I hope you all had a good weekend. Sorry you forgot to buckle your own seatbelts, Paddy, but you're doing good to buckle them now! Good luck this week!
Instead of cleaning and moving furniture, I ended up going through my finances to get things together to apply for financial aid for Maddy yesterday. Tedious, but at least I got to watch the Redskins win on TV. That part was fun.
I'm still very tired at 200 mg topa. I'm not as forgetful, but I'm finding that even with a little nap in the afternoon, I can hardly keep my eyes open past 10 in the evening. Yikes! I do need to get out and exercise more. I know that will help. It is hard doing everything you need to do, plus working too!
Speaking of which, I need to get moving and start my day.
Have a good one to everyone getting ready to post!