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October Optimism - Week 3

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    October Optimism - Week 3

    Oops PA. My meager contribution was misspelled by me! It was supposed to be castanets. You know those percussive things one can use in a dance, leaping about with a happy, healthy foot. Anyway, I tried. So pleased you are moving forward. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      October Optimism - Week 3

      :yay: for cast away John! Enjoy the freedom

      Shelley, congrats on your race, you did great for an old lady :H Just kidding, we're all quite proud of you!

      LBH, I hope your situation can be cleared up quickly. Stress does all kinds of nasty things to us, I understand.

      Had a nice 'lunch' with my friend even though I really couldn't eat. My appetite turns off when I stressed. Geez, you'd think I'd be down to 2 lbs. by now. Had an email from Mr Lav this afternoon that he wants to come over after work to cut grass & have dinner. I hope he brings his own food because I'm no longer in the mood to feed him.

      I'm drinking a pot of peppermint tea tonight trying to settle my gut down a bit.
      Hope to get some relief.
      Wishing everyone a peaceful night - I going to fire up a smudge stick now........just feel the need to chase some crap out of here.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Optimism - Week 3

        Wowzer!! What busy folks we have here!!

        John-CONGRATS on getting that dang CAST off!! Gosh, I do know how you feel although my wrist splints were only on for 2 weeks. I don't know how I would have handled 6!! You take it slow and easy you hear???

        Lav, LBH-:l:l:l. The strength you ladies are showing right now is such an inspiration!! LBH-I'm so sorry you had to break teeth to deal with all this but I think you're on the right path now. Doing something positive and constructive for yourself.

        RB-hang in there-you might be going through just a rough patch with your guy as he gets used to the new you. and if he can't handle it then there is someone who deserves you more out there!!

        Sped-you go girl!! Wow-8th place!! that just rocks!!

        chooch-congrats on day 14!! Before you know it you'll be celebrating 1 month! Just keep those great feelings alive inside and you can do it.

        Chill-you need to get some sleep girl!! No more dreaming about McDreamy for now OK?? although he does sound divine!!

        Rusty-Safe travels. I don't know if I'm his favorite aunt but we do seem to be able to connect pretty well. I always wonder if he thinks I'm the odd aunt as I've never in all his life, been married or even had a BF. I'm the only one of both sides of his family like this.

        SD-glad you had a nice dinner at moms after the travails of this past weekend.

        Star-:l for you too. Best to remember we can't control other people and to just take care of yourself.

        Rustop-thanks again for the great quotes. I really look forward to them every day now (no pressure there!! )

        It's getting late, I'm getting tired, the pooches are HUNGRY so I need to sign off. Have a great nite all!!

        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          October Optimism - Week 3

          Shelley, Shelley - so sorry, in my excitement about your NE trip, I forgot to congratulate you!! You are truly an inspiration - well done!

          Lav - sounds like you better fire up a couple of smudge sticks. I hope you really stick to your plan to not feed him...that's just deplorable behavior to give so little and expect so much.

          LBH - OMG, you said this situation was a deal-breaker, not a jaw-breaker! IMHO, it sounds pretty painful, and please know that I am not LMAO about this.

          Wishing all an easy sleep tonight, and happy mornings.
          to the light


            October Optimism - Week 3

            Good Morning all.

            What a lot of posts.

            PA John, so good your cast is off. What a relief, the next phase of healing

            Sped, I am so impressed with your running skills. I always wanted to run, but every time I tried, the pain was too much for me. Sounds like you are having adventures, enjoy.

            LBH, what a lot of stress, so sorry you have to go through this. I loved your plan to keep him financially accountable, the only way to go. I had to do something similar back in the early 90's with my man, and he reluctantly agreed. We almost lost everything. Today, I give him a cash budget only, it is like he is deficient in understanding what he can spend or something. To me, it is simple math. His financial mistakes led me to lose 40 lbs, the only time in my life I could not eat. So, I understand cracking your teeth due to the stress. Sending you love and peace.

            Chill, take care of yourself, I certainly feel better after a weekend of rest. I need to order some books too and will do so today.

            Thanks everyone for your input regarding the family feud. I hate to take sides, and just want peace, but realize it is out of my control. My question is, should I continue my relatinship with my unforgiving, bitter, resentful brother to keep the lines of communication open, or should I just tell him he has to get real to be in a relationship with me. It is hard to talk to someone and have a relationship based on lies, keeping your mouth shut, not being real.

            Has anyone been keeping up with Sheri's sharing of the spiritual workbook she is working on? It is fantastic and I just want to let everyone know it is worth looking at. After getting AF, it is the next phase of personal work.

            Beautiful fall weather, getting a little cooler each week, with highs only in the 60's. I love it.

            Rusty, Lav, Cyn, Sooty, Rustop, RB, Guitarista, SD, Choochie, Dill, have a great day, AF.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              October Optimism - Week 3

              Good Morning Everyone,

              Hello from Ohio!


              Must run now. See you all later!


                October Optimism - Week 3

                Good Morning Guys

                LBH - Im so sorry to hear of your troubles and the broken teeth, wow stress is one hell of a powerful emotion isnt it. I think I mentioned it before but stress causes our bodies to dehydrate and this then can cause so many other ailments, particularly a build up of acidity. Its therefore very important to keep drinking plenty fluids when we are stressed.

                Paguy - all the best with the TP today, you will soon have that toe strengthened and be kicking ass....

                Lav - Im wondering why Mr Lav wants to stay to dinner? Has he more revelations to discuss?

                Star - I love Sheri's thread too! So much there to think about...

                As the day went on yesterday I felt more and more lousy with a sore throat and cold. I intend to have a quiet day drinking ginger tea and reading. I think all the late nights and going out have been a shock to my system. Although I have to say having sampled it, i rather enjoyed it and feel like I have been taken out a old toybox where I have been gathering dust for a few years. I want to rest and get as well as possible for my trip this weekend when I go to Dublin and meet up with a whole crowd of MWO-ers, I think there are about 12 of us having dinner on Saturday night! It will be such fun.

                Wishing you all a calm peaceful day....i will check in later.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  October Optimism - Week 3

                  cast the first stone, die in cast, plaster cast, cast of thousands, star studded cast, simulcast....

                  Sorry, I just had to get those out. I'll stop now, I promise.:H So glad to hear your good report, Paguy!

                  Sped, congrats on your run. I know you think anyone could if you can, but that is simply not true. You have a special ability. I am a sprinter, and never have been able to run long distances. Kudos to you.

                  Rusty, welcome to OHIO! We're glad to have you here.

                  Star, sibling relationships can be very difficult. I say protect yourself. If that means ending contact with your brother, then so be it. However, that would be an absolute last resort, in my book. Your brother will always be your brother and you will always love him, IMO. The best approach is for you to speak your truth, whatever it is and have it be out there between you. Then continue the relationship as best it can, especially for the sake of family harmony.

                  LBH, it sounds like you have been spinning along and have been getting things done in a very wise fashion. Sorry the teeth were sad, unintended consequences. Did the repair require a dental cast? Ok, sorry! A monster has been unleashed.

                  Papmom, I tuned into Animal Planet on Sunday and watched Victoria Stillwell's show. She is very good, indeed! I'm glad you introduced me to her.

                  Cyn, I rented the Frida Kahlo movie over the weekend and watched it. Again, thank you for the introduction. I was intrigued by her art and story.

                  Lav, sorry you are still going through this mess with Mr. L. Some solutions are harder to find than others, especially when one party is reluctant or unwilling to participate. You've a long history together. Hang in there sister. Strength and peace to you.

                  Rustop, Sooty, Chill, RB, G, Choochie, all who check in, happy Tuesday.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    October Optimism - Week 3

                    Good morning everyone

                    Wow, what a busy thread. Lots to catch up on. Had a few of the neighbours over last night which was nice. We all lead such busy lives so its nice to catch up. One girl is due a baby in January and I or indeed a few others did not even know she was pregnant. Below is something I defnitely need some practice on.

                    "Tact is the art of making a
                    point without making an
                    -- Howard W. Newton

                    I used to have a habit of saying things as they are and that does not always go down too well. I think I have mellowed in my old age!

                    LBH - so sorry to hear about your teeth. Glad that you managed to get a tax attorney and are sorting things out for yourself.

                    Paguy - How is our cast away today, hope the TP goes well.

                    Chill - Rest and drink your ginger tea, its that time of year and there are all sorts of bugs going.

                    Sped - Congratulations on your wonderful achievement in the race.

                    Rusty - Safe travels

                    SD - Glad you had a nice dinner at your Moms.

                    Papmom - Your 2 nephews are lucky to have you in their lives. I am an only child and had a great relationship with one of my aunts. I pains me that some of my hubby's brothers have completely ignored our girls and played no role in their lives. I guess it is their loss, the girls will have plenty of other good people around them and dont want to know them.

                    Cooch - Congrats on Day 15 - half way through your first month.

                    Cyn - Loved the word string, I too did not know the meaning of LMAO and IMHO so thanks for asking.

                    Star - Sorry about the family feud, try and keep the lines of communication open while maintaining a distance - not easy I know.

                    Dill, Sooty, Rebirth, Guitarista and anyone else I missed big hello.



                      October Optimism - Week 3

                      Hi Dill

                      Cross posted, have a great day.



                        October Optimism - Week 3

                        Ok, I just have to add this....

                        Some of our threads' spouses could be castrated if the situation doesn't change.


                          October Optimism - Week 3

                          Rusty;984558 wrote:
                          Some of our threads' spouses could be castrated
                          if the situation doesn't change.
                          :H:H:H incorrigible as always Rusty!
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            October Optimism - Week 3

                            Good Morning Friends:

                            Rusty;984558 wrote: Some of our threads' spouses could be castrated if the situation doesn't change.
                            :H :H Coming from one of the few guys on this thread ? OUCH! Although I have to agree, it seems like an appropriate consequence for their bad behaviors!

                            Sped ? Congratulations on a very respectable finish time in your race! Based on the information posted on the race?s website, it looks like there was a great turnout and the weather looked beautiful, too! I think my next race will be an annual 10-mile run in Philadelphia next Spring. I keep looking at my running shoes and tell myself I?ll be running again in due time.

                            Star ? Family feuds are something I?ve come to live with as a result of being involved with my partner?s family. I have a relatively small family ? 1 brother and 1 sister and we get along just fine. There are 5 sons in my partner?s family and there is always some type of feud going on. It all stems from their mother who never developed an adult relationship with any of her sons and still treats them like children. There is so much competition, mistrust and dysfunction amongst all the brothers and their spouses/partners, it is always a very stressful experience for me to be around them. I remember the first time having Thanksgiving dinner at their home ? an argument broke out at the dinner table ? my partner stormed off and I was left sitting there surrounded by people I hardly knew! What a dreadful experience. So, my heart goes out to you. My advice to you is to be honest with your brother. Let him know how you feel about him and his behaviors and take it from there.

                            Chill ? I hope you feel better for the MWO gathering in Dublin this weekend. Have you guys done this before? It sounds like it should be a good time.

                            Lav and Chill ? I need to experiment with the peppermint and ginger teas that you describe. Now that Fall is settling in and Winter will be approaching, the thoughts of wrapping my hands around a warm cup of tea seems very comforting.

                            LBH ? It is amazing the impact that stress has on our mental and physical conditions. So sorry to hear of your broken molars. I hope you are finding relief.

                            I am looking forward to my first Physical Therapy session this afternoon. Anxious to get this foot and these toes moving again. Don?t worry, Papmom, I won?t overdo it. I don?t want to do anything that will jeopardize my recovery at this point. I?ve come too far!

                            Well, folks, hope you all have a peaceful Tuesday?.
                            AF since 7/13/2010


                              October Optimism - Week 3

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Just stopping by to say I'm still persevering - day 15 - so thanks for the acknowledgement and encouragement.

                              Just wanted to add a tea suggestion that really helps me as an AL replacement in the evening (herbal, caffeine free). I don't think I've posted it here before, but forgive me if I'm being redundant.

                              Anyway, it's called Tulsi tea and I sweeten it with Agave nectar. I like the original but hear that the Chai is also good. It's organic and can be ordered from Amazon.

                              Best to all of you,


                                October Optimism - Week 3

                                GM everyone!

                                At least they say it's morning. I think last night's rain is going to linger for a while. I slept well after finally getting the stomach pain under control - Good God! ES Tylenol, several TUMS & a pot of peppermint tea all helped. I've had ths issue in the past & it's always during a time of high stress - no shit!

                                I'm sending him an email & telling him to stay put. The grass is too wet to cut & I don't want to feed him. That's my plan!

                                I have chicks waiting & work waiting & since it's 9 am I guess I'll go get started
                                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

