hi accountable/cinders/uni - sending you positive thoughts with what you are going through at the moment. You can get through this- you've quit before,can learn from past experience and can do it again.
I got to hinking abotu feelings today and how i often don't knowwhat i feel cos i squash it odwn with alcohol/cigs - and sometime food.that has been why I've foudn it hard to lose wieght when i quit drinkign - food becomes my only security balnket.
I read something today that is so simple- but not so easy to do - and not what I'm used to doing.
recognise the feeling
feel it (don't avoid it through booze/cigs/excess food)
express it
I've battled with weight for years - 90% of the time I don't eat through hunger but through fear/anger/procrastination/boredeom or 'as a treat'.
Uni - that seems to fit with what you're experiencing at the moment - our blankets are gone. It also fits with the idea that we stop developing emotionally at the age we get seriosuly stuck into the booze - for me that's 19/20