Mona, I just live in Northern Maryland, but it was exceptionally cold last night--23 when I woke up. It is 45 now. All the annuals in my garden are now crispy critters!
Gabby, how about a brisk walk and then settling down to knit and of course, a little spot of gossip?:H
Janet, I'm glad that your compass is getting a little more accurate. I'm so glad for you on day 7!
Nancy, I don't know if it's ADD or too many books/projects and too little time! Wouldn't it be nice if we could make a living reading and/or making things??
Lisa, I'm glad you had a very well-deserved indulgent day! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more, love!
Enjoy your brother, Macks. Isn't it great when you squabble as kids and then grow up and grow close?
Hawk, I hope you have a quiet and peaceful interlude before all hell breaks loose with the arrival of your grandchildren. It sure is good that kids that age are so lucious, isn't it??? It insures the survival of the species. Otherwise, we'd have to eat them!:H I remember thinking many times when my daughter was 3 that it was a very good thing that she was so adorable, or else goodness knows what might have happened to her at my hands!...what with her less than adorable antics...
Maddy and I are going to see the marching band in the Chapter Championships tonight. It should be interesting, as they traditionally have not done well, as the championships are held in a neighboring county. However, we are currently in 1st place in group 5, so tonight should be verrrryy interesting. It should also be very COLD......
Anyway, I'm going to go do some cleaning. I have to finish my room. Once I get started, I can be extremely anal about cleaning.

So again, love to all!