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AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

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    AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

    Good Morning abbers!!

    Roll call!! What, is everybody crazy busy? How the hell were we drinkers?? "Were", don't you love past tense?

    Det, that dinner sounded delish! I made a nice curried roasted cauliflower soup. No guns for the animal control, huh. What if the bad dog went for one of them instead of the llama? I'm sure that is at issue. Bad dogs make me nervous.

    Hey ho, tracy! How's it going with your goals?

    Well, I've got about 6 stops to make downtown today which I hope to cruise through as the clutch is going out. I have an appt. monday for a new one - oh please don't let me get stuck somewhere in the meantime. I'm sure I could make an adventure out of it but I really could do without that right now. I need it to rain money for this tooth thing and a new clutch.

    Zooming! Have a tremendously happy AF day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

    Why are you up this early, greenie???

    Well, I got some good news, I guess, yesterday. Dad's surgeon is going to put in a feeding tube. He looked better and more rested yesterday.... I guess due to the pain management. He called me last night and asked me to come by again today before his surgery. Keeping fingers crossed he makes it through it.

    It is only 10 to 4am here. I am up! WTF! LOL!

    So, that is my plan for today. Take child to school and then go and see him.

    Have a fabulous day everyone!


      AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

      AFM, that is good news!! Stay positive and hopeful; I'm touched by the feeling you must have for him to respond so well to your attention. :h

      I'm always up early. But remember, I'm on east coast so it's not THAT early. I got busy brain at 4:30 & gave up trying to stop it at 5:30 and got up. Grrrr...
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

        If I could photoshop or whatever I'd make my toes into little jack-o-lanterns.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

          Hi there,

          Hey wondering where's Bear? Uni? DG?

          AFM that's good news and a full day. I hope you have some time to do something nice for yourself after your hospital visit.

          Greenie that could be a new fashion.

          I've got a full day too. And then the reward is a quiet evening with McDreamy. Thursdays are good days!
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

            Good morning fabbies! AFM, very special positive vibes to your Dad today for surgery, and you for the wonderful love and support you are giving him. :l

            Greenie, thanks for kicking us off. If there is ever money rain in the forecast where you live, I'm coming to visit! Seriously, hope all is OK. It's not fun when financial surpises pop up. I think jack-o-lantern toes would be rockin' hot! Or for "everyday wear", little tiaras on each toe. That would be fitting.

            I need to go back and read and catch up but not sure when. Zoom zoomin'. Community leadership school today and virtually no progress from me on our project. I've got to make some progress over the weekend!

            Was at a business social last night. Even though I've been to many many of those since sobering up, I am still amazed at what I observe. Many people not drinking AL at all. Lot's of people having 1 or 2 (appropriate normal drinking). Then a very few over drinking, and of course doing what I used to do - trying to get others to drink lots too (misery loves company factor). The guy leading that particular charge was working hard not to slur his words and weave as we said goodbye. I'm so horrified knowing that was me on so very many occassions. He was driving. That's scary - 1) for him and 2) because I used to do that all the time too. And I didn't think I was "that bad" in general, or on those specific driving occassions. Oy. I am so grateful to be sober and grateful I never caused a drunk driving tragedy.

            One thing is for sure....

            Hello to all abbies far and wide. Is Marshy still :h? (well, I almost said ________) :wings:

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

              Here ya go Greenie!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                Cute! Hi Papmom! DH says we don't need a fence. Is he crazy?
                AF since May 6, 2010

                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                  AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                  greeneyes;986201 wrote: Roll call!! What, is everybody crazy busy? How the hell were we drinkers??
                  :H :H :H Fabulous.

                  Have been a bit crazy busy. Everything going swimmingly on the XNGF front Next week is when I'm going to visit her by the sea.

                  Other than that something that I successfully avoided for years because I was drunk has reared its ugly head and I'm having to deal with it sober. Been very stressed about it and SMOKED on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. No more! And anyway, cigarettes are so insanely expensive now compared to when I gave up about 15 years ago, I don't know how anyone can afford to smoke.
                  I'm going to AA tonight to get some healthy therapy instead.

                  AFM - I hope your dad's surgery goes well.

                  Greenie & DG - if, if, if things work out with XNGF, I'm thinking about us going to Connecticut to visit my friend there around Easter-ish. Would definitely somehow, somewhere, love to meet you and anyone in that vague neck of the woods. What do you think of the idea?

                  Oo, I see Gaia and Papmom have sneaked in under the wire while I've been typing. (Papmom you're a bit East coastish, aren't you? I'll have to get my atlas out) Have a good day all.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                    Gaia;986229 wrote: Cute! Hi Papmom! DH says we don't need a fence. Is he crazy?
                    Yep. Share with him my story I posted last nite. that is all.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                      Greenie & DG - if, if, if things work out with XNGF, I'm thinking about us going to Connecticut to visit my friend there around Easter-ish. Would definitely somehow, somewhere, love to meet you and anyone in that vague neck of the woods. What do you think of the idea?

                      Oo, I see Gaia and Papmom have sneaked in under the wire while I've been typing. (Papmom you're a bit East coastish, aren't you? I'll have to get my atlas out) Have a good day all.
                      ooooh ooooh ooooh!!!!!! Pick me! Pick me!! LOL! Yes, I'm in central MA-never more than 2 hours from anywhere in CT so if you come all the way over here and we don't get a visit in, well I oughta........!!!
                      I bet we could get a few of us together somewhere in New England or just south so our Southern Belle don't have TOO far to travel. Might be a little tougher for DG as she is the midwest of the country. Any free miles that you're hanging onto DG?
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                        This one:

                        Not too much to report except for 2 peices of bad news from friends. My coworker "rescued" a lab puppy (9mos) from a backyard breeder who thought he would have sold all the pups by now. Obviously didn't do a whole lot with them-shots not up to date, no obedience, not housebroken but a sweet mellow black lab who is very smart. Vet called today to say he is heartworm positive. Treatment will be $1000 and the dog has to be TOTALLY inactive for 2 months!! My friend is heartbroken. She's pretty sure the guy will tell her to FO when she asks him to pay for the treatment. No way is she returning the dog to that jerk. Luckily she has the state law behind her PLUS his sister is the one who supplied the stud dog for the litter and as far as I can tell from her website she's a newer player to the game but doing everything right. I highly doubt she will want her reputation amongst the breeding circles sullied so that is another weapon in my friend's arsenal.
                        Another friend witnessed the mauling of her pap by an off leash pit bull last nite or the nite before. I had just seen this dog on Sunday so I am deeply saddened. He's fighting for his life right now. She had her dogs on leash in HER front yard when the dog came out of no where. He has attacked and severely hurt 2 other dogs in the neighborhood: 1 that was visiting his house and one that was just walking by the house. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now. She is 2 hours away from me so I can't go up to keep her company. She's not a close friend-a member of my pap group who I see a couple of times a year. but still. &%#$@ irresponsible owners!!


                        He says, no our dog won't run away because we're going to watch him. Our dog will respect the boundaries of our property (???) WE are going to watch him? No, he means I'm going to be a slave to the dog. FOUL!

                        Hi Marshy your visit to the sea sounds wonderful. You're coming to CT? That's a lovely state!
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                          Hello P3 and Gaia and Marshy!

                          No miles P3, but if Marshy comes and we have a get together, I'll be there if I have to hitch hike!!!! That would be SO MUCH FUN!!!

                          Marshy, so VERY happy for you on the XNGF front. Get off those fags FAST. Don't let them get their hooks in you again. I too wonder how anyone can afford to smoke. Good luck with the Stressful Situation. This too shall pass.

                          Gaia, I haven't caught up from yesterday but if the story is about dogs and fences, I could add a couple horror ones to the mix. Good luck with that (if I guessed it half right)

                          OK - now I gotta get a move on. Greenie, I hope your clutch holds up today. And your teeth.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                            That is so sad. My youngest daughter was attacked by a pitbull Sept. 10th/09. It was the most horrific thing I have ever seen, etc. I tell ya, some owners should be held accountable!!! Although the dog has been put down, it still scares me. I am just so thankful that she doesn't hate dogs. However, it did take a loooong time. She still has scars on her poor little face.


                              AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                              Oh Gaia I'm so sorry to read about your friend's pap. That is so sad. I'm with you on irresponsible pet owners. My husband's dog training group has some members who train with some of the bulldog breeds. They are naturally high in defense drive and cannot be owned / cared for as though they are golden retrievers. To me the owners are way scarier than the dogs.

                              FENCE. I would get one while he was at work if I had to. Dog will "respect our property boundaries?" Huh? I feel for each of you who struggle with some of these men...... (YB, Mr. T, Mr. LVT, etc.) I know they are not all bad (nobody is ALL bad) but it sure sounds frustrating.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

