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AF Daily - THursday October 14

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    AF Daily - THursday October 14

    Deter for mayor!

    Good luck with the Lasik tomorrow, DG. I have many a friends who have had it done and they have had absolutely NO regrets!!

    I enjoyed my couple of hours on the couch with the cat today. Just what I needed. Watching mindless TV, and eating my way to the fat farm..... oh well, it is better than drinking! I will have to address the weight gain at a later date.

    My dad phoned me tonight. I was ready for him to take his upset out on me from what happened yesterday with my sister. He was OK. I am going up to see him tomorrow. He had told me that his wife wanted to know if it was OK if she phones me when the time is coming near. Of course!

    BUT........ how does one watch someone die??? OR deal with a parent dying??? I am glad that I have a counselor on hand. I spoke with her for over two hours a month ago. She said that she would be there anytime I need her. (well, of course business hours).

    I honestly feel at peace with everything; just having a hard time with the 'finality' of it all.

    Anyway, I am off to bed. I took a Melatonin and now feeling like I shall hit the hay.

    Well lovelies, have a good night. See ya all tomorrow. And thanks for all your support. I seriously need it, and appreciate it more than you will ever know. The last thing I want to do is spend these days with a bottle! Lots of kisses! xo


      AF Daily - THursday October 14

      DoggyGirl, hoping the very best for you and your health. happy healing vibes coming your way.

      and now... zzzzzzzzzz
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily - THursday October 14


        Thinking of you. I hope it isn't another tumor and you are just whacky with calcium.

        Keep us posted.

        Well. Can't sleep. Go figure.

        Packing up and getting things ready for my long term absence from home.

        Excited and nervous all at once.

        Hope all have a wonderful sober Friday.

        I have to navigate the Atlanta airport without stopping at a bar. Then I am home free for two months!! I love the program they use and am very excited about it.

        I'll be able to log in here once in a while and check on my Abberoonie friends.

        AF April 9, 2016

