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October Optimism - week 1

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    October Optimism - week 1

    Mr G - you missed the bit about when I have guests over
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      October Optimism - week 1

      Chillgirl;975291 wrote: Mr G - you missed the bit about when I have guests over
      Ah, ok. Chance of a silver goblet?

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        October Optimism - week 1

        Guitarista;975297 wrote: Ah, ok. Chance of a silver goblet?
        Asolbloodylutely! Just give me some notice and I'll get the polish out....
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          October Optimism - week 1

          Chillgirl;975301 wrote: Asolbloodylutely! Just give me some notice and I'll get the polish out....
          Wow! Sound's grand my friend.

          Catch you later Chilli, have a great evening.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            October Optimism - week 1

            I?m glad the wedding went off without a snag, Shelley. Sometimes what many of us really want/need is something contained and traditional, particularly when so much of life is uncertain, uncontrollable, and changing (at least technologically) at warp speed. And all the talk of drinking vessels. I too always used the very best for my alcoholic beverage of the moment, made me feel that I was not as impaired as I was as I did not break something irreplaceable, at least if you don?t count my spirit. Oh thank you Star for reminding me of how finite our consciousness is, so if I fill my own with poo, there won?t be any room left for, as Cyn would say, ?light?. And Cyn, after much fieldwork, I love ordinary things more than extraordinary ones all things considered. You sound so good SD, this thread is indeed helpful, it is one day a time but set in the context of weekly and monthly goals, much easier to stay focused and discover what actually works for each of us. Hi PA, Rebirth, Chill, Lav, Dill, Rustop (so sweet you launching your lovely eighteen year old in the world), Rusty, Sooty, G., Pap and pups, et. al. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              October Optimism - week 1

              Quick goodnight all -
              So many things to say....RB, great job having the heart-to-heart with BF, I really hope that works out. Chill - you're worth more than a whole team of McDreamies -
              Rustop - your beautiful post made my heart swell, so happy and sad at once, I hope the evening was special.
              Rusty - I saw a card today, beatiful, delicate, with lovely artwork, and it said: "Pretending to be normal is exhausting me". How true, at least for me....I think I'm just about ready to give it up.
              PMom - western MA?! I used to live there - Heaven.
              Dill - my family has an entire set of Fiesta ware from the 40s; we still use it - now that's a Happy Meal.
              PA - I'm considering using my fancy glasses for my mango tea....stay tuned.
              SD - I agree - the risotto sounds yummy, and you sound terrific. So glad that you are here --

              Sped - thanks for the wedding recap - the hearth fires sound especially sweet, and the mealtimes together -- take care of your foot, and be careful on the road!

              Good night, good morning all - blessings -
              to the light


                October Optimism - week 1

                Oh Lav - so sorry about your friend, and good luck to your daughter - I'm glad you're a nurse!
                to the light


                  October Optimism - week 1

                  Good morning guys

                  Lav - I hope the rest is helping your daughter and as Cyn says it's great to have a Mum who's a nurse.

                  RB - you do make me laugh with your kick boxing at home, I bet your Son loves it!

                  Sped - A huge CONGRATULATIONS on staying AF during the wedding festivities! I'm like you, not big on traditional weddings, I ran away and got married in Bermuda.

                  LBH - I loved you comment on liking ordinary things, I seem to appreciAted them more and more these days.

                  Cyn - re being normal, I've been thinking about this recently and wondering if anyone is normal :H
                  I have my dinner date on Saturday with McDreamy and I'm absolutely terrified! I wish I didn't look so "normal" on the outside as I feel far from it on the inside and I feel I'm way too odd for him to like me. He looks like a very straight, square kinda guy, he's an accountant for God sake, practical and sensible.

                  I have a busy day, someone I know is trying to get me involved in a new social networking site which is going to rival Facebook and from which you can earn money, it all sound too good to be true and he's introducing me today to someone from the company and we are having lunch. I'm not as dumb as I look so i've invited along one of my closest men friends who is a successful business man so he can ask all the right Qs.

                  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone, I will be back later......
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    October Optimism - week 1

                    Pretending to be normal is exhausting me
                    Thats a good one Cyn. Suits me perfectly! Hi LBH

                    Chill you are not alone when you say you feel way too "odd". I could never quite relate to the very straight, practical and sensible types as I feel too restrained in their company. I consider myself quite a free person ( expressive, energetic, artistic, spiritual). On the flip side I can be moody, emotional, annoying, argumentative...My ideal man would be someone like me. LOL. Most of the men I meet fall into two catorgories: artists ( non materialistic, jobless and dont care) or ambitious ( too focused on their career and need to lighten up).

                    Maybe Santa may sent me one of them one day
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      October Optimism - week 1

                      Question:What is normal anyway? Someone who conforms to society?I know I am not but I am not sure why
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        October Optimism - week 1

                        rebirth;975560 wrote:
                        Most of the men I meet fall into two catorgories: artists ( non materialistic, jobless and dont care) or ambitious ( too focused on their career and need to lighten up).
                        Rebirth you sum this up perfectly, its somewhere in the middle that i would like. I like artistic but not to the degree of having their head in the clouds with no responsibilities. I also am a complete neat freak and a bit OCD on cleanliness and some of the new agey guys I know look like they need a good scrub :H Then the other end of the scale seem to miss out on the wonders of life as all they want is to gather wealth and be better than the next guy. If I wasnt such a believer in true love id give up completely :h

                        I was about to set off on my bike when the heavens opened so I think yoga today instead
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          October Optimism - week 1

                          Greeting's Serene Optomisticalist's everywhere,

                          Geez, i think i was a mixture of both of RB's categories once. Kind of still am, but a work in progress for the better i alway's hope. Head still in the clouds now and then, but whether i need a good scrub or not, is not for me to say really......:H

                          Best wishes with your meeting Chilli.
                          This is a long road. Think positive everyone, dig deep, and do what you have to do, to get where you want to be. Anything is possible, and remember, million's have successfully gone before us over the centuries.

                          Have a great day everyone.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            October Optimism - week 1

                            What a busy thread!!

                            "To have so many people I love in one beautiful place was amazing. Guess that's what weddings are for." Sped, you are so right, that is what weddings are for. You know have wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. I keep taking wedding pictures out to look at them and remember the feelings of that day

                            Rustop, which takes me to your 18 year old's birthday. Congrats, it is bittersweet as your children get older, you reminise(?sp) and realize how swiftly life passes and how precious every moment is with your loved ones. Hope you had a wonderful dinner

                            It's hard for me to believe I am as old as I am. I do not feel old, I probably look old, but time is such a strange thing, such a mystery. We are all working on making our lives as meaningful as possible, and should be proud of ourselves for the effort.

                            RB, I picture you working out and your son just loving you and wanting to exercise with you. My kids used to love to exercise with me, and later were proud that I was a fit mother. Kids are so funny about things like that, they look for reasons to be proud of us. I think that if we are healthy, it helps them to be healthy too. You are right on to treasure every moment with him, it does go by quickly.

                            Chill, do you really think people are more spiritual? I guess in the states, I have been noticing people using the Bible and Christianity to be cruel, hurtful, and judgemental. Maybe it is because I am in a conservative area. The end of the world has been predicted so many times, that I don't know what to think. Remember the milleniium? People were freaking out, the Y2K and all that stuff. Nothing, thank goodness. And recently the young man who killed himself, jumping off the bridge and the other gay teens who have followed, due to despair and cruelty. Again, using the Bible to justify emotionally torturing people, It really makes me mad. Yet, despite all that, there is goodness and kindness in the world, over and over again. So, balance. I really appreciate your being willing to discuss anything, I love your posts.

                            Finally, the posts about the china, crystal, have brought up alot of feelings for me. Now, I want my mother's china, crystal, etc, and realize the treasures they are, the bridge to another generation. I just don't have room for it. Thanks all for sharing your memories. I like Sooty's daily use of the expensive pottery. Why not?

                            How are people doing with cravings? I woke up thinking about wanting to drink this weekend, and it really made me mad that my mind is doing this to me. What the heck? I am making plans to be very busy this weekend so that I do not have time to drink and be sick the next day. ODAT, and at times, one minute at a time.

                            Have a good productive Thursday.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              October Optimism - week 1

                              Good Morning Serene Ones,

                              I'm in a rush this morning so this will be a quick post (yeah,'ve all heard that before:H)

                              Shelley-I am so happy the wedding was everything you'd hoped. Your description of all the fanfare and how you felt at peace made me feel like I was right there beside you. You will have those memories forever. What a wonderfully serene way to jump into Fall. Regarding your travels, I will be in Indiana in less than 2 weeks.

                              Dill-my closest friends use nothing but Fiesta Ware. Their dining room table always looks lovely as they too like to entertain.

                              Rebirth-I appreciated your thoughts on what's normal. I've never felt conventional I guess. When you described yourself to us, I thought, she sure sounds a lot like me

                              Lav-so sorry about your friend's cancer diagnosos:upset:I'm glad you're such a good friend to her....she's lucky to have you.

                              Star-regarding cravings.....I now take Baclofen just at night. It was making me too sleepy during the day. Now, I sleep like a log and the light dosage I am on seems to still keep cravings away. I don't have them anymore, but like you, I have drinking thoughts sometimes and I'm sure it's because the weekend is upon us. That is always my vulnerable time. The beast never leaves us alone, does it? Talk about the serpent in the Biblical sense.

                              Star, I really liked your comments about your china and the memories it holds for you. The reason I love my china so much and use it as much as I do is because it was a gift from my sister and my mother. I've never been married, and generally china is something you buy for a bride, but my sister thought, "Rusty likes to entertain and so what if she's not married, let's get her something she'll love and enjoy using." And I do! I think of them every time I use it, and I just don't wait for special occasions. Many times, I set a beautiful table just for myself. It makes the dining experience mean so much more to me rather than just throwing food on a plate. I still use my Waterford Crystal wine glasses and I put sparkling water in them. My china was given to me with the utmost love and I will always treasure it. Once we get closer to Christmas, I will ask Dill to show me how to use Photobucket, as I plan to take a picture of my holdiay table so you can see it.

                              Chill-good luck with your McDreamy date this weekend.

                              See what I said? Short post? NOT.

                              To everyone else I ddin't mention, have a wonderful AF day!


                                October Optimism - week 1

                                Good Morning Folks:

                                RB ?Like G, I think I fall in the middle of your categories. Although I have been focused on my career, I haven?t taken it to the degree that I?m in to be at the head of the pack. I?ve always looked at my job/career as a means to enable me to do what I enjoy and get the most out of life. At times, my job does consume me and I?ve decided that I really don?t want to deal with all this pressure for much longer, but all in all, I try to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Admittedly, though, I do want to shift the equation and spend more time enjoying life!

                                Star ? Like you, I am always telling myself that I can?t believe I am as old as I am. How did this happen? Where did the years go? Has it really been 34 years since I graduated from college? YIKES! I am just thankful that I am determined to approach 60 with a healthy state of mind and attitude that will enable me to continue enjoying life (as long as I don?t continue to drop kitchen knives on my bare feet!) :H

                                Chill ? Hope your meeting goes well today. I think it?s a great idea to bring a friend along who can ask the right questions. Remember ? If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is?. But, there are always opportunities and risks. It?s a matter of doing your homework and making an educated/informed decision. (Sorry, that?s my analytical, practical nature ? I don?t spend too much time up in the clouds).

                                For those of you who follow baseball, it was a very good night for the Philadelphia Phillies last night in their first game of the playoffs. Roy Halladay pitched a no-hitter and the Phils beat the Reds 4-0! ? YEAH! :clapclap:

                                Regarding cravings, I?ve been able to hold mine at bay pretty well these past few weeks. But, I realize my ?limited mobility? lifestyle right now is definitely impacting my whole outlook and daily activities. Once I become more mobile and start driving, I?ll be forced to deal with more stressors that come along with idiotic drivers on the road, passing by the liquor stores and just more direct social interactions that I (a pretty strong introvert) find stressful. I know I will definitely be challenged in the days ahead fighting off cravings.

                                Sped ? You are not only running a half-marathon/marathon but you are running in Denver, the mile-high city? What an accomplishment and challenge to run in that altitude. Good Luck!!

                                It?s Thursday and the weekend is approaching?. Hope everyone has a peaceful day!
                                AF since 7/13/2010

