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October Optimism - week 1

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    October Optimism - week 1

    Good mornings my friends
    Here's to a AF optimistic October.....

    Reading over some posts last night on our last serene thread brought to mind this quotes "if there are no bumps on your path, you're probably on the wrong path", there is no end to the bumps on our journeys but we seem to have a never ending ability of maneuvering ourselves through them and recovering quickly when we hit a particularly big pothole.

    Wishing you all an October with much joy, laughter and love.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    October Optimism - week 1

    Hi Chill and all to come

    Thanks for starting us off Chill. It has indeed been a bumpy path for some of us this month but we did manage to get around those bumps as you said.

    Time is my most precious resource, I choose to use it wisely and to cherish each moment, sober.

    I have a choice, I do not have to accept unacceptable behavior.

    Thought I would share these two thoughts from the daily reading with you all.

    Wet and rainy here this morning but plan to do my walk as usual. Got loads of stuff yesterday including some Christmas presents so am a very organized bunny. I started to pick things up as I went along when the kids were little. I just happened to see some stuff that I knew would be perfect and rather than leave it I decided to buy it. Sorry for mentioning the C word so early. Anyway have a great day and an even better AF week-end.



      October Optimism - week 1

      I had almost no sleep last night and woke up with a real headache so I cancelled my spin class and it has given me some time to catch up here. Im putting the headache down to too much slimline tonic and the asparteme it contains. These days whenever I deviate from a healthy diet and have too many preservatives my body tells me. I do love this aspect of being AF, before I would never have noticed these signs as I was so used to feeling lousy.

      Im so glad everyone enjoyed my September summary and I will be delighted to give us a recap at the end of each month. As Star said we "live life" here and I love Cyn's description that we "formed a bridge of hearts".

      Cyn - the pencil next to the avatar shows members who are subscribers to MWO.

      Dill - Your photos are simply beautiful! The dog walk looks similar to one of mine and the corn being harvested looks magical, thank you so much for sharing these I love them.

      Mr G - I would love to see your part of the world, I have been to Sydney but not Melbourne and really hope one day to visit again, you have an amazing country!

      Lav - Whats with the power failure? I hope you and the chicks are ok.

      Sped - Young and in love, all that hope and optimism is heartwarming to see. No matter what knocks we get, I think we all still believe in true love.

      Sooty - Id love you to motor on down here to Portugal, we still have plenty sunshine with temperatures arounf 78/80f.

      PA - I sympathize with you being upset at your change of appointment but isnt it great when we can quickly see the futility of arguing with reality. I always initially get disappointed when my ego repeatedly kicks in with my reaction to situations but I am then delighted to see that I am learning and am able to let go of these feelings much quicker now.

      Rebirth - Fridays were also my worst for craving a drink, I dont know when it finally stopped and think its wonderful that you had that a-ha moment. I love Rustys analogy of 1000 sober posts, when put that way is sounds really something!

      I have another family day today and hope my Sister (who drank a whole bottle of vodka yesterday!) doesnt spoil it. The more I see of AL the more Im grateful that part of my life is over.

      Have a wonderful 1st of October guys, I love 1st, always makes me think its a chance at a new beginning......
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Optimism - week 1

        rustop61;971051 wrote: Hi Chill and Rustop
        I have a choice, I do not have to accept unacceptable behavior.
        Thats my motto for this month. October is optimistic and it means sorting out bad habits. This month I am really focusing on keeping fit physically and mentally. That means getting rid of toxic people as well as food.

        Have a good day all. It's raining here. x
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          October Optimism - week 1

          Rabbit! (For those of you who subscribe to the superstition that you should say 'rabbit' on the first day of the month )

          Thanks, Chill for getting our October Optimism thread started.

          For me, I have to be optimistic that my healing will continue and I will be a stronger and better person. October 18 is the day the cast comes off my foot and then I'll be on my way to physical therapy. I know I have a road of challenges before me but I'm going to tackle them with a clear head and determination.

          So, I can't promise that I won't do any more bellyaching about my situation but I ask all of you to give me gentle reminders that 'this too will pass' if the drama gets a little too much! :H:H

          Looking forward to sharing another month with all of you and best wishes to each of you on your journeys...
          AF since 7/13/2010


            October Optimism - week 1

            Thanks for the start up, Chill. I'm sorry you woke with a head ache. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated and eat healthy! The picture of the corn field and tractor I took especially for you. It's the one I pulled off the road to take on my way to work in the morning. I saw the scene and remembered my promise to take a Fall picture to contrast with my July pictures. The picture with my dogs is actually a scene from my own farm. We raise only hay and cattle.

            Rustop, thank you for the quotes today. I am impressed that you are already getting Christmas gifts. I am one who doesn't get in gear until end of November.

            Lav, Why was your power out? I'm glad we have our back up generators! Before we got ours, I couldn't flush the toilets during power outages!

            Hi Rebirth, I was thinking about that particular quote too and realized that the one with the most unacceptable behavior is sometimes ME! I don't have to accept it in myself.

            I was watching Bones last night and in the course of solving the murder mystery they came upon a clue that both victims had osteopenia which is a bone thinning condition that can be caused by alcoholism. I never knew that. So, yet another reason (especially for women) to be AF.

            LBH, I got The Help for my ipod yesterday thanks to digital downloads from the library.

            Have a great and AF Friday everyone.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              October Optimism - week 1

              Hi PAguy, Cross-post!

              Since I learned yesterday of alcohol's affect on bones, I realize the importance of AF for bone health. You're healing should be faster for you now that you are AF.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                October Optimism - week 1

                Hey everyone, it's Friday!!! And October, our new AF month.

                Dill, loved your pictures, it looks like my neck of the woods. I love the midwest, so lush, green, abundant....and your doggies are darlings. Dogs love their walks, don't they? You can really begin to feel the chill in the air, we are supposed to get rain(of course, it's the weekend) with much cooler temps.

                PA, interesting to hear your story about thinking...I need a drink, when irritated. I feel like that too when I get really angry or upset. It is like an automatic switch. It is a big deal to have the cast on three more days, so you had every right to get upset. So glad you were able to stay AF, as we all know, it is not easy, so another battle won!

                Lav, hope your electricity is back.

                Sped, so wonderful to read the time shared with your son. You and he have such special memories and were able to just enjoy each other and review people, places and things known only to the two of you. I feel that times like these, with the wedding, make having kids so worthwhile. I mean, so much of childraising is difficult, timeconsuming, expensive, and yet in the end, the most meaningful loving aspect of life. Things that can't be measured like a memory of a funny teacher, a lovely time spent at a park, zoo, the beach. Despite the stressors of the wedding, I am so happy you are able to really enjoy. Have a great weekend.

                Rusty, so we are both pretty trusting? I think I am because I would never intentionally hurt others, and if I say I am going to be there, or do something, I do it. And automatically assume (big mistake) that everyone has the same life view. I believe that your body tells you sometimes before your brain. You know, you get that feeling of something is wrong, or your heart pounds or it smells wrong. Then you really need to go with that primitive body telling you. Is it intuition, instinct? I went through a time in my life where I was really surrendered to God's will and just trusting in the process of life. That was a time I listened to my body in buying a new home, landing a new job, and it was all good. I need to get back to that place.

                Will check in later, have a magical day, AF.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  October Optimism - week 1

                  GM October friends,

                  Optimistic I am even though life as I know it could change in a major way before the month is over. Won't go into that now.

                  Yesterday's Tropical Storm Nicole is gone now. Power was finally restored about 10:30 pm last night (after I did some whining here). I made it through, the chickies made it through so I'll stop complaining. I will pull my mud shoes on later & go out & pick up some branches I see lying around.
                  Dill, the generator helps me keep my sanity & flush toilets :H

                  Chill, your sister must be feeling like crap, sorry for her. I never could drink vodka, yuck!
                  I'm with you & happy that I no longer have to worry about the 'day after'

                  OK, need to make up for yesterday's loss of work time.
                  Wishing everyone of us a fantastic AF Friday.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Optimism - week 1

                    Chill bet your sister must have a headache. I gloat when my partner has a hangover. He looks and feels awful and I feel so happy that I am not feeling what he is feeling!

                    Lav glad that your power is back on. The things we take for granted eh..electricity and water. I saw many people in India bathing and drinking from the river purely because they dont have running water.
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      October Optimism - week 1

                      Good Friday Morning Friends,

                      Chill-I agree with your quote that if you have no bumps on the path, you're probably on the wrong path. Those bumps make me appreciate the smoother roads all the more when I encounter them.

                      I feel so positive about October. I have so much to be thankful for. Good friends of mine will be visiting from out-of-town today and I have the day at home and I am going to fill it with fresh flower arrangements. I am thankful they have the comfort level in visiting me again. My drinking taxed our friendship and I am trying to make up for lost time.

                      Shelley-I re-read your post 3 times where you described the 4-hour hike with your son. What an incredible testimony to you that your son wanted to spend that time JUST with you!

                      Dill-thank you for posting your beautiful photos! You are so talented-the pics of your farm remind me of an ad that's right out of Midwest Living Magazine.

                      Lav-loved the new pics! The chicklets sure are growing fast! Are you under water? I saw all the floods in PA on the news this morning and thought of you and Paguy.

                      John-your attitude about your doctor's rescheduling is really healthy. I am proud of you.

                      Star-I USED to be too trusting.....I keep people at arm's length now until I really get to know them. I am not disappointed at all that my date fell through. I didn't get my hopes up, because I know how devastated I've been in the past when someone has let me down. I re-read your posts about how you didn't get an education until later but that you achieved your goals and you have a great career now. I admire and respect your fortitude.

                      Shelley, to answer your question, yes, I have to see him again in a business setting. In the automotive world, everyone knows everybody else and I don't want to say anything that will antagonize him. I am not intimidated by him, but I don't want to jeopardize a future opportunity as my consulting business is largely due to referrals.

                      A warm hello to LBH, Rustop, Rebirth, Sooty, G, Cyntree and Papmom, have a wonderful AF Friday!




                        October Optimism - week 1

                        Hi everyone,

                        Just a quick drop in. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and yep, the 1st. of anything is alway's so full of possibility, but then, isn't every morning we wake up?

                        A safe, sober, and magical weekend to all.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          October Optimism - week 1

                          Happy October everybody. I always like a new month, a new year, a new day. Speaking of new, Lord Bird Heart gave me my very first IPOD last night and for some reason chose a super fancy one with more memory than God. I am still afraid to turn it on; new technology and I take a while to make friends. Right now I am just walking slowly around the little box. I hope you like the audio of The Help, Dill, I thought it was very well done; I have been using our library for books on CD but once I buck up I will use their downloads. I have been in the garden all morning moving perennials with a shovel, the lowest of low tech. There are English rose brambles in my hair. Lets enjoy a sober and sweet October. I really want to make it a good one. Here is a picture of a place I like to walk, a bizarre slot canyon about a hour's drive from home. It looks like another planet. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            October Optimism - week 1

                            John my family say "white rabbits" on the first of the month - strange superstition, no idea where it comes from!

                            Happy October everyone. An atrocious day weatherwise - if you're following the Ryder Cup I've been sharing their weather (I'm about 75 miles from there)

                            I'm starting my mindfulness course on Sunday and am very excited! I got an e mail from the teacher today with a link which might interest some of you - Be Mindful is a campaign, by the Mental Health Foundation, raising awareness about the benefits of mindfulness
                            its got a stress test so you can assess how fraught you are feeling and whether you should be taking some action!

                            Going to settle down with some rubbish tv tonight, batten down the hatches etc.

                            See you all tomorrow, have a great weekend gang
                            love Sooty

                            ps love the photos Dill and LBH - you are right they do look like another planet, spooky but v beautiful x


                              October Optimism - week 1

                              paguy;971123 wrote: Rabbit! (For those of you who subscribe to the superstition that you should say 'rabbit' on the first day of the month )
                              So that's why I keep seeing "Jack Rabbit" on some other threads everyonce in a while!! Who knew???

                              Thanks John!!

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

