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October Optimism - week 1

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    October Optimism - week 1

    Sometimes I don't feel like I fit on any of these threads! hahahahaahh


      October Optimism - week 1

      Good Morning Guys, you from across the pond are up bright and early!

      Rusty - what do you mean dont fit? I personally look out for your posts and read them on as many threads as i can as I love your input. And now I know you are good at formal dining I desperately want an invite to dinner Entertaining makes me a nervous wreck and Im sure I make my guests uncomfortable. Of course before I used to just get enough wine down me that I no longer cared!!

      Dill - Thanks for the quote, whenever I get down i always turn to gratitude which is forever my friend and knocks the self pity clean away.

      Talking of sleep, after my family left I slept 10 straight hours which is unheard of for me! I think I was completely exhausted mentally and physically.

      Im still waiting for McDreamy to confirm our date and of course my mind is telling me 100 reasons why its probably not a good idea, the nerves of a 1st date fill me with dread.

      Its a bank holiday here today and I am going this afternoon on a challenging cycle with my bike club, the sun is shining and it should be a lot of fun.

      Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone......
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Optimism - week 1

        Good morning all,

        I had a really good sleep last night. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do. I have woken up still feeling annoyed at my BF's behaviour but also extremely grateful and appreciative of what I have in my life. One of them is my sobriety thats for sure.

        Dill your post today was perfect for my mood today. You always have fantastic messages!

        I dont know about you guys but being AF is giving me alot more confidence and clarity in my life. I am kicking ass and not so afraid of the outcome?! Finally!
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          October Optimism - week 1

          Hi Folks:

          A very quick check-in for me this morning. I did not sleep well at all last night - was still counting sheep at 3am. This is unusual for me - not sure what happened. Will catch sometime later today...

          Hope everyone has a nice day....
          AF since 7/13/2010


            October Optimism - week 1

            :H I ain't no June Cleaver :H

            OMG Rusty, I'm the one in old jeans, T shirt & chicken poop stuck on the bottom of my muck shoes :H

            I used to attempt a little formality on holidays but realized long ago that it just makes my family angry, hostile even. I haven't had my mom's china out of the cabinet in years!!!

            I have to run now but will be back later. I need to get to the store before EB arrives. Glad I slept well last night. John, I take a handful of herbal stuff & Benadryl before bed & I can usually sleep.

            Have a great Tuesday y'all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Optimism - week 1

              Hey I'm here but barely,
              Almost everyone has left but not quite. The wedding was pulled off without a hitch. Only a little thunder, lightning and rain drops during the outside ceremony. More later.
              I'm on my way to the podiatrist. Think I'm getting a shot of steroids in my foot. Ouch!
              Love, Shelley


                October Optimism - week 1

                Sped - glad the wedding went without a hitch, more details soon please

                I went on a 56km cycle with my bike club today and everything hurts! I had a hot bath and I'm now collapsed on the sofa enjoying the pain. I so loving this activity and it's great to meet new people who don't know me from my party days, they are a lovely bunch of guys who socialize quite a lot together and have invited me to join them which I definitely will.

                It's getting chilly here now in the evening and I ordered a load of wood which arrives tomorrow, it's always such a treat to light the 1st fire of the winter....
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  October Optimism - week 1

                  Hi everyone,

                  Ah, sounds very nice Chilli. Your cycling group sounds brilliant in every way. Fitness, social, positive folk etc, it's all good. There's a whole other world out there apart from the drinking one, which was impossible for me to believe when i had my head in a glass! Good luck with your date.

                  Glad the wedding went well Sped!
                  Hello to everyone else, and have a safe, sober, and magical week!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    October Optimism - week 1

                    Enjoyed reading the gratitude spiel you posted too Dill. Thank's.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      October Optimism - week 1

                      Hi and good night folks. I am trying to read my book before my eyes close. x
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        October Optimism - week 1

                        Loved the gratitude post, Dill, it?s funny how the very same world looks/is completely different when we change this perspective even a tiny bit. I also loved the takes on entertaining. I with those who like to set beautiful tables and "dress" for dinner; although there were just the two of us, my mother would serve formally almost every night, otherwise called it a ?picnic?. I had no idea how completely odd this was for some time, but my friends loved to come over, one told me it was ?just like being in a play?:H. Off to prepare an informal meal for Lord Bird Heart as we are having a ?dinner and movie night?. Welcome back Shelley. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          October Optimism - week 1

                          Good Evening All!
                          Just got caught up on all the posts from yesterday and today!! This is going to be short and sweet as I'm totally exhausted tonight!! Got home tonight, mowed my lawn (or I should say leaves)..then my hair gal calls and says she can get me right in (had a cancellation) my hair done..came home made hearts of palm risotto and chicken breasts, watched biggest loser...sober...and my son is reading in bed as I'm!!! To top it off, each day my head feels less foggy...oh how I love this feeling...and God how I've missed it!! May you all have sweet dreams and a wonderful Wednesday! I'll hop on earlier so I can write to each of you! Good Night!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            October Optimism - week 1

                            It RAINED today!!!!! And the temperature finally went down below 100 degrees - it was actually a little cool this evening, and I could smell the rain - WOW! I know it must sound strange to you all, but here it is such a rare and fabulous occurence...and did I mention that the clouds were spectacular - mixes of battelship grey with whitest white towers of whipped cream and streaks of pink with a turquoise sky behind peaking out. Bliss.

                            LBH - how well I know that heavy limbed, heavy eyelidded late afternoon/early evening. It drove my drinking considerably - especially when I HAD to do a dinner party, or attend one. Fuel is what I called it then also. Now I realize that I have to have some balance, and if that means a solid hour nap that takes me a half hour to wake up from, so be it. Otherwise, it's Rusty's plan, to bed at 9:00 and up by 4:00...

                            Dill, thanks so much for the quote. I love Melody Beattie and her books; this quote is a great distillation. I have been thinking in recent days of an experience I had years ago, in an October. I was performing in a theater piece, a play with music plus video, on the subject of breast cancer. (Not a toe-tapper, for sure. But it combined videos of breast cancer patients describing their lives, with theatre scenes and music. It was a powerful piece, and we toured it in October for Breast Cancer Awareness month.) Anyway, one of the women in the video said something that I never forgot: that one of the benefits for her of staying alive was the gratitude that she felt in doing everyday things. She said that to arrange flowers in a vase, to set the dinner table and put the napkins 'just so', etc. became the sweetest part of her existence, it made all the other things she had to go through worth the going through...

                            I grew up in a family that used the china and silver everyday, and for any situation. I still love it, I guess for some of us it is a kind of mindfulness meditation, and for me connects me to my parents and grandparents. Funny what things have resonance. Isn't it great that we all have so many ways to bring a meal to the table? Fabulous.

                            Wishing you all a good night/happy morning (Happy Humpday Sooty!)
                            to the light


                              October Optimism - week 1

                              Happy humpday cyn and everyone else. Sorry didn't get on yesterday, busy with stuff and time just flew.

                              I grew up where china is made in this country so we had best china all the time - every family knew someone who worked in the pottery industry so lovely dinnerware was ridiculously cheap and very available. Consequently I can't drink out of anything other than fine china! The house is untidy but the cups/mugs are the best quality

                              Seem to have lots on at the moment gang - nothing exciting just routine things, doctor checkups, flu jab etc. I am so grateful to be AF - I still get grumpy but at least I don't have a hangover as well.

                              Have a really good day one and all, hopefully log on later, but if not see you all tomorrow


                                October Optimism - week 1

                                Good morning everyone

                                Feeling very emotional today. My oldest daughter is 18. It has brought up all kinds of memories. About 6 very close family members who played a huge role in my life at that time have since died, some very young. I guess because its a milestone birthday it is affecting me more than normal.

                                Anyway we are going out for a family dinner tonight, she chose the restaurant so that is something to look forward to.

                                Happy hump day everyone.


