Morning fabbie ones!
Does anyone esle feel like they are STLL catching up with the business of life after drinking? Not expanded horizons necessarily, just taking care of things. Not complaining mind you - I'd rather be busy digging ditches than drinking all day.

I might have an overnight guest and dog tonight so I'd best get at all my loose ends! This person can be high maintenance and I'll have to do a double grounding meditation or something beforehand. Smudge sticks handy!
I meant to tell you I bumped into a friend at the blues festival who had a long distance energy healing experience for a physical problem via a few prearranged sessions. I was fascinated. I'm calling him today to get the person's contact information. I'm itching to learn more about the process.
Lav, I'm with you on the Colin point of view. But geez, who knew a growth experience could last so long, eh? And I mean yours, not his.

Cindi..:l I trust you're doing the all good things for your body to recover.
Be well abbers and enjoy the gift of whatever the day brings! thing's for sure!