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October Optimism - Week 3

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    October Optimism - Week 3

    RB, thank you for posting that charming photo! Lovely scene.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      October Optimism - Week 3

      Another late good night - (Chill - I hope you have arrived in the Emerald Isle safely!) Long day today, beyond house stuff had to get a lecture together for a pre-concert event. This is a weekend of performances that I'm attending, and it is a real trigger for me. I was getting out my phone to try to post because I was so shakey and miserable, and felt like I was in danger of cracking, and then I heard the '5 minutes, please', and I made my way up to the hall. Thank goodness - that passed and then everything was fine. Amazing how those cravings never feel like they will pass, but they do. I haven't had one of those moments for a long time, and it makes me grateful.

      A sad thing happened at the end of the performance - (I wasn't there to witness it, I was helping one of my 90-something friends onto her residence bus - she looked so frail...) but a staff member was supposed to lead a public forum, and apparently had been drinking and was very impaired. My HB jumped in and monitored it all, but it shook him up, and he is very troubled. He asked me what my advice was, and honestly I couldn't think what to tell him. Others in the organization have the responsibility to deal with the situation, but he feels very sad and discouraged. I have never seen the illness from this perspective before - how it wounds others and drags them down, even if they are not directly involved...more food for thought. Sigh, I feel like I dodged a bullet tonight....
      Take care all - 'see' you on Saturn's Day.
      to the light


        October Optimism - Week 3

        GM friends!

        The sun is rising but it's chilly - first frost last night!
        Hope the chicks stayed warm enough.

        Cyn, sounds like you had quite an evening! It is important that we keep learning & remembering & never take AL & it's effects for granted.

        Don't have any plans for the weekend - will see what unfolds.
        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          October Optimism - Week 3

          Good morning friends,
          Cyn, I'm not sure what Mr. Cyn needed advising on? Did he have a reporting responsibility and was trying to decide whether or not to report? It sounds like a very uncomfortable situation but honesty would be the best policy in this one, I think. Approach the staff member directly and let them know that they were visibly impaired at the very least. Maybe that would be enough to keep it from reoccuring? For myself, I know I may not like to hear it, but I would also really want to know, if I had been the one to behave in that manner. Let us know the rest of the story when you have time.

          Rusty, I love your long posts! I think of them as wonderful contributions and I enjoy your little anecdotes and insights. Don't you dare stop!

          Sped, nice to have you next door in Indiana! Do you think you might try to contact Lilmea? I talked with her a couple of weeks ago. She is doing great. She could very well be a new grandma by now! Take care of your foot. Have you had a bone density test lately? Might be a good idea since you are a runner.

          Hey, Choocie, SD piqued my curiosity too when she made mention of her mom being judgemental. I too would like to hear what that was about. When you have some time SD, could you elaborate a bit? I wonder if some of your mom's response is tied up in her feelings toward alc issues centered around your dad.

          Lav, I feel for you having to take care of the yard as well as the house. Is there any way you can afford hiring a little help for some of it? I had a cleaning lady for a long time and it made my life so much better! In fact, I think I am going to start looking for a new one.

          Paguy, Papmom, Chill, Sooty, LBH, Rustop, Rebirth, Star, Friends, I wish I had time to respond to each, but it is not possible right now. Thank you all for sharing so much of yourselves. I gain so much strength and insight here.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            October Optimism - Week 3

            Good Morning Folks:

            Just a quick check-in this morning. I am pre-occupied with trying to repair another computer problem. This is so time consuming and frustrating. At least I am not completely 'down' - I can still get to the internet but I don't have full functionality. And, being the perfectionist that I am :nutso: , I won't be satisfied until it is completely fixed!

            Treating myself to a massage later this afternoon and then I have friends coming for dinner tonight. It's the first time Ive cooked for company in about 8 weeks and I'm looking forward to it. Won't be overdoing it - these are good, unpretentious and unassumning friends who I am very relaxed around. We'll have dinner and then hopefully watch the Phillies get closed to the World Series - 2 more games to go!

            Hope you all have a great Saturday!
            AF since 7/13/2010


              October Optimism - Week 3

              Good Saturday Afternoon Friends,

              Rusty here.....writing from the plane on the way to Orange County, CA. In-flight Wi-Fi is the way to go. I have spent the last hour holding the most adorable 8-week old English Bulldog puppy. He is soooo cute with a coat like velvet. The woman sitting next to me is delivering the little guy to his lucky new owner and I cheerfully offered to "babysit" him....not that he needed it. The Benadryl Doggie Downers have worked well and he has slept most of the way, but I just having him sleep on my shoulder while I bury my nose in his fur. Good thing he can sleep anywhere because I was reluctant to put him down.

              Dill, you are so sweet to say you enjoy my verbose posts. You always make me feel good, no matter what kind of a day I'm having. Thank you for being such a wonderful cyber-friend.

              Where is Mr. G? Did I scare you away, G?

              Chill-I want a full summary on the Meet-Up.

              Lav-what's the latest on Mr. Lav?

              PA-Aren't computer problems frustrating? Such incredible time-wasters and I feel so helpless my laptop isn't working. What are you making for your dinner party?

              Cyn-great job on dodging that bullet. I, am your husband sad and troubled about the drunken staff member or is the staff member troubled?

              Rebirth-where are you? Do you still have company? Your pictures were absolutely lovely and soothing.

              Sped, you went to homecoming at Northwestern? I went to school there. Small world.
              Enjoy your visit in Chicago. See if your friends want to go to Lake Geneva sometime to run along the lake path and enjoy the Fall colors.

              Well, we're making our descent so goodbye for now.


                October Optimism - Week 3

                I perhaps slept in a little long today!!:H I was actually up by 11:00 (still, yikes, I know)...tried to get on the computer to start posting when I was instant messaged by someone who saw my whiz by my facebook first...ugh!!! Everytime I even check facebook that person will instant message me and want to chat for like an hour...finally I lied and said my mom was on the phone!!
                Anywho....cyn....I wasn't sure I understood what the HB had to do either, sorry. All I know is good for you for nor cracking!! Social situations (I suspect...I have no life ) would have to be the hardest!! Great job!! I'm home alone this weekend....Brayden went to see his dad...last night, let's see, oh yea...I ate everything in the house...not a drop of AL but nothing in the fridge or cupboards stood a chance!!!
                Dill and Choo--I guess what i meant about my mom was...the other night we were sitting here talking about me wanting to but a new car...and I said well maybe for a sorta "graduation/christmas/3month anniversary AF" I would buy myself one after the holidays (actually I'd wait till summer) since in buying one in winter here!! This was on the 20th I I made the comment on how much money I had saved if I figured in the last 20 days I hadn't drank the "10 bottles" of wine I normally would have (I know it sounds 'bad"....but I also know honestly I drank about a bottle a math was a little off with even that number)....anyway...her reaction was...SD!!!! OHMYGOD!!! and just her facial expression. Now, it wouldn't have bothered me so much if she hadn't sat over there like...I don't know....arrogant maybe??? Like, looking down on my, judging me....when in fact she comes home every night and opens a bottle of wine...and "has 2 glasses" or "half the bottle".....and then if she has someone to drink with...she'll keep opening the bottles!! I even said to her...I bet if "people" really kept track and wrote down how much they ACTUALLY drank in a 20 day period..."they" would be shocked!!! I mean even at my sisters birthday dinner before I even got there they had knocked off one bottle and were starting on the second on with dinner...and I saw her refill her glass at least 3 times at dinner!! I just thought it was kind of a crappy....but that's just the way it is in my size 6 sister (who used to be the smallest)....went shopping with my other sister who is now a size 3...and my one sister says....yea...well she maybe a size three but she's still so broad up top her body proportion looks funny! These are the two sister who are suppose to be so close?!?! I just can't win in my family....your always being talked about behind your back....always so critical of everything!!! Aren't you guys glad you asked!!:H

                Pag--your dinner tonight sounds like so much fun...although, sorry I'm going to be cheering against you tonight...and I'm not even sure why???? Maybe I'm a lover for the underdog....way to go Texans!!!

                Lav--getting chilly here too!!! UGH!! I heard maybe snow this week!!! NOOOOO!!!

                Dill--you said you heard from Lilmea!!! Tell her hi for me!!! I'm glad she's doing well!! I actually got a PM from Chopps!!!! I was so excited to hear from her!!! SHe's doing great as well!!!

                Sped--sorry to hear about your foot!!

                Well I better go get some homework done since it's nice and quiet this weekend!!
                Big hello and hugs to everyone who stops by today!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  October Optimism - Week 3

                  Late Saturday afternoon for a quick check in.

                  Just a lazy day, reading, hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing. I don't normally get to do that, so I am enjoying myself.

                  Have a great night.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    October Optimism - Week 3

                    Quick check-in before I leave for the evening (same song, second verse, hopefully no craving tonight).

                    Sooty - I"m on my 3rd mug of Welsh tea: no, honestly...The package is half in welsh - "Paned Gymreig, 40 Cwdyn Te o Ansawdd Gwych - te l'ch croesawu l'r ty!" (the last bit is missing the correct vowel marking, but it means "so nice to come home to" - Love it!) I can't translate it, but at one time I did learn how to pronounce it, so I'm practicing up so I can recite the tea box while I walk on your cliffs.

                    Sorry not to be clear about my HB and events last night - I was super-tired as I was posting last night. My HB and other staff people have repeatedly questioned this person about drinking issues, which she repeatedly denies. My HB knows about my personal struggle, and I think he was asking my opinion of how talking to her should be handled. I said the same thing, Dill - honesty is the best policy, and others in the organization will have to figure out if she will lose her job, or what. What makes him sad (and me) is that so few people know about this forum, or current meds, or any other approaches other than treatment and AA....

                    Good evening all -
                    to the light


                      October Optimism - Week 3

                      Good morning everyone

                      "Every moment is an opportunity for those who are ready to seize it."

                      Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an
                      honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a
                      life around.
                      --Leo Buscaglia

                      Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
                      --Robert Louis Stevenson

                      It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action.
                      --Al Batt

                      Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's
                      success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
                      --George R. Kirkpatrick

                      "Worry drives us to prayer and prayer drives away the worry."
                      --Eliz McJunkin

                      A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
                      Contentment comes from making the most of what you have and going
                      with it.

                      Just a quick check in as I have to take my daughter down to do her horse. Week-ends are all go so it is hard to get near a computer. Hope everyone is doing ok, will catch up on the posts later. 18th birthday party went ok on Friday night, they were a nice bunch of teenagers and so polite. Every single one of them came and said good-night and thank you to myself and hubby. It's nice to see. You could see some of them had had a few drinks but nobody falling around the place. Glad its over.

                      Sun is shining and as the goldie absolutely stinks we are going to take her to a nice lake and do a 6 mile walk around it so she gets lots of swim. That and driving the teens are my plans for today. Hope you all have a great Sunday.



                        October Optimism - Week 3

                        Good Sunday Morning Everyone (or afternoon in Europe)

                        Rustop-thank you for your quotes. I liked this one best: Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
                        --George R. Kirkpatrick I am glad your daughter's friends were so appreciative of you and your husband putting on such a delightful 18th bday party. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.

                        Hello from Huntington Beach, CA. I had a wonderful day yesterday. There is a beautiful two-lane paved street that follows Hwy. 1 along the Pacific Coast and it is filled with bikers and runners, and yesterday, I rented a bike and rode for an hour and a half. Perfect weather-in the 70s, not a cloud in the sky. Urm, I know where I would have been if this had been 2 years a bar somewhere. (((((((CRINGE)))))))) Today I am going to the Aquarium of the Pacific. It's supposed to be fantastic.

                        Have a wonderful AF Sunday everyone!



                          October Optimism - Week 3

                          GM October campers!

                          Cool & sunny here this morning but I hear it heading up to 70 later

                          Rusty, I've been on stretches of Hwy 1 north of San Fran - great ride, beautiful scenery!

                          Started out washing windows & storing away screens yesterday but got bored with that. Did some shrub trimmiming, got angry with that. Thank God my daughter dropped in to do some laundry & have a bit to eat with me. Even in her funky, prenancy moods she's a breath of fresh air for me. I'm grateful for her
                          I suppose I will pick up with the unfinished jobs later & see what happens.

                          I haven't heard from Mr Lav since I asked him to leave last Monday evening. I think he's actually in New Orleans this weekend for meetings. Think I needed a good long break anyway.

                          Be back later!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            October Optimism - Week 3

                            Hi Lav, sorry you're in a funk. I've been there. It is nice when family can throw you a life line like that.

                            Hey guys, I started week 4. See you over there!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

