AFM.. :l We had a motivational speaker yesterday at Community Leadership School who was very good. He is obviously very well read. One of the people in the audience asked him what his top 5 book recommendations would be. One of the ones he suggested was Cardinal Bernadin's book "The Gift of Peace." He mentioned that one of the facets of that book is the Cardinal talking about facing his own death. I thought of that when I read your post although of course I have not read it yet (but plan to and I'm def not Catholic). I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. My own father is on the slow downhill slide that is common with diabetes and it's difficult to watch - an we are nowhere near the end yet I don't think. I wish you peace of mind today.
Cindi, I hope this rehab is everything you could ever imagine that is good in your recovery! Travel safely today.
Deter for Mayor. :soapbox2: That is all.

Thank you for the positive vibes for the lasik. I'm not going to worry about the parathyroid thing today. I'll just plan to get the blood draw on Monday and take it from there.
Not much other to report yet today other than there is one thing for darn sure....I will NOT be drinking alcohol today. That is the other all.
Off to Curves..