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October Optimism - Week 3

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    October Optimism - Week 3

    Hi all, after we've castrated them we could castigate them (sorry gents)

    Mr S has decided to sort out some papers (documents/old post/bank statements etc) the lounge floor is now covered in piles of the damn things and he's gone upstairs for a lie down! There are times when I could take one of Lav's smudge sticks and stick it somewhere its not meant to be!

    Got lots of things to do today, gotta sort out shoes for the choir performance and practice my words and movements (we're doing actions in I Will Survive). If I don't get back later I'll see you all on humpday. Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone

    Love Sooty


      October Optimism - Week 3

      Sped – You are so fit! Have you been running all your life? I would have come last for sure. The good thing about giving up the drink is that I have more energy to exercise. I do my kickboxing in the mornings and hope this is good enough to keep my heart healthy. Got to build up those slacking muscles of mine!

      LBH- I am glad that your partner is being nicer to you because the situation is difficult enough. It sounds like you seem to have a lot under control..I am also not surprised that stress has caused your molars to break. When I am stressed I look older, I get more grey hairs and now I get spots!

      Cyn- Glad you ask because I was also wondering what they meant! So where did you meet your soulmate?

      Sd- there will be many of us celebrating a sober christmas. It will be my first one. My first christmas, my first new years eve ( well I hope so!). Some of the health stores in the UK sell a lovely mulled “wine” without the alcohol. It’s very nice so I guess I will be drinking that.

      Senior castoff John! Now you are a one boot wonder. You are getting there…

      Choochi- 15 days is AMAzing!!! You are doing it! Thanks for the tea tip.

      Star- I am no good at giving advice when it comes to family feuds. It’s difficult for me to stay calm as I am too sensitive when it comes to my family. I generally find it hard to keep my mouth shut! I have also been reading up on Sheri’s posts. It’s a lovely spiritual thread

      My BF is being rediculously nice to me..a surprise mushy I love you card and then a big box of chocolates..and now he is buying me a Skagen watch. Hmm. Must be because I am playing hard to get..

      Warm hello to Rustop, Lav, Chill, G, P3, Sooty
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        October Optimism - Week 3

        Hi Rebirth,

        Great to see was your company last week?


          October Optimism - Week 3

          Hi Rusty!

          Things are mush better this week. Do you live in Ohio?
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            October Optimism - Week 3

            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              October Optimism - Week 3

              :H MUSH You were thinking about the mushy BF and his flowers, candy, etc. Well, good for you.

              I am working in Ohio. I live in Wisconsin.


                October Optimism - Week 3

                JEEZ! You know me too well!!!!:H

                I was rusty! I was thinking exactly that! I have just ordered an indian takeaway! What a pig!!
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  October Optimism - Week 3

                  :H:H Ah Sooty - I think I'm rubbing off on you.............

                  I have plenty of extra smudgesticks if you need one
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Optimism - Week 3

                    What's the time in Ohio? It's 9.35 pm...not the right time to be eating a greasy indian curry but I am gonna enjoy it anyway!
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      October Optimism - Week 3

                      Oh.Hello Lav.x
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        October Optimism - Week 3

                        OK kids, I feel that it is time to give our lovely gents a little break! Ah, relationships. In mine right now, I am sure that I am the troublesome one...I'm depleted and have no patience, am constantly dragging myself around with a to-do list hanging around my neck, and my HB has a very important big work events coming up. Not very nice of me! I almost took his head off earlier this evening when he asked if there was any chance that I could make cold sesame noodles (one of his favorite dishes). Poor guy, he looked stunned by my reply, which shall remain unreported...

                        I saw my osteopath this morning to try to chase away these danged headaches, and the nurse found my blood pressure to be 136...not horribly high, but I usually am around 100 or so (we often wonder if I could fog a mirror). So obviously, I need to get the message that some deep breathing and re-prioritizing is in order (thanks, Sped for your command). And remarkably a very lovely thing happened shortly after the appt: I went to get a coffee (I know, bad choice, but hey) and happened to see a woman in riding gear, talking to another woman. I eavesdropped and found out that she is an equestrian instructor, lives not far away, and has 'lesson' horses. I gave her my card, and we have had quite an email exchange. How about that for serendipity - already I feel more 'balanced'.
                        Cheers all - see you on Hump Day!
                        to the light


                          October Optimism - Week 3

                          Good Evening Friends,

                          Rebirth-I think you are 6 hours ahead of Ohio time (EST) and 7 hours ahead of Wisconsin time (EST). Dill, Lav, and PA and Papmom are all on Eastern time here,

                          Cyn-Go for the equestrian lessons. I used to ride competitively in dressage back in the 90s...haven't ridden in a while but definitely go for the school horses....a much better deal than owning your own.

                          Sped-I used to run 10ks....actually my best sport was Tae Kwon Do....I was very close to getting a black belt when I was in high school.

                          Hi to G, Rustop, Chill, Star, Ladybird, Sooty, Lav, Pap, Choochie and SD....have a peaceful evening and I'll try to check back in tomorrow before I fly home. I have 2 days at home before I fly out for California on Saturday. Ooh La La!:bananacomputer:


                            October Optimism - Week 3

                            Good Eve--
                            Can I just from hell: besides teaching my 6 guidance classes today and seeing my regularly scheduled individual students....I had a student with a MAJOR melt down..threatening to blow up the school and kill the teacher...had a psy. eval. done on him and while they are in the meeting with mom and I'm monitoring the boy...I turn to help another child in ISS (In school suspension) and he goes behind the principal's door...I yell for him to get back in his chair...and for some reason....and I'm not even sure why...I tell him to give me what's in his hand (I didn't see anything...I was guessing)...he turns over his arm and has taken the letter opener off the principal's desk and is holding the handle of it with the blade of it going up his if he turned up his arm he could of then stabbed someone! Ok...that was boy number...boy number two...with his melt down who was also in ISS steals the keys from the secretary's desk (we still can't figure out when???) the keys to where we keep kids' meds!!! He's already in ISS for stealing everything that we can't nail down! Anyway...he's trying to run out the door with his bag and the secretary has him in the back nurses office (and at this point has called for me)...I come in and she tells me what's going on...I tell him to hand over the bag...which I'm told to F*CK OFF B* can't touch me or my bag!! Yeahhhh...long story short..I got the bag, found the keys but not before a mouthful of nasty words a punch and kick to our secretary. When he hit her, I looked at him with his fist cocked back and I said,"You do not hit her!! There is no hitting!! You hit again and I will take you to the ground!! You hit again and I will restrain you face down on the ground!!" He didn't hit again just continued to call us lovely names.. The principal walked in and when i turned my back to talk to him the kid picked up a hand full of pens or markers and threw them at my back...the principal then restrained him until he calmed down and mom came and got him! Also had a kid completely crap his pants all the way down the hall into the office...not sure if it was intentional or not???Honestly...if he wanted to go home bad enough he may just have come to that extreme. ANd we ended the day with a girl getting fondled on the playground at recess! I work in a k-5 school smalls-ville SD!!!! I think someone fed our kids CRAZYFLAKES this morning for breakfast!!!! Then came home to a lovely (not) note from my dad. I sent him an almost 4 page single typed letter explaining my feelings...I get a one page hand written with a few sentence telling me what I said in my letter was false...and he'll pray for me to get rid of any malice in my heart. I'll have to share more about that later....really didn't need to deal with that after the day I I'm off to bed....gonna be another long day tomorrow...all the kids get to come back and try it again tomorrow....yikes!!
                            Happy Hump day everyone (tomorrow!)
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              October Optimism - Week 3

                              Oh SD - How do you cope? My god, what a day. Hang in there - sending you strength and energy. I hope you get a good night's sleep, you certainly need it and deserve it...
                              to the light


                                October Optimism - Week 3

                                Good morning everyone and happy hump day

                                Communication is the key to unlocking many doors in life.

                                Change is hard, explaining why it is easier to stay in a negative frame of mind rather than
                                a positive one.

                                I seem to be receiving lots of little gems of truth in my daily readings this past week!! Had my meditation class last night and find it so relaxing. Nodded off during our two meditations so maybe a bit too relaxed but learning to just go with the flow. We are given the meditations on tape and are supposed to do it every day, maybe rest was what I needed last night.

                                SD - I regard teaching as a vocation and am the first to admit that I would not have the patience for the actual teaching part of it but my God nobody should have to put up with what you had to yesterday. They should be paying you danger money. You tried with your Dad and thats all you can do. Hope you have a better day today.

                                Cyn - Go for the equestrian lessons, it is obviously meant to be.

                                Rusty - Hope you got home ok.

                                Everyone else big hello and have a great day.


