commenting on all of them. However:
                          Deter: cute doggie!!
                          Pamina: We don't ever have a 30th birthday. That is all.
                          Greenie-caller ID and don't answer. I was always the chicken
                          Lav: speaking of. Very cute and how much they are looking like chickens now!! You'll have eggs in no time!!
                          DG-rotten thing to happen on your first sober bus tour but at least you all made the most of it. Way to go!! Oh, and the day care thing? Not in a million years!! Good thing I never had kids too!!
                          RB-you crack me up!! Where in the world did you get the 8 ft. tall idea? I totally missed that one!! Reminds me of when you thought G was 99 years old!!
                          M3-continued wishes for stressless decor picking.
                          Marshy-have a great visit with the folks and go book that holiday with the Non GF!!

                          That is all. Have a great nite all you fabbie abbers and Bioches!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                            Where did the light go??????????

                            Lost power here around noon, almost 9:30 pm now. The generator is taking care of basic life functions, water, toilets, freezers but that's it. I have one light in the kitchen one in the living room. The rest of the place is dark.My daughter came over to sit with me because she has no generator. Can't keep those pregnant girls out of the bathroom for too long :H

                            M3, sounds like you've made progress on your kitchen - good for you. I think I'm going to start haing surgar cravings now along with eeryone else.

                            So if Marshy isn't 8 feet tall & DG isn't 8 feet tall then who is?????
                            I just have a strong feeling that there's a giant among us :H
                            It's not Pam.....I'm pretty sure. I'm almost 5'6". Hmmm!

                            Well, thank goodness for generators & cable T/internet
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                              Well, the exhibit was absolutely bitchin'!!! I was fascinated by her (and she was THERE!!) and her work and the exhibit was spectacularly big. I didn't know it was a froo froo event and was slightly underdressed but I was in black so it wasn't too bad. The hors d'ovures were over the top. Whenever I'm at exhibits, I have to stay so focused on controlling my hands to refrain from touching that it is almost tiring. The movie was an hour documentary done by her husband who does film documentaries for a living and was excellent. Thoroughly enjoyed the night.

                              Lav, the chicks look sort of adolescent in a lanky way. :H No storms here, but a remarkable sky with stark light & dark contrasts after dusk.

                              DG I think we have a BMW performance track a couple hours from here. Three hours.... I bet that did get reeeeeely interesting. Too bad you didn't have your Mary Kay stuff with ya.

                              On the remodeling.... I had a real set-back at the tile store yesterday. I now have permission to go into the warehouse to play and design my own tile layout. Oh woe is me.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                AF Daily - Thursday September 30

                                no, it's not my doggie, just a pictorial way of proving the "greeting du jour"
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

