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October Optimism - Week 3

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    October Optimism - Week 3

    Good evening folks!

    It's 8 pm - I get off EB duty at 9:30 pm - hope I make it. He's really exhausting me today. Of course I'm sure part of the problem is I found my B/P ultra low this morning (80/54). I'm cutting out one of the meds until I see the NP next month - geez!

    Rebirth - pretty picture! I went to Haarlem, Holland nearly 4 years ago with my SIL. We stayed at her sister's house which was built in the 1600's right on a canal. Very unique, for sure!

    Rusty, are you in transit?

    Wishing everyone a peaceful night
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Optimism - Week 3

      Wow, what a wild rich heartfelt thread. It will take me time to absorb all I have missed. SD, your work days are daunting and I am so sorry you have your family stressors on top of it. I recall when I was younger and at times reduced to tears on my way home from work, so tired, overwhelmed, and discouraged. I would have long elaborate fantasies about quitting, but I have never been sorry I stayed and found my way through it. I am quite sure you will wind up carving a career path where you will shine. It is worth the aggravation. On a light note, Shelley, were you thinking of Virginia Rodrigues (it’s an odd spelling)? She is wonderful, sings in Portuguese but is from Bahia, off Brazil. She looks like an African queen. PA, your descriptions of your drinking patterns sounded so like mine, it is good to know there is an intelligent, fit, clever, and generally sensible person out there who can be neurotic when it comes to the amount of spirits left in a bottle:H. Thank you for sharing, it helped me a lot. Having “enough” but “not too much” is a lot of work, the sort of work that leads nowhere I want to be. Sweet Chill, I am glad you are enjoying a slow unfolding. I remember so well the time you described yourself as “kept”; this really has made me respectfully and lovingly worried for you, fear that you might feel you have to ally yourself prematurely with a wealthy husband before you find your own way to make a sustainable life. It doesn't mean you ever have to use such skills and resources, you can still have the wealthy husband, but they would be there, making the relationship balanced, keeping you free. You have so much to discover as do we all in this new world we are building for ourselves. I have discovered that I can evidently be “scary”. I have usually been diplomatic, kind, accommodating, but there is a bar of iron in there that when crossed has come forward (some things are just wrong) through the years, and now I have presented it to Lord Bird Heart. I actually think he rather likes it now that the shock has worn off and my eyes are no longer glowing in the dark. Catch up with everybody else in the next few days. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        October Optimism - Week 3

        Hi Again!
        Gosh, in rereading my post..I sure hope I didn't give the impression that I'm miserable at my job....I'm frustrated and worn out this week...but I love my job so much!! I honestly feel like what I do makes a difference in children's lives. I guess when I became a teacher I saw what a difference I could make to those 25 kids in my class...and then I had this feeling like I wanted to be able to do more, so I went in to I could help those 'really in need kids" in the entire building, not just my classroom. But the longer I'm in counseling, I'm finding...there is only so much I can do from this position to truly "get things done" for the kids in "my" building that need help...and in general. I want to do more. I'm hoping becoming a principal will help me achieve that desire or goal. If not, I love what I do now, I can always come back to it.
        I can't even express how much I appreciate the kind words some of you have said about is an extremely hard I'm not sure I could ever do again. I only have to go into the classrooms for short periods of time..and then I get to leave When i try to talk to my mom about my stress at work (much like me trying to talk to her about anything)'s like "yeah, well we all got work stress! Every job has it's stresses!!" Ever talk to someone like that??? I tried talking to her about drinking the other night....and she was SUPER judgemental....won't do that again!! Anyway....I think I'm procrastinating doing my report...I better get back to work....only one hour to go!! Hope everyone has a great night!!
        **I'll be more individualized tomorrow, promise!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          October Optimism - Week 3

          Good Evening Friends,

          I've been home all day but I needed to concentrate 100% on work and exercise and accomplished both. I've read everyone's posts and I am exhausted and am off to bed but will try to post tomorrow.

          Sleep well, friends.


            October Optimism - Week 3

            Choochie;986407 wrote: Just curious - I'm always wondering how others handle drinking with their partners. Does you partner drink? If so, is that ever a temptation for you?
            Chooch - The question of partners/spouses who continue to drink has been raised on this thread before and yes, it is challenging for some of us. In my case, my partner does drink. He is in denial that he has a problem but I came to the realization that I have to do what I know is right for me and for the most part, his drinking is not a temptation for me. On the contrary, it helps reaffirm my position that I want to remain AF. I am hoping that once I get a few more months of being AF under my belt, I'll be able to convince him to consider it for himself. That is my strategy at the moment - we'll see if it works.
            AF since 7/13/2010


              October Optimism - Week 3

              Hello rich, wonderful friends. Haven't been able to read everything today - I will be able to catch up tomorrow (as well as post the Cold Sesame Noodles recipe).

              In the meantime, as I have been sorting and clearing shelves and shelves of books, a little bookmark (hand decorated and handwritten) fell out right into my hands:
              "To be awake is to be alive....We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us even in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor." H. D. Thoreau (Walden)

              Sleep well/wake well, all you proud endeavor-ers.
              to the light


                October Optimism - Week 3

                Off to the airport to the MWO meet up in Dublin!

                Cyn - your night is my morning! Sleep well.

                Paguy - thanks for the share, isn't it wonderful to see in print how for you have come!

                Rebirth - the photo is beautiful! Do I remember correctly that you live in the North of England?

                Sped - Fado music is very popular over here, it can occasionally be hauntingly moving but usually I find it just depressing. (yes, a new name for McD would be good)

                Papmom - a 2 dog limit?! I never heard of such a thing!

                Lav - I sympathize about the dreams, I really do. I still get them and they always leave me quite disturbed. Keep smudging.....

                LBH - I sure could do with borrowing your bar of iron, in the meantime I will definitely work on growing my own.

                SD - I'm 46 separated for 7 years, live alone with my beloved dog in Portugal although I'm originally from Scotland.

                Rusty - you sound in need of a good rest, look forward to hearing how you are.

                I hVe my iPad and will check in from Dublin, have a great AF Friday.......
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  October Optimism - Week 3

                  Good morning,

                  Chill have a safe and fun journey.Tell us ALL about it! Lots of gossip please!

                  Choochie- My partner still drinks. He is drinking much less than before but it's a problem that we have. We are not connecting at the moment because of it.

                  Rusty- well done for putting work first. lol. I know what it's like. This site is too addictive! I dont read any books since i have joined. I think I need to limit myself. Maybe come here every few days....

                  A lovely friday to everyone.
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    October Optimism - Week 3

                    Good morning Chill, Rebirth and everyone to come

                    Have a fab time in Dublin Chill. Today is nice but dont think the weather is promised too good over the next few days.

                    My hubby still drinks and there is wine open every night he is here. Sometimes I'm ok with it, other times I have caved in and poured a glass. It does make it more difficult for me to quit but I am the one with the problem not him. I ordered antabuse last year and when needs must I take a tablet and then I know I wont be tempted. My pattern the last year has been good long AF stints and then some social occasion or plain feeling down and I cave in. When I originally joined MWO my perfectionist tendancies nearly drove me crazy when I did not achieve complete sobriety. Now I am taking it ODAT and striving to remain AF. That is my goal and I am much more relaxed about it. Being sober all the time is gradually becomming a way of life.

                    My daughters 18th Birthday party is tonight. They finish school early today as it is mid-term. I have a busy morning picking up the cake etc. We need to decorate the room in the afternoon so I probably wont get to log on again today.

                    Have a great week-end everyone.



                      October Optimism - Week 3

                      Hello everyone, sorry didn't get on yesterday evening, choir rehearsal went on for ages and its the show tonight and I'm already feeling quite sick! 8 hours to go ...I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes, please send good vibes across the stratosphere.

                      I hope we all have a good AF Friday and a great weekend - see you all tomorrow
                      love Sooty


                        October Optimism - Week 3

                        TGI Friday Friends,

                        I'm in a rush again today....although I am at home ...I leave at silly o'clock tomorrow morning for California and then off to Canada from there.

                        Choochie-I am not married and live alone so I don't have to deal with the drinking partner issue like PA and Rustop do, but my drinking patterns are exactly the same as Rustop's.

                        I think I'm the longwinded one on this thread and am working NOT to be. This site is addictive and I've been spending WAY too much time much as I love it. Sometimes I read the posts, and then I post....and I look at the clock and I've been on for an hour-and-a-half. This is what happens when someone's usual time to wake up is between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m.

                        SD-I used to teach speech at a community college-what tragic situations some of these kids come breaks my heart. I wonder what's happened to some of them. Regarding your dad, I feel for you. Just remember that your dad is an alcoholic (I hate the word drunk and refuse to use it) and even though he might have an irascible personality, the alcohol makes him mean. It's too bad your son can't be with a kind, gentle grandpa.:l I speak from experience: my 3 alcoholic aunts were so abusive to their ever-so-loving and kind used to make me soooo mad. When they weren't drinking (which was rare) they could be very kind and charming.

                        PA-you are a trooper and I'm so happy with your progress.

                        Cyn-why are you selling your house and where are you moving to?

                        P3-Please post your recipes. For our new people here, Papmom is a gourmet cook. I've tasted her epicurean delights. If you are nice and beg, she will post them in the Recipe Corner Forum.

                        Sooty-I am crowning you "MWO Chanteuse." I so admire your talent. I can't carry a tune-and all my friends and family will confirm that!:H

                        Chill-have a great time at the Meet-Up. Say hi to the gang for me!

                        LBH-I am thinking of you and think you are one of the "Steel Magnolias" from that movie I have loved since 1988. For our um, younger members here like Rebirth and SD, "Steel Magnolias" was a wonderful movie with Sally Field and Julia Roberts, and really, it seems to be pertinent to a lot of the women, and our two fabulous men, on this thread. If you get the chance, rent it sometime.

                        Mr.G- Hello! Where are you, you Aussie-strumming Guitarista?

                        Ok, I've done it again....too long of a post.

                        My apologies for not addressing everyone personally-please know that you are a vital part of my ongoing happiness!




                          October Optimism - Week 3

                          Happy Friday everyone!

                          The sun is up, I'm alive & sober, that's good enough for me

                          Sooty - Break a leg (that means good luck around these parts) :H

                          I don't have a lot of work going on right now so I'm going to try to get some trimming done outside. I get cranky thinking about being dumped with all this work but that's the way it is. I'm sure there will be a Granny nap sometime this afternoon

                          Rustop, enjoy the party! Rusty, don't work too hard! Chill, enjoy Dublin! LBH, my spouse claims he's afraid of me & I thnk that's hysterical, really :H

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            October Optimism - Week 3

                            Hi Everyone - slammed at work today. I think this thread has become an amazing place. Just wish I had more time today. I love knowing more about everyone.

                            Cyn - this is the most wonderful quote that you sent. Thanks so much for sending it to us. "To be awake is to be alive....We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us even in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor." H. D. Thoreau (Walden)

                            I have blown it up and printed it out. It is the best I've run across so far. I think I'll have it tattooed somewhere on my body (I don't have any but that would be awesome to be able to refer to if I ever felt temped to drink) My sleep has been the most remarkable benefit from giving up AL.

                            RB and everyone else who addressed the significant other drinking issue - thanks for answering my question. RB, I hear you about the distance it could cause between you and your boyfriend. So, not only would it "tempt" but it would possibly make it harder to connect??

                            SD - can't help but wonder about the comment about your mom being judgemental when you tried to talk to her about your drinking. If you have time, could you elaborate? Just curious. Does she know that you think you have a problem. And, if so, does she support what you're trying to do?

                            Wish I had more time to chat with all of you. So much interesting stuff here that I'd like to respond to but gotta run. Day 18 AF for me today (yea...)

                            Have a wonderful day everyone.


                              October Optimism - Week 3

                              Greetings from the Hoosier state. Not sure what a Hoosier is but loved the movie, "Hoosiers".
                              I'm waiting for my son to call so we can take off for Chicago. Being here with him has been great so far. Been cooking and cleaning for him. Wondering why I willingly do it for him but not for my husband. Something to do with mothering vs. partnering. In marriage I wanted a partner, not another son.

                              Bad news on the running front. I think I might have a stress fracture in my foot. Hurts to walk, stand. Icing it, ibuprofen. Need to find a swimming pool I guess or else I will go crazy without my daily endorphin fix.

                              Loved the Thoreau quote, Cyn.

                              Choochi, it feels like you've posting with us much longer than you have.

                              Chill, you're right is was fado music. Is that the same music that LBH mentioned. Bon voyage.

                              Happy Friday afternoon eveyone.


                                October Optimism - Week 3

                                Oh my goodness Rusty!! I am FAR from being a gourmet cook but thanks for the kudos. Actually I think PAGuy is our gourmet chef on the block. I did however have a rush of a one day craving to cook so I went and got all the ingredients (this was a few months ago). One of the dishes was foil wrapped chix and broccoli and it is YUMMY!! It's in the Recipe Thread if you're interested. I think the other recipe I posted in there was for zucchini brownies and again, to die for!! And so easy!! So that's my repertoire folks!! I don't see any big cooking sessions in the near future but if I decide to pull out the crock pot I'll let you know!!

                                Chill-hope you have a great trip to Dublin. Please say hi to Oney, Starty, KTAB, Mario and everyone else that's going to be there. I think there's even someone from the states making the trip!! where did you guys end up deciding to eat?

                                SPED-so sorry about your foot!! Sure hope it's just overuse and not a stress fx. Take good care of yourself!!

                                Oops-5pm!! gotta get out of here. will catch up tonite!!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

