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October Optimism - Week 3

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    October Optimism - Week 3

    Good Morning Friends:

    Just a quick check-in before I head out to the doctor's. I have an early appointment and it's an hour drive from here. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words. I am going to have my attention focused on my surgeon's eyes as he examines my foot to see his expression - I hope to see a sign of satisfaction meaning that the tendon is in fact attached.

    More to follow later today - Happy Monday everyone!
    AF since 7/13/2010


      October Optimism - Week 3

      GM everyone!

      John - don't stare too hard at the surgeon'll make him sweat :H
      Enjoy the freedom of being castless!

      Sorry to hear about so many family arguments. I discovered a long time ago that if I just ignore my 3 brothers (the way they ignore me) then all is fine. I only see or speak to my brother-in-law when I absolutely have to (snake removal from chicken coop, etc) & he lives next door :H

      I have the wordl's most egocentric spouse to deal with & don't need any extra distraction. Today, if I could find the flat edge of the earth I'd push him right over.
      I'm going to take the afternoon off & go meet a friend for lunch & hopefully restore some of my sanity.

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Optimism - Week 3

        Finally, finally I can get to a computer and be awake enough to write something comprehensible. I've read everyone's posts. What a lot of posts! I feel like we're doing something ground breaking on this thread. Everyone seems so committed to the thread, to supporting one another, al issues aside. So happy to be back among you.

        I am in Ogallala, Nebraska. Ran the half marathon yesterday in Denver. There were over 15,000 people in this race. I came in 8th out of 86 women in my age group and that's 60 to 65! There are a lot of very fit older women out there. Met up with my son and a bunch of his friends from college for brunch. These guys had all run track and lived together at Duke a few years back. Wonderful to see what good friends my son has made over the years.

        Ogallala,NE...I was here in 1969. Got stuck here while hitchhiking with my college roommate from Chicago to California. We had bailed on a ride with a drunken rancher named Wendall. Finally got picked up by a Mormon family who ended up putting us up for the night. I was a fearless and not very cautious 19 year old.

        Chill, vicariously excited and anxious about your new relationship. Going to the boat launch sounds like it puts you right back in your former life of partying, playing, being surrounded by glitz as well as al. You don't sound like that kind of person anymore. I think of you reading, meditating, walking with your dog. It would be hard to pretend to be something you're not.

        Choochi, welcome. I'm with you. Give me a farmer any day, although he must be well read, intellectually curious, tall good looking, etc. etc.

        Rusty, if I can do it, you can do it. Start thinking about doing a half marathon!! Have you done any races? And I have to ask you. When you were a little girl did you dream of being a quality assurance consultant for the automotive industry?

        Star, you are so right about hard work being a must for long term relationships. And not just for spouses. I am very committed right now in my life to keeping my relationships with my friends and family strong. Staying in touch, letting them know I'm thinking about them, caring for them. It means lots of emails, post cards, text messages, phone calls but it's too easy to let connections just kind of slip away.

        LBH, that limo experience is so you.

        Cyn, (in a shouting voice) DON'T WORK SO HARD!

        Pay, am excited for you and your tootsies today.

        Lav, you are so lucky to have your family and family to soon come nearby.

        G. Rebirth, Pap, Rustop, Dill, Sooty, who did I forget? Big shout out!

        Plans for today. Drive east. Visit the quilt museum in Lincoln, NE. Try not to eat so much junk food. Walk by a river. Enjoy the changing leaves. Love the fact that it's October.

        Will check in tonight. Son #2 calling. What should he order from his food coop to put in the soup I'm going to make for him the moment I arrive!


          October Optimism - Week 3

          Sped - you have defined the perfect guy!; Wow - I'm so impressed with your running! I jog about 3 miles 4 or more times a week but I really respect what you're doing. Awesome.

          Lav you are making me laugh - I know it may not be funny but your descriptions give me a chuckle - especially wanting to push your husband over the side of the flat edge of the earth if you could find it - LMAO...........

          To all you other wonderful folks - have a fabulous AF Monday- day 14 AF (yea) for me (CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENCE IN MY SLEEP).........Feeling so lucky to have hooked up with you/this site.



            October Optimism - Week 3

            Good Morning!
            Quick check in as I'm at work...shhhh!
            Went to my mom's last night for dinner...It was my sister's birthday...we had a wonderful pasta dish and (they had) wine. My sister and her hubby just got back from Mexico so we sat around around listening to stories of their trip. It really wasn't that big of deal I guess...watching everyone drink, I stepdad didn't, which he really isn't a big drinker...we drank lemonade. I don't know...I'm sure Christmas will be a whole different story....your get all my siblings together with my parents and whoa!! We tend to go through lots of wine!! (not this year for me though!!)
            Anyway...Brett and the Viks won yesterday...yippee!!!! I have night class tonight....blah!!!!! So I won't probably get a chance to check back in!! I hoep everyone has a wonderful Monday!!! Pa--congrats on getting the cast off...your Monday is probably the best of all!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              October Optimism - Week 3

              Happy Monday guys

              Its amazing between us how much happens in 24 hours of our lives, there is aways something going on! Paguy im thinking of you and hoping you see glee in your surgeons eyes.

              SD - Im sorry to here about your relationship with your father, remember that forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves not to others. Its the poison not the snake bite that kills us and I hope you dont allow feelings of anger to hurt you as the vemon belongs to your father so let him keep it.

              Sooty - Meditation and choir practice sound like a perfect peaceful sunday.

              Papmom - Im glad you have two great nephews I have 4 all grown up and they are all a credit to my Sisters and are lovely young men.

              Cyn - 'In other words, if you're growing, it's going to be 'damn scary' Your words were a great comfort to me yesterday, having spend years on self help and spiritual teachings sometimes I feel I have learned nothing but of course we easily forget where we have come from.

              Sped - Congrats on the half marathon and your finishing place, I love the sound of you at 19 and I still see you as a free spirit with a need to roam.

              Lav - My L should be very grateful the world is indeed round :H

              Star - Im glad you are on the mend, I woke up this morning with the startings of a cold bug with a very sore throat and feeling lousy. My Mum will say I have brought it on myself with anxiety and probably wont be far off the mark although lack of sleep will have contributed also, I havent had a proper sleep since last thursday!

              I had an amazon delivery today so thank you to whoever recommended SERMON ON THE MOUNT and WRITING DOWN THE BONES, they are now in my to-read pile.

              I have just spend hours drinking coffee with two close girlfriends disecting my weekend with McDreamy, oh what fun and they enthusiastically gave me the assurances I was looking for, they are so desperate fo me to be happy and I love them both dearly. Its been a rollercoaster of a weekend, seeing him Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Im exhausted. I have been so used to my reclusive life since going AF I had forgotten the big world was still out there and it has been really fun. I found certain bits so daunting and awkward, like when his friends were ordering up drinks and I told him how I was feeling and that it made me want to drink, he immediately said NO WAY that he thinks its absolutely wonderful I dont drink anymore and that he really admired that. He even said he wouldnt drink around me if I found it a problem. We havent discussed at all why I dont although I suspect he has a good idea. Being in the bar was not fun but once we went to dinner last night with a couple he knows i relaxed and we all had many laughs. I think im in serious danger of falling for this guy :h
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                October Optimism - Week 3

                Chill - life really is so good when you have the right partner. I hope this works for you. My husband is my best friend and we can tell each other anything. Such a comfort.

                Thanks for telling us your story - even you have your moments of being shaky around AL. Telling us this helps us remember to keep our guard up! So glad you didn't crater. My husband has joined me in not drinking and it really helps. Of course, it's different because you're dating. But what a NICE thing for him (your guy) to offer - says a lot about him!


                  October Optimism - Week 3

                  Chill he sounds like a real gentleman:h

                  There are Not many of those around. I think it's too late to be cautious. Girl you are hooked:h

                  I think it's wonderful!
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    October Optimism - Week 3

                    wish me and my man would sort out our issues...sigh
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      October Optimism - Week 3

                      OMG, what a lot of great news to read, and it's not even 10:00 am here!

                      Got to get going, but here's my 2 cents:
                      Rustop, thanks as ever for the quotes/Star, so glad you're feeling physically better, you just keep focused on loving yourself/Rusty, I also like the thought that we are either 'adaptors or transformers'.../RB, don't despair, I met my soul mate when I was 43, and it has made life sweet/Sped, you're in my birth state!, I will think of you driving the pony express route across NE today - if you get stuck in Lincoln my niece will take care of you (she would love you), Chill, I recommended 'Writing down the Bones' - I hope you love it as much as I did, it may be the perfect thing for you right now, a writing meditation (ps - I take Oil of Oregano (not the cooking herb) to boost immunity, and it has never failed me)/Choochie - congrats again today, but what the heck is LMAO, and Dill what the heck is IMHO - sorry I'm so challenged!

                      Let's start a word string celebration for PA today:
                      cast-away, broadway cast, casting for bass, broadcast, the casting couch, casting a come-hither look, cast off the boat, cast a bronze...
                      to the light


                        October Optimism - Week 3

                        Cyn - LMAO is laughing my ass off!
                        And IMHO is im my humble oppinion.....

                        for Paguy - stop pulling my leg and if you hot foot it away make sure you have a cast iron alibi
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          October Optimism - Week 3

                          Castantes. I sure hope you will have your dancing and running shoes on soon PA. Just a quick stop for me as I have been at the dentist and my head feels like a big fat pumpkin. Although I have been feeling a bit better every day, it seems ?stress? caused a spasm in my jaw which broke two (2) of my molars. I had no idea this sort of thing could happen and it certainly was an expensive little episode. Speaking of expensive, Lord Bird Heart has thus far jumped through every hoop and over every hurdle in an effort to reconstruct our relationship. I have been really pleased but also now and forever cautious. I selected an excellent tax attorney and he is meeting with him this afternoon, and while I have always been the primary money earner, Lord Bird Heart fortunately inherited a good chunk a few months ago so he can use whatever it takes from this to pay his way out of trouble. If things don?t work out I have an attorney to draw up an uncontested divorce, what I see as really only a ?financial divorce? as the other aspects of our relationship have been very good. I also have set up the Ladybird Samurai Bookkeeping Service so that if we remain legally married, I do all of his accounting. His charming father was also really weird with money, went through millions for no particular reason, and his mother actually killed herself over the stress, a fate that will not befall this Ladybird. I guess this wasn?t such a quick stop; thank you for letting me unburden myself. And thank you Rustop for the quotes about forgiveness a couple of days ago, being angry has been killing me (and my jaw). Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            October Optimism - Week 3

                            LBH - wow - stress enough to break your teeth - is that like TMJ? I hate going to the dentist - bet you're glad that's over.

                            Hope things work out on the home front - sounds like you've got a good plan! You may need to write a book - very interesting story.


                              October Optimism - Week 3

                              cast iron, cast off, casting about...

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                October Optimism - Week 3

                                Cyn, Chill and Dill - you guys are too funny with your 'cast' word string! Thanks for brightening up my afternoon!

                                All went well today at the doc's. The cast came off (I'm now a 'cast away') and although I still cannot move my toe, he said the tendon is intact but weak (which is normal). So, for the next 6 weeks, I have to wear a boot whenever I walk and I'll be having Physical Therapy twice a week to 'retrain' and strengthen the toe. My first PT session is tomorrow afternoon.

                                I was so relieved and glad to shed my lovely blue fiberglass attachment - I slept most of this afternoon out of exhaustion! I plan on taking a very long soak in the tub this evening

                                Thanks again, everyone, for your encouraging words and best wishes. I know I had alot of people sending me good vibes and karma - I appeciate it!

                                Hope you all have a wonderful evening....
                                AF since 7/13/2010

