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AF Daily - Wed 10/20

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    AF Daily - Wed 10/20

    Wakey wakey!!

    What a suprise, it's raining! Why didn't I smell it coming when I turned on the sprinkler earlier? We surely need it, although it might interfere with my river walk plans. If GF says she'll go I will too - I do NOT like walking in the rain, but who knows, maybe that can change.

    Have a happy hump day!

    One thing is for sure.........
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Wed 10/20


    I was up way too early this morning. But, to my surprise I had a lovely deposit put into my bank account! Child tax benefit back dated for my eldest daughter.... Although I am sure her dad will be coming around with his greedy paws sticking out. He has been collecting it for years, so, I am keeping this! He can start to get it again next month. He didn't pay me anything while she was living with me. So whatever.

    I ran out of coffee and am drinking tea this morning. (blech!)

    I cannot believe it is only Wednesday! This week is dragging.

    Greenie, have fun walking in the rain if that is what you gals are going to do.

    Have a fab day everyone! I feel better this morning. I am going to see dad today again. But I am feeling a lot stronger. xoxo


      AF Daily - Wed 10/20

      GM Greenie & AFM,

      Glad you're feeling better today AFM.

      I am almost embarrassed to tell you this but - didn't YB show up after all last evening????? He claims he didn't see my email so I just repeated myself - it's too wet to cut grass & there's no other reason for you to be here so leave! He was a bit shocked but he left. He is an intelligent man but can be incredibly stupid at the same time............or is it just his eternal denial?

      Well, have things to do today, tomorrow is an EB day
      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Humpday.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Wed 10/20

        AFM, so glad you're feeling stronger!

        Greenie, the cool thing about walking in the woods in the rain, if you go fast enough to stay warm, is how great the smells are--piney, pungent, leafy goodness (channeling my favorite poet, Mary Oliver, here).

        VERY busy workday ahead so I'm off; have a great AF day all,

        xoxo Pride
        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          AF Daily - Wed 10/20

          Cross post: Lav, so glad he didn't get a meal out of the visit! xoxox P.
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            AF Daily - Wed 10/20

            Hello friends.

            This morning I'm awaiting the arrival of my new refrigerator. I hope I like it. I hope it doesn't look too big for the hole. I hope they don't make we wait all day, I have plenty to do here, but also want to get my work done in town, because I have plans tomorrow and I want to be caught up!

            I made a pretty nice supper last night and finally texted my son about 7:30 to see where they were. "Hanging out with a friend, is that ok?" No, it's not ok, I expected you an hour ago and supper is ready. "We're not hungry." Come home. When they got home they confessed they had went and got burgers instead of coming home. Have they learned by watching my husband come in for supper when we are going to bed, that that is ok? Meal times were always very important to my mom and dad, it's a respect thing. Mom spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning up for us, the least we can do is come to the table when it is ready. Of course #2 son got yelled at by hubby because he let the friend buy his supper. (They go through money like water) #1 son didn't seem to understand the problem, afterall he IS 16. (He should get to do whatever he wants) Oh, well, just venting. I wonder what our life would be like if I was still drinking? I probably would have been happy, cuz I could have kept on drinking and not worried about cooking any supper. These teenage years are going to be hard on me I can tell.

            Greenie, I wish it would rain here. It is so dry. But the weather has been gorgeous. I love fall when we actually have one. I think a walk in the rain would be nice, especially in the woods as long as it's warm.

            Lav--good job. Maybe you need to use a baseball bat next time.

            I better get busy. Hello to everyone--AFM, I'm glad you're feeling better. Get that book and/or talk to the hospice people--it will help.:l

            Have a great sober day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Wed 10/20

              Hi there,
              Greenie thanks for starting us off. Woods in the rain sounds peaceful.
              AFM hope all is ok today.
              Lav sending a hug.
              Pride a huge hello.
              LV sounds like teens are a real test. Wow.

              Must go to gym now!
              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                AF Daily - Wed 10/20

                No walk, it's really raining. BUT I went to a yoga class at the gym.

                I think it was for the best that I chose to not have children (devine guidance?) because stuff like that would REALLY piss me off, LVT. I sure hope the fridge works out like you want.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wed 10/20

                  Yay! I think... dad's surgeon is going to operate. They are going to put in a feeding tube. HE actually looked better today than the past few weeks. He left me a message after I left to say that he is hopeful.

                  The BEST part of today was his look on his face when I showed up just after 10am. He knew I was coming, but he was pleasantly surprised when I walked into his room so early. Loved it!!

                  I am going to see him again tomorrow. He is to call me tonight to let me know when surgery happens.

                  I, then am going to take a much needed trip the other way on this Island. I am going to spend the night with Nana. Looking forward to just puttering around!!!

                  Much love from me, all. xoxo I am feeling at peace even for the moment!


                    AF Daily - Wed 10/20

                    Hey Everyone!!
                    Sparse group today-only 1 page so far!! Come out come out whereever you are!!
                    Not too much to report except for 2 peices of bad news from friends. My coworker "rescued" a lab puppy (9mos) from a backyard breeder who thought he would have sold all the pups by now. Obviously didn't do a whole lot with them-shots not up to date, no obedience, not housebroken but a sweet mellow black lab who is very smart. Vet called today to say he is heartworm positive. Treatment will be $1000 and the dog has to be TOTALLY inactive for 2 months!! My friend is heartbroken. She's pretty sure the guy will tell her to FO when she asks him to pay for the treatment. No way is she returning the dog to that jerk. Luckily she has the state law behind her PLUS his sister is the one who supplied the stud dog for the litter and as far as I can tell from her website she's a newer player to the game but doing everything right. I highly doubt she will want her reputation amongst the breeding circles sullied so that is another weapon in my friend's arsenal.
                    Another friend witnessed the mauling of her pap by an off leash pit bull last nite or the nite before. I had just seen this dog on Sunday so I am deeply saddened. He's fighting for his life right now. She had her dogs on leash in HER front yard when the dog came out of no where. He has attacked and severely hurt 2 other dogs in the neighborhood: 1 that was visiting his house and one that was just walking by the house. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now. She is 2 hours away from me so I can't go up to keep her company. She's not a close friend-a member of my pap group who I see a couple of times a year. but still. &%#$@ irresponsible owners!!

                    OK-that is my rant for today.
                    AFM-good news about your dad I think? Is the feeding tube temporary? At least you are having good visits with him. Keep up the peaceful feelings.
                    Greenie-sorry to hear about the rain but hope you had a good day anyway.
                    LVT-I'm with Greenie. There's a reason I was never a parent!! Bless you!! Hope you like the new fridge!!
                    Pride and Gaia-hope your day was good!
                    Lav-way to go girl!! I'm so proud of you!!

                    Hope to see the rest of the crew tomorrow!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Wed 10/20

                      Papmom, that's the risk of rescue dogs. You just never know what you're taking on. Been through that heartache and have pretty much decided that when my pup, Max, dies, I'm done. It's just too hard to lose them. And I won't take Max to a "dog park" or that sort of thing. He's very small and lives behind a six-foot fence (in a nice-sized yard) because of the local tragedies we've seen involving dogs that didn't know how to behave. I keep him on leash in public, not out of fear that he will misbehave, but because I want him close enough that I can pull him up if some poor pooch who doesn't know better starts acting mean. Really, I think people need to get certified to own pets!

                      All good here. Very nice few days in Estes Park. AF for four days and it's feeling pretty darn good.

                      Must finish dinner now and can't catch up. Hope everyone is doing well.
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        AF Daily - Wed 10/20

                        Happy late check-in ABerooos!

                        so sorry to hear of the pitbull mauling, that reminds me of a dreadful incident last year when a pit latched onto the neck of a neighbor's pet llama and the animal control officers had been recently disarmed by a repulsively-left wing city council. so they watched tears in eyes as the poor llama died a horrid death while people tried to beat off the pit with sticks to no avail. what a pathetic nation we have become. sigh... ok no more politics.

                        in brighter news: Dx and I will be enjoying a lovely AF night at home with some grilled cod dressed with yogurt/cilantro/garlic/lemon/toasted cumin dressing I just whipped up. and you're all invited!

                        be well friends
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

