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sunday 10 October af daily

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    sunday 10 October af daily

    mornign all - well afternoon actually!
    head bursting from all the new thoughs I'm having - had to write it all down in my little book - seem to be getting light bulb moments a lot.

    I thought today that I am lucky - lucky that I have stopped drinking before things got much worse,lucky to have this site and lucky that I only really have HUGE difficulty not drinking/smoking on a Saturday night when with friends/or in drinking environments.
    I have total respect to those who deal with on a daily basis - that wanting to climb out of my own skin awkwardness is not an easy feeling.

    Anyway - good day today - awesome roller derby yesterday (I have a girl crush!).
    Team dramas - trying to apply new thinking to it 'not my responsibility,what do i really think' and expressing that.

    Derby training later,making chinese braised beef in slow cooker and doing washing mountain. Great day all to come.
    one day at a time

    sunday 10 October af daily

    Morning abbers!!

    bear, aren't you just loving those lightbulb moments! I'm really enjoying watching you! Whadda ya mean "a girl crush"?

    Had a nice dinner and visit with NGF She's leaving today for home and I'm taking a road trip to the foothills and then have the play tonight. Sober roadtrips are sort of unfamiliar to me.

    I am starkly amazed that I'm so happy and calm and........unemployed. I guess it's OK. It feels OK.

    Lav, did YB show up for tent help and all?

    Have a sumptuous sunday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      sunday 10 October af daily

      Gosh - it's after noon already!!

      Yes Greenie, YB did the table & tent setup for me yesterday. He then left & came back later when he realized it could actually be an interesting way to spend the day. He's supposed to show up this afternoon for grass cutting. Considering there is only 1 week left on his challenge to make up his mind about what he really wants - you'd think he'd drop a damn hint at least! Think I'll shut up now & not get myself frustrated.

      Wishing a good day to everyone
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sunday 10 October af daily

        Happy Sunday AB world!

        what a glorious sunny day in the high desert. Ok where is everyone? out picking wild flowers is my best guess. Mellow day at home for me, just enjoying as much home time before my week on the road starting early Wed.

        Bear I don't believe in luck. I believe in the human will. YOU did it and you should be most proud. go team!

        off to chop some garlic for breakfast

        be well everyone and all to come
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          sunday 10 October af daily

          Hi Fabbies! Bear, I too am enjoying watching your journey. Glad you have stopped beating your head against the Wall of AL. CanImodCanInotCanImodCanInotSHUTUPCanImodCanInot repeat. Aren't you glad those days are over? You are bloomin' like a flower. How do you make that beef you are making in the crock pot?

          Hi Greenie! You are an inspiration taking all of life in stride. I think of you often. "What would Greenie do?" I take it all went well last night with NGF?

          Lav, good that YB is keeping his committments. It must be hard to just stay calm and not worry about next weekend and what it might bring.

          Deter, had more of that kale steamed with GARLIC today. DeterKale. That's what I'll call it!

          It's another glorious day here. 70's or low 80's and sunny. Rummaged around in the garden. The weather this year has been so strange. The tomato plants are partly dying, as is appopriate at this time of year. But then with the warm weather in the last week, they are also flowering. :H

          I have SO much work I want to get done. I better zoom zoom. They are laying the floor tile in the master bathroom today. Yesterday afternoon the decorator was here and we picked out paint colors. That is a humbling process for me - ever reminding me of how little artistic visualization capability I really have. Her and Mr. Doggy make those decisions. At least Mr. Decorator came along and he and I can relate. He just carries stuff.

          Mr. Doggy is busy picking out a table for the master bedroom that will house the Tivo and stuff like that, and also a couple of end table/night stand pieces. He finds the wildest stuff. It looks like we may be getting a table for the Tivo etc. that is partly made out of wood plow pieces from Indonesia. "Rustic" isn't the half of it around here! I've learned to just trust that his choices always sound strange and end up looking great.

          One thing is for absolutely sure....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            sunday 10 October af daily

            Just trying to keep my sanity today DG........

            Here's a link for Week 4 Chick pics & the 'chicken portrait I purchased yesterday at the cfrat fair

            Chicks Week 4 pictures by elkmills - Photobucket
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              sunday 10 October af daily

              Hello friends!

              Bear you are sounding better all the time! Keep up the great work.:goodjob:

              I am enjoying a bit of piece and quiet the guys all went to Home Depot and then to the sporting goods store to buy #2 son wrestling shoes. That is the next sport for him. DH seemed a little cranky this morning, so hopefully the boys won't push him over the edge!:H

              I am so ready for a lazy day. Too bad I don't have time for one. I have books to read and thank yous to write and tv to watch and.....but also bills to pay, house to clean, salad to make for potluck tonight.....not to mention the outside work. We are having a beautiful fall made especially nice with a little rain last night. The boys will get to help me with more outside work and the rearrangement of furniture. I wanted to get some projects done yesterday but had a hair appointment which was quite fun. She wants to set up my son's candle display in her shop so he should do quite well there. I wish I would have thought about this and taken all the stuff with me, now I get to make the 45 mile drive again Tuesday, but should be worth it. She educated me on the different types of coffee and coffee terms, bought me a delicious iced Latte and told me about the coffee shop/book nook that I have to take in next time I'm there. Not to mention my hair turned out great and hubby even told me so when I got home. So it was a good day.

              Thanks for sharing your pictures have a very clean chicken house! Hope your hubby gets his head out of his you know what this week.:h

              Have a great sober day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                sunday 10 October af daily

                Lav, it is still so amazing to me how fast those chickies have gone from "fuzzy chicks" to "almost chickens." I like that chicken craft thing you got! cool! Where did you hang it?

                LVT, are you saying that one of your sons makes candles? I'm sure I missed that along the way. How cool if I got that right! I hope he sells a bunch of them at your hair dresser. How do you wear your hair these days?

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  sunday 10 October af daily

                  I have my chicken portrait hanging in my kitchen for now - looks good there

                  YB was here but I sent him on his way in a hurry cause he aggravated me............what else is new, huh? He told me that he hasn't made up his mind yet about what he is going to do!!!! What the hell does the man need - a friggin golden invitation?????
                  I need to put him out of my head tonight because I feel like exploding right this minute. This insanity of his is tiresome.

                  Don't worry girls the chicken house won't stay clean very long. The bigger the birds get the messier they get.

                  Wishing a good evening to all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    sunday 10 October af daily

                    I see the chicks have chickin butts now.

          [/video]]YouTube - Blues Brothers - Twist it (Shake Your Tail Feather)
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      sunday 10 October af daily

                      Brilliant, Greenie!
                      AF since May 6, 2010

                      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

