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Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

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    Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

    Good Morning to All,

    Just stopping by to say hello. The house is topsy turvy from demolition. I caught a mean sinus infection from all of the dust and now a cold. Yuck. The house is so disorganized and consequently, so is my mind.

    Going to catch up on the threads.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

    GM M3 & everyone!

    Ugh, I remember the plaster dust induced sinus infections M3. We remodled 2 old homes before landing here in a new house. Hope the dust clears soon!

    Have another day of lots of little things to do so I may as well get going.
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

      Morning fabbies!!

      P3, loved those piccies from yesterday! Great job with the pups in the trials and sorry about your back. Does your chiro do electrical stim for injury?

      M3, boy, that's just annoying to get physically sick from renov. too! Keep your chin up!

      Hi lav. :l

      Still consulting with dentists, etc, here. And now my car started making the clutch death knoll again. When it rains it pours, eh? Not feeling so calm about unemployment at the moment. But uncalm won't help so I'll nip that best I can.

      I'm shampooing dog puke carpet stain from NGF's dog. 2 interesting things about that. 1. She blamed the person who's house she stayed at before me for giving her dog bones "after she said not to" 2. I told her where paper towels and cleaner were but I ended up cleaning it up while she a) went on about bumping leg on a chair while trying to get him out of the room, which she blamed on MY dog for being in the way and b) went outside to smoke a cigarette. Instead of thanking me for cleaning it up, she said she was glad I was a dog person. WTF? Oddly, she declined the ice and homeopathic stuff I offered for her "leg trauma". This time, instead of listening sympathetically to her rant about her new husband, I sided with him and told her to own up to her own actions instead of setting him up for blame and parental-like admonishment. She only blinked and after a moment's hesitation, kept right on track with the rant. I don't particularly enjoy this "friendship" that I inherited from FH and his brother. Is she one of my "teachers" on my life journey? Because I'm wanting to be "out of town" when she passes though on her next visit up north.

      The trout unlimited meeting was alright. One guy's wife came with him and she was very friendly and nice. The pot-luck food was good and I signed up for that same April trip.

      This is about sandwich worthy so I'll quit for now.

      Enjoy the freedom of your AF day!

      Shout out to cindi!!! Do you leave tomorrow? :l

      OK, I'm not done.... I was just in that room and because that one bathroom is undone, the thick bathmats are on that chair overlapping the edges. No wonder leg trauma remedy wasn't necessary.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

        Good morning AFers,

        Greenie, I leave Friday. I am actually still working for my client but from home. Thank G-d!!

        Today I get my teeth cleaned. I have prepared as best I can in in terms of no artificial nails (yes, my one vanity) I had them removed so they wouldn't grow out and look ugly by the end of my stay. Daughter is coming to cut my hair Thursday night and color it. I will take a box with me for touch up. She will do my eyebrows, too, but I imagine they will look pretty bushy by the time I get back. (Gotta love those grey eyebrow hairs that stick out and won't settle down.)

        Seems odd for me to be worrying about all this but I don't want to be miserable with my looks by the end of my stay. I guess the last time I went to rehab and hadn't prepared made me realize that looking the best I can is a boon to my self-esteem. I want to feel good about myself in rehab so I can leave that can of worms somewhere else and concentrate on getting well.

        Is that vain?

        Mom3, remodeling is so stressful. Messy, disruptive, slow. I hate it. In the end, it is worth it but the trip there sucks!!

        Lav, I haven't been reading for the last few days, I hope things are going well for you. I think about you and your situation. I am so proud of you for being able to stay sober through all this.

        LVT, Bear, Det, Gaia, Marshy, Pamina, DG, Pap3 and AFM (and anyone I have missed, I so apologize!!), Have a wonderful AF day, my friends.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

          Cinders;979893 wrote:
          Is that vain?
          Heck no!! Shows tremendous insight, I think! Good on ya!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

            Hey Greenie-were you able to actually watch the video? I think I had to double click a few times to get it going.

            Yes, they are going to do ems tomorrow morning thank god. It wasn't sore at all yesterday-even during my 11 hour drive but today I feel about 100 yo.

            M3-sympathizing with the demo AND the sinus/cold thing. Yuck.

            Cinders-I think you're doing all the right things for getting ready to go into rehab. I don't know how it was last time for you but it's obvious that this time you REALLY want to do this and you're determined to succeed. :h

            Greenie-good for you for giving this "visitor/guest" a piece of your mind. How rude of her in all ways!! Hope she's gone soon and gets herself a life and job so she can have her own place to live. Jeesh.

            Hi Lav-not sure what's going on with you-i need about an hour to read back on all the posts but you are in my thoughts and I hope you are OK.

            Hi to everyone else stopping by-haven't seen Bear's new avatar yet-can't wait!!

            Gotta get back to work now. TTL

            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Tuesday 12 October AF Daily


              I am horrible at addressing each individually; so HELLO EVERYONE!

              I have to run to a meeting.... boring! But I look forward to catching up with everyone later.

              Have a wonderful day!!


                Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                I was just giving lav a :l just to do it. That deadline is sure on MY mind, whether it is on hers or not.

                I didn't get the video running yet. I'll try clicking more.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                  Hi Fabbies!

                  P3, welcome home and congrats on your success. Did I read that right? Best in show??? The video was cool too. Now I can't remember exactly what your command is - but "crate up" is what we use. And I guarantee that NONE of our dogs comes close to crating up with the speed and enthusiasm that yours does! (and some won't do it at all, but I digress!) Hope your back starts feeling better soon. I'm a back surgery survivor so I feel your pain!

                  M3, thanks for getting us started today. Sorry that you are sick!!! Having your whole house turned upside down is enough all by itself without being sick on top. Hope you feel better soon!

                  Cindi, I don't think you are vain either. There is nothing wrong IMO with being the best we can be, and that includes our eyebrows. (and yes, I know what you mean about those pesky gray ones!) I hope your experience in rehab is terrific.

                  Hi Lav! I've gotta get zooin' too.

                  AFM, did you decide to run today? Tell us how it goes if you did / do! And hang onto that AF feeling.

                  Greenie, Wow - NGF is something else. You know how sometimes you just want to give someone a hair cut? There are some times when I just want to send someone to an AA meeting with nothing but hard core old timers to get a reality check. And they don't even have to be alkies. A few doses of honesty should keep her avoiding you for years to come I imagine.

                  Today feels like a late spring day. Such strange weather this year. I'm just going to enjoy it! Have some work to do here in the office (which I must stop procrastinating) and then volunteer work later at the mission. It's a great day to be sober and fully present.

                  One thing is for sure...

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                    You know how sometimes you just want to give someone a hair cut? >>

                    ba-da-bing, DG!
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                      Pride before Fall;980071 wrote: You know how sometimes you just want to give someone a hair cut? >>

                      ba-da-bing, DG!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                        evening all

                        Cinders I think it's really important - I always feel happier with my make up on/showered and body lotioned.
                        Long day at work - everyone is quite fractious today for some reason.Someone mistakenly thought I was attending an evening meeting today - that wasn't a nice start to the day!

                        Well cycled to work today so pleased with self - just no real plans for evening now - reading - eating leftover (healthy food).I need to plan what I'm going to eat for the next week or so.Getting a bit disorganised and that's when I eat junk.

                        Anyway - I'm feeling good for staying sober and determined to stay off cigs and eat healthily to be best derby player I can be. I really want to put my all into it between now and Christmas and see how good I can get if I really try.
                        DG I have the beck diet book too and was thinking of picking it up again - spooky!
                        one day at a time


                          Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                          Hey DG-LOL!! No-there is no BIS for agility. What you aim for is Qualifying in each run you complete (Q) and placing (1st-4th). The combo gives you X number of points. Depending on the level you're at, X number of Qs that you also get a placement in allows you to move up a level. In CPE what everyone is striving for is a C-ATCH 1, 2, 3 etc (CPE agility trial champion) and/or C-ATE (CPE agility trial extrordinaire). You hear alot about MACH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and on and on in AKC which is Master Agility Champion. So, that's what we'll eventually be aiming for in about a million years :H!!
                          I use "kennel up" as my command and I use it all the time in the house, usually as a time out for DD. Our second day on the beach, a woman came walking down (the morning of the day the video was shot) and DD charged her. I guess he thought it was his beach!! I couldn't recall him for the life of me so I yelled "kennel up" out of desperation and was shocked and awed when he headed straight for the car and jumped in his crate!! That's why I had to get it on tape-no one would believe me!!

                          Greenie-double click on the pic that's sideways and new window should open up in photobucket.

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                            late AF greetings one and all!

                            just back from a fantastic workout at a new martial arts gym I've never attended. so fun! then Dx and I went out for sushi at a place that was playing James Brown music. LOL it was groovy baby.

                            on the road for a grueling straight week of hotel rooms and 16 hour days starting early tomorrow....

                            night all
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Tuesday 12 October AF Daily

                              Determinator;980477 wrote: Dx and I went out for sushi at a place that was playing James Brown music. LOL it was groovy baby.

                              Det, be sure to pack your tools for this trip, right? May the force be with you.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

