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October Optimism - week 1

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    October Optimism - week 1

    I am new how does alcohol affect bones? Pain? Also I quit drinking for 6 days and felt very tired is this normal? I did have 2 glaases of wine for the firat time in 6 days last night. Plan not to drink again all week.


      October Optimism - week 1

      Welcome Britches!! The withdraw process for everyone is very different and individual. One good rule of thumb is to try to go AF for 30 days to get all AL out of your system and then take it from there. I know-it's hard to do but if you really want to stop drinking, you'll find a way. Check out the for some great plans and also the "Just Starting Out" section there are some great threads where you'll find lots of good info. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!!

      Hi SD-very good to hear from you again. You're keeping very busy I see!! I love your Optimism-perfect for our thread!!

      Chill-I'm so excited for you! You deserve some good healthy notice from nice men. I agree-it must have been very hard to watch your sister's get hammered and then feel like crap the next morning. Great to have reminders right in front of you tho, isn't it?

      Lav and John-I had a stink bug in my office yesterday!! Very bizarre!! Do the suckers fly???

      Cyn-I totally missed your post yesterday!! So sorry!! How fun about the agility lesson!! Don't worry-my knees and hips hurt too!! It's really important to stretch but I'm also now seeing a chiropractor because stretching just doesn't do it. Turns out one leg is 1 inch shorter than the other and is causing all the problems. We'll see. Yes, you will do much more training to become a handler than your dogs will need to to learn to run the course. "there are no bad doggies, only bad handlers!!". Inspiring isn't it? :H What great great news about your friend!! Sometimes miracles DO happen!!

      John-you are sounding so much more positive today!! It must be the weather!! I love how one of my doggies snuggle up next to me under the covers in teh cool weather!! I too have become a voracious reader!! I just wish I could stay away long enough to read more than one page a night!! Have fun at dinner tonite!

      LBH-your photos took my breath away!! And to think it is almost on your doorstep!! Gorgeous!

      Happy Oct 2nd everyone!! Shout out to Dill, Rustop, Rusty, LB and anyone else who comes by today.

      Stuck inside on this gorgeous fall day but looking forward to tomorrow. Just hope I can get everything done that I planned on. All of a sudden my trip to Bar Harbor, ME is coming at me at lightening speed!! So much to do and pack!! No telling what the weather will be like that far north and on the ocean so I'll need to be prepared for everything!! I won't run Koby if it is pouring rain but will volunteer. Better try on my rain suit and make sure it fits so I can exchange it before I leave (or leave early enough on Friday to stop at LL Bean ).

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        October Optimism - week 1

        :welcome:Welcome, Britches!
        Excess alcohol consumption can suppress the body's ability to produce new bone cells at an adequate rate, thus causing a weakening of the bones. The condition is called osteopenia and it refers to having lower Bone Mineral Density than the average.

        I don't know that feeling tired is because of cutting out drinking. I don't recall having that experience. But it would make sense that your body is used to the sugar energy that is in alcohol and is adjusting to less of it, making you feel tired? Make sure you drink lots of lemon water and eat a healthy diet. Nutrition is so important!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          October Optimism - week 1

          Cross-posted, Papmom! Wow, the trip to Maine sounds like fun. I love Maine. Wish I could go with you!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            October Optimism - week 1

            Come on Dill! It's only a 10 hour trip to me and then another 6 to maine!! I need an extra hand!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              October Optimism - week 1

              hello everyone, another late-ish log on for me as I've had a busy day doing bits and pieces.

              Tell me do these stink bugs actually stink?

              I'm off on my course tomorrow all morning, will post as soon as I can and let you know how it went.

              Have a good weekend gang
              love Sooty


                October Optimism - week 1

                Hey Sooty-apparently if you squish them they are really stinky!! The one in my office was picked up gingerly, very gingerly on a piece of paper and taken outside.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  October Optimism - week 1

                  Welcome, Britches! Keep on asking questions, the answers seem to flow abundantly here. I also recommend taking time to read up on everything in the Toolbox. Good luck, and be gentle with yourself -- I remember being super tired in the beginning; it will pass.

                  LBH - gorgeous slot canyon pics - I've been in them in Utah, I didn't realize the NM has them also.

                  SD - so good to hear from you; good luck on all the soccer games this weekend.

                  PapM - Bar Harbor?! My heart be still.

                  Rusty - I keep seeing the dire warnings about Europe in general, Paris in particular. I was in Paris on 9/11 and we walked toward a restaurant that we knew of, only to be turned back by armed guards. Turns out that we were about a block away from the US Embassy, where there had been a bomb threat... Do you really have to go now??

                  Chill - way to go with the gents! Hope you have fun at your party tonight.

                  OK, I'm off to take a little bit of a lie-down now, since I can! I wake up at 4:00 each morning, worrying about my client's moves, and my To Do list to get my own house ready to be put on the market in 2 weeks.....I'm making good progress, but I'm tiiiiiirrrrreeedddd.

                  Good AF Saturday to all ---- (Sped is the wedding today? - Cheers!)
                  to the light


                    October Optimism - week 1

                    Good Evening everyone!
                    Chill--I think it's amazing you can go out with your sisters (and have them drinking)..I have one sister that once she gets lit up she gets such a nasty mouth on her I can[t stand being around her. I haven't been "out" in seems if I ever do I run in to a parent of one of my kids in my building...this town is just too small!

                    Paguy-You are so lucky to have a good doogie friend...I got ours thinking she'd be a cute little loving lap dog....nope she's the devil!! Naughtiest thing ever...and smarter then all get out!! The worst combo you can have in a dog!:H

                    P3--I would love to see Maine someday..I bet this time of year it's AMAZINGLY beautiful!! Sounds like your life is pretty busy!!

                    Dill--only day 2 (and I promised I wasn't going to count this time...instead just take it ODAT) but omigosh...I woke up with the hugest headache and have been sooo tired all day (I'm feeling your pain CYNTREE...probably for different reason, tho...hahaha!) Was it like this last time??? On a POSITIVE note Brayden won both of his games today. Has 2 more tomorrow. If he wins both of those his team plays for the championship on Monday night...may have to be a little late to class that night!!

                    Lav-are you still dry...chicks still chirppin'?

                    To everyone else...have a wonderful rest of the night...I'm going to try to get two papers hammered out and then off to bed!! This girl is beat...but, yea!!:yay:
                    Good Night
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      October Optimism - week 1

                      Hope you got some well deserved rest cyn

                      Welcome Britches! If you haven't already be sure to download & read the MWO book from the Health Store above. It explains all the different aspects of the program including supplements, hypnotherapy CDs, etc. Best wishes!

                      Yes, the stink bugs fly in a bizarre sort of way. Thanks for the visual John - that one looks like the 15 or so I removed from my house so far today. They are relentless! Think I will give a few to the chicks tomorrow & see if they like them, ha ha!!

                      I'm packing in case Rusty decides he wants some company to Paree

                      Wishing everyone a peaceful & restful night!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        October Optimism - week 1

                        Hey SD - cross post!
                        Still dry & chicks are great
                        Hang in there friend!!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          October Optimism - week 1

                          Another late check in for me. How busy are you, Cyn, my goodness. I am so glad that the prognosis for your friend is better; I imagine that he has a lot to say. You sound really busy too SD, I am glad you will be here, it really helps all of us. I have not gone a straight line out of daily drinking to sobriety, I did not have a dramatic event or epiphany, for me it has just been a gradual realization that it doesn?t agree with me anymore, that I might enjoy it for a couple of hours or it might "help" for a couple of hours but then the other twenty-two hours of the day are diminished, not remotely a good trade. We all have our ways to make sense out of things. Tonight I am thinking a lot about where we each live or are visiting as the seasons change, your farm Dill is beautiful, I love little roads through fields, and Pap?s off to Bar Harbor, I love it there. Keep in close touch, Rusty, it can be a pain to travel when security is high and Lord Bird Heart and I got trapped one night in Paris by a scare that closed the Metro stations and streets all around us. We had to walk a long way semi lost in the dark, and while we were fine it was unnerving. You are almost free, John, when I have been laid up I developed an enormous appreciation of my ordinary life, and it really was transforming, I still love just the opportunity to go about my day. I look forward to hearing about the new gentleman callers, Chill, you should be getting your own peaceful world back again soon as well. Your chicks are adorable and bravo on weathering all that rain, Lav, it sounds as though there will be much clearing and cleaning in association with it. Hi Sooty, drive straight and true, little buddy. Hi G., thanks for the encouragement. Hi Rustop, you shopping genius, and Rebirth, I hope that you are enjoying discovering and fostering your new fit self. Look forward to hearing about the wedding, Shelley, you have some peace. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            October Optimism - week 1

                            Good Morning and a very happy Sunday to you all

                            I was up at 5am and took my Parents and Sisters to the airport. Now Im back enjoying my 1st peaceful cup of coffee in a few weeks..... bliss! I love them all dearly but I will be relishing every moment of solitude before my Parents come back in another couple of weeks!

                            I went to a very elegant party last night and had been deliberately seated by the host next to the most eligible bachelor in town. I was nervous and a glass of wine would have been a welcome icebreaker but fast forward and Id have made a complete fool of myself so instead we muddled through with the odd awkward moment. I may be in for a disappointed but i feel quite confident he will be in touch

                            The sun is just coming up and Im off dog walking before tackling the house cleaning......
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              October Optimism - week 1

                              Good morning Chill and anyone who posts today.

                              Just saying a quick hello cause I have company. But weather is terrible so the lovely pictures I was going to take for Dill wont be happening. Have a lovely sunday. I love this day because I know that most of the UK is closed.
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                                October Optimism - week 1

                                A quick fly by here too.

                                All's well here. Have a great sunday everyone, whatever you're doing.
                                Good luck with the gentlemen caller's Chilli....:upset:

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

