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AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

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    AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

    Geez I started messing with the multi qote thing and created a "reply" monster & now I can't get rid of it!! :H

    Marshy, :b&d: on the fags and I'm in on the trip and I may be hitchhiking too.

    DG, in your list....FH... don't forget FH. Just bacause I don't bore you with details doesn't mean he ain't still out there. I wonder if I should tell him about the fire at the hole? :H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

      Morning Abbies,

      Overcast & cool here today but dry - typical Fall day I suppose.

      Smudged the house last evening but apparently didn't do good enough of a job. I had THE most bizarre dream about YB........I can't even believe it!!!! The idiot doesn't understand how much stress he piles on me each time he makes an appearance. Geez!

      Must shake off the evil spirits & prepare for the arrival of my best friend - EB :h

      Wishing a great AF Thursday to one & all!
      Marshy - I'm 17 months smoke free yesterday & still think about the damn things everyday yet I cannot allow myself to go there..... it was much, much harder foi me to quiti smoking than drinking, honestly

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

        Good Morning All,

        Lots of activity here this morning!!

        Hey Marshy, I live in Northern Virginia (just outside of Washington, DC). CT is about 6 - 7 hours from here. Yep, get off of those ciggies girl.

        Gaia, P3, DG and all other dog lovers. My little doggie is a Shih Tzu. We have a fenced in backyard but she absolutely refuses to do her business in it. I have to take her for a walk instead. Speaking of walks...when we went to the Smoky Mountains in July, she was attacked by another dog while our dogsitter was taking her for a walk in her neighborhood. She had stitches in her shoulder/neck area (very close to the carotid artery) and to her tummy. She pulled through with flying colors. The dog sitter was never able to find the owner. We filed a report with the police but nothing ever came of it.

        AFM, I am happy to hear that your dad has stabilized. Stay strong and sober!

        We are in a hiatus with our addition. The person doing our electric work did not show up this week. They are looking for another person but it is taking awhile. I am practicing patience which is not a strength of mine. Meanwhile, I added a double burner to my makeshift kitchen which is in the living room.

        Off to another yoga class today...helps me to practice patience.

        Be well,
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

          Hello friends.

          A quickie check in for me as I need to get ready to go to the spa with some friends for my birthday treat! These are 2 friends whom I rarely see anymore, but we did this last year for one of their 50th birthdays and now its become tradition (I hope).

          I waited all morning for the fridge delivery, didn't get much work done at all at cemetery, but it was well worth it! I love it so much! It is big and beautiful! It is bigger than my pantry! I could put a body or two in there....oh wait, that's not cool!:H Anyway, hubby and sons try extra hard to make this day special for me, so I am going to take full advantage!

          I saw my fair share of dog maulings when I worked at the vet clinic. This is always a bad deal and what gives the pit bulls a bad name. The worst thing about them is the strength of their jaws and they won't let go. I remember when this happened to your daughter AFM, and THAT is the scariest thing! These aggressive dogs do go after children and responsible dog owners shouldn't keep a dog like that around.

          Topsy! I love Estes Park, it is so beautiful. I am only a few hours away from there and hope to go there again on a women's retreat this spring--Highland's.

          Ok, gotta run. Sober birthdays rock! This is my 3rd one!!! (Well, since I was about 15, and twice during my pregnancies)
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

            Hi just a quick update.

            DG that was not my dog story, it was Papmoms. I don't have a dog - yet. I would never let my dog run free, now would I ever own a pit bull. But I would like to be able to have the choice of letting it out if I'm busy wihtout walking it. That is what we are trying to figure out.

            AFM your poor little girl!
            AF since May 6, 2010

            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


              AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

              HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY LVT!!!!

              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                Gaia;986239 wrote: This one:

                Not too much to report except for 2 peices of bad news from friends. My coworker "rescued" a lab puppy (9mos) from a backyard breeder who thought he would have sold all the pups by now. Obviously didn't do a whole lot with them-shots not up to date, no obedience, not housebroken but a sweet mellow black lab who is very smart. Vet called today to say he is heartworm positive. Treatment will be $1000 and the dog has to be TOTALLY inactive for 2 months!! My friend is heartbroken. She's pretty sure the guy will tell her to FO when she asks him to pay for the treatment. No way is she returning the dog to that jerk. Luckily she has the state law behind her PLUS his sister is the one who supplied the stud dog for the litter and as far as I can tell from her website she's a newer player to the game but doing everything right. I highly doubt she will want her reputation amongst the breeding circles sullied so that is another weapon in my friend's arsenal.
                Another friend witnessed the mauling of her pap by an off leash pit bull last nite or the nite before. I had just seen this dog on Sunday so I am deeply saddened. He's fighting for his life right now. She had her dogs on leash in HER front yard when the dog came out of no where. He has attacked and severely hurt 2 other dogs in the neighborhood: 1 that was visiting his house and one that was just walking by the house. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now. She is 2 hours away from me so I can't go up to keep her company. She's not a close friend-a member of my pap group who I see a couple of times a year. but still. &%#$@ irresponsible owners!!


                He says, no our dog won't run away because we're going to watch him. Our dog will respect the boundaries of our property (???) WE are going to watch him? No, he means I'm going to be a slave to the dog. FOUL!

                Hi Marshy your visit to the sea sounds wonderful. You're coming to CT? That's a lovely state!
                Hey Gaia-I'm going to PM you on this one.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Thursday 10/21


                  May your day be filled with great surprises and lots of luvvin' from kids and hubby. Enjoy the new fridge!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                    Will add more later--mountains of work in the next two weeks before heading off to Mexico with S. for a week (yay)--but wanted to say I was in a foul mood when I signed on and now I'm feeling MUCH better. I love this thread and all you bitches! :h

                    (PS: Greenie, the transmission went on my car in college, and I drove the whole way home from work in reverse. Anyone see the movie "Smoke Signals"?)

                    (PPS: I can't stand it when people get dog breeds with high territorial drives for their own safety (frankly, I think it's more about being intimidating) but don't bother about anyone else's. It's not the dog's fault--they're doing what they're bred--and oftentimes trained--to do. Grrrr.)

                    PPPS: "He says, no our dog won't run away because we're going to watch him." >> HAH! Much as I loved my big old Bear, he had the most annoying selective deafness when it came to squirrels or any other "shiny object" that caught his eye when he was off leash. FENCE.)

                    (PPPPS: 1-1/2 hours from Connecticut. ROAD TRIP.)

                    (PPPPPS: Happy 50th, LVT! I'm right behind you (29). )
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                      (ooooh, P3, that card is "groovy"!)
                      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                        AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                        Hi guys,

                        Just checking in - I can't believe how busy this thread is already!

                        LVT - happy birthday!

                        I have been having a rough week emotionally so haven't been checking in much. I go to my home AA group tonight where they are presenting me with my 3 month pin so I'm looking forward to that. I'm trying to get myself out of this funk that I have sunk into but it is difficult. I'm off to go have a hot bath, relax, do some reading and call a friend.

                        Love you guys - one thing is for sure for me today....

                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                          hay all - sad tales of dogs on here today- someone in the team was attacked by a dog as was her dog/

                          I finished work early today due to mega long week last week - bought lots of intensive conditioner for my newly blonded and dry as a bone hair and spent tonnes of money on new underwear and nice silky leopard print pyjamas.Happy!

                          No alcohol here - or cigarettes - really worried about health aspects now which is keeping me off them - keep going Marshy - you'll feel so much better -- they only add to our problems.Management course 2 days this week was intense - hotel and bed was lovely though!Learnt lots about how to challenge people more effectively - will use in work and at home!

                          Work have accepted my application to mutually resign (cheaper way of leaving for employer than redundancy) - due to huge cuts in NHS (cuts in NHS already made/planned for so not counted in the massive public sector cuts anounced yesterday - sneaky political meanderings!). The suggested date is 17/12/10 - way too early -scary!
                          I'm not committed to it yet - but I still don't know what to do - though the idea of not working sounds great!Good day all to come.
                          one day at a time


                            AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                            LVT - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:day4::bday2::bday3::bday7::goodtime:

                            Uni - very sad to hear you still in a funk. It sounds like you are doing a great job of soldiering through it. Congratulation on getting your pin tonight! I've never seen a pin - only the coins. Would love to see a picture! I'm happy for you. Do you see your therapist soon?

                            Bear, congrats on staying smoke and al free during this time of change. I hope you can keep faith that there are always better things ahead if we stay positive and engaged in our own lives! Sounds like you enjoyed training - that's awesome!

                            Pride - can I PLEASE go with you to Mexico??? I promise I will be no trouble at all! (you are going to have so much fun!!)

                            Well - back to work for me. I'm realizing just how valuable our business network really is. Was able to engage 2 more "volunteer" resources for the Community Leadership School project who have the specific skills needed to really make a difference. That feels so cool.

                            One thing is for sure..

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                              Sitting in the doc's office waiting for my daughters checkup

                              ATM. What a horrible and scary story about your daughter being attacked by the dog. Were you ever able to recover anything from the owner?

                              Happy happy bday LVT. I hope your pampering day is relaxing and fun. Enjoy that new frig. I'm not too far behind you I hope.

                              Uni. Hang in there. The only way through it is through it. You will come out of this for sure

                              Dg. I enjoy catching up on your days and all of the ways you are living your life to the fullest

                              Bear. It is good to hear you sounding so strong. It seems like you have turned the corner as far as alcohol goes. Ps. I have a friend who is the captain of our local roller derby team. She doesn't drink either

                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!


                                AF Daily - Thursday 10/21

                                Happy Birthday LV!
                                AF since May 6, 2010

                                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

