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af daily sat 23 oct

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    af daily sat 23 oct

    hey all - woken up with another cold - thought it was coming.
    I'm having drinking thoughts ' why did i give up, i was only a social drinker' and the 'maybe i could have one'

    Think i may need to re-read some old posts to refresh my memory I WON'T drink today - I am driving so have put myself into a position where I can't drink.

    Good day all and may pop in later
    one day at a time

    af daily sat 23 oct

    Greeting's Bear, and all to come.

    Bear, i had to stop working as a musician in bar's, al environment's etc, until i was strong enough, to know i could take care of myself, and not drink. I had to weigh up the equation. How important was it for me to tackle this, and stop drinking? At that stage, it was the most important thing for me to do. To do it though, meant staying away from my beloved music industry, gathering's, parties, gig's, as the temptation was far too great eventually. It worked. Now, i'm as good as gold, and i love gigging, and the nightlife. Best wishes with whatever approach you take.

    A safe, sober, and magical weekend to everyone.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      af daily sat 23 oct

      Good morning G-man and Bear! Thanks Bear for kicking things off today! Please remember that those thoughts that drinking would be OK are normal. We all go through that. But they are LIES. I know you know that too. It can be a very strong pull though. I know you enjoy your social life with friends and derby team mates. Tread carefully please. :l

      G, especially given your music passion, your story is truly a testament to being "willing to go to any length." I know you give others a lot of hope since you have been able to return to your musical life style better and stronger than before. I'm glad you are here and sharing that! You give me hope.

      Uni, I think a little self pampering is such a good idea! Your GF outing with pedicure and retail therapy sounds fun. Keep being good to yourself.

      Pride - I don't allow myself much time for regrets of the past any more as it's just a waste of time. However when I do indulge, one of the places my mind always goes is back to the college / post college days (when I was 10 ) and what it would have been like if my focus would have been on something meaningful rather than drinking. I have wondered what it would have been like to be in the Peace Corps. How was that for you? Where did you go and what did you do? How did you get in at 10?

      To be continued....figure skating is on and the warmup is over :H...
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        af daily sat 23 oct

        OK - more in a new post so I can work around the smilie rationing.

        Pride - you are so right about the hard working nuns. I am not Catholic (am not anything LOL) so this is all new to me. (Sister is my AA sponsor - you probably caught that along the way but in case not...) I admire them.

        LVT - when I talk to Sister this morning I will ask her to put Terry back on the prayer list. I'm sorry to hear about the back fractures. That sounds painful. I'm so glad you felt special on your birthday! Queen for a day!

        To be continued..
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          af daily sat 23 oct

          You're most welcome DG. Btw, i've just started reading the 'Tao of sobriety'. So far, it talk's about detachment, and being the 'manager'/C.E.O. of the voices in our addictive head's, and cultivating the positive, true one, and bringing that one to the fore. The 'detachment' thing, of watching our thought's come and go, and hence not be caught up in them emotionally, is interesting.

          Well, it's off to my new futon now. I just need to sort out some ____________:h

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            af daily sat 23 oct

            Lav, I continue to relate as I would have such a hard time - especially with yard work - if Mr. Doggy would ever leave here in search of himself or whatever. Glad you pampered yourself with some great soup and corn bread. Wish I could have been there. Hang onto that wonderful mojo of yours. Hope the chickies make it through the weather transition.

            Greenie - gratitude really is the antidote isn't it? I'm hoping someday that when my thoughts go south, I automatically turn to my gratitude list rather than wallowing in my own misery for some period of time before I remember to do that. :H I hope you had a fabulous bath last night!

            Det, glad you are home and snuggled. My problem with the tapas style of eating is remembering that a snickers bar is NOT a tapas.

            AFM, continued strength vibes to you.

            Hello to all others and special remodeling strength vibes to M3.

            It is always fun for me to watch figure skating over the internet in real time. This event is in Japan so I didn't catch much live since it's truly middle of the night here. But caught the Ladies free skate this morning. Maybe will catch the men's free skate live tonight at 11PM or something like that my time. Am going to Curves to work out and then to the Mission to help with some envelope stuffing. Since I skipped AA this morning, might go to a speaker meeting tonight. Some of my friends will be there so I'm sure it will be fun.

            One thing is for sure.....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              af daily sat 23 oct


              Figure skating's back! I don't even ever see any but I always enjoy your descriptions, DG.

              Bear, I agree with DG - it's lies and it's that addict part of your brain talking. But you have control over that voice in your head. Like Guitarista, I had to stay well away from pubs for probably at least six months. I'm now totally fine in "normal" drinking situations where people have a few drinks as part of a social occasion but I still stay away from those Fri/Sat nights when people are out to get drunk and that's the only focus of the night. I just can't go and my friends know that.

              G - I was just about to mention Tao (again!) and see you snuck in there first.

              After mentioning a meet-up the other day I had a look at a map of the States. I always forget how vast it is. You can drive from one end of Britain to the other in a day quite easily so nowhere is ever that far. DG, I was thinking Chicago was much closer to the East coast and it just ain't, is it? :H

              Still, I'm sure we could work something out between anyone who's interested. I'd be happy to go anywhere, and if I'm with XNGF we could hire a car and I know she'd be up for a road trip. Pencil in sometime between April 11-April 25 (Easter hols).

              Two days to go before our week by the sea

              So I sorted out the stressful situation that has been bubbling away all these years. Sober, honestly and in a grown-up way. Who'da thunk? :H And I'm feeling much lighter because of it.

              Have a fabulous AF day everyone!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                af daily sat 23 oct

                Guitarista;987826 wrote: I just need to sort out some ____________:h
                So....umm....what exactly is sorting out _______________? (I will probably regret asking this question)


                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  af daily sat 23 oct

                  Marshy - we will absolutely figure a way to meet up. So...what are you up to this weekend? When do you leave for the sea?

                  The figure skating voids are never as fabulous when watching ladies as when watching other events involving men in sequins, makeup, or both. However I did learn that the extra fabric crotch part of tights can definitely give the appearance of "unwaxed" when combined with an inappropriate wedgie. That is all.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    af daily sat 23 oct

                    Doggygirl;987835 wrote: However I did learn that the extra fabric crotch part of tights can definitely give the appearance of "unwaxed" when combined with an inappropriate wedgie. That is all.
                    :wow::wow: The mind boggles.

                    Off to the sea Monday morning on the train (XNGF is already there but working this weekend so she's meeting my train on Monday).

                    I'm off work today for once so might go to an AA meeting this afternoon that I went to once and really enjoyed and usually can't get to coz I'm working. Yeah, I'm going to do that... Just been out buying new underwear for WBTS (week by the sea):bigwink:
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      af daily sat 23 oct

                      GM abbers!

                      Had a half crappy night - mind was working OT! This just hasn't been easy.
                      I have no plans for the weekend so I see what goes.

                      Hope you feel better bear. Keep pushing the junkie thoughts out of your head! You can do it

                      G, working in bars must have been very difficult for you. You are to be commended for your strength & fortitude - what a man

                      Marshy, we do have a huge country here, you can drive for days & days. Where are you beginning your trip?

                      Hope everyone has a great AF Saturday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af daily sat 23 oct

                        good Morning Abbie Fabbers!!
                        Zooming today-another Saturday in my windowless office. :upset:
                        You guys crack me up!! I had quite a few chuckles reading the posts today.

                        DG-really? You're looking that closely??? What do you mean Snickers isn't a tapas? You really know how to burst a girl's dream world bubble :H

                        Marshy-have a BLAST at the shore this weekend!! Are you nervous???
                        Yes, we will work somthing out for the Meetup. So many wonderful places we could meet-Boston being one but so many more the mind boggles. This region really is rich and beautiful!!

                        Bear-Please don't give into the Beast!! You've already tried the mod route and it didn't work because our brains can't process AL the way the "normies" can. It's just a fact no matter how much you don't like it. Just do what I do when the beast starts yelling: :lalala:It really works!! Also, I will fall back on the vision of a Tsunami wave, riding it like an expert surfer and then gently landing on shore-sober and happy.

                        So I gave back my cable box and my wireless router to my cable/internet company yesterday. so far the Mobile Hotspot on my phone is working great as my internet connection and I don't see a difference in speed. Of course I'm not a gamer and I'm not downloading videos. I have one TV that will get channels and that is in my bedroom so I've set up camp there until I can find/buy a new LCD tv and antennae. I'm hoping the $60 savings per months will make a difference. Never in a million years did I think I would turn off my cable. A year for firsts that's for sure.
                        OK, gotta run-see you in a few hours if the phones aren't ringing off the hook.

                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          af daily sat 23 oct

                          Lavande;987840 wrote: GM abbers!

                          Had a half crappy night - mind was working OT! This just hasn't been easy.
                          Lav, I think you're dealing with it amazingly well. It must be a huge strain on you and your family.

                          Staying in CT (in the bottom bit near NYC - see how my geography is coming on in leaps and bounds :H).
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            af daily sat 23 oct

                            papmom3;987842 wrote:
                            Marshy- Are you nervous???
                            Ooooooooh yes! Very nervous. But soooo looking forward to it

                            Off to AA...
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              af daily sat 23 oct

                              Hi there,

                              Ok first laugh:

                              The figure skating voids are never as fabulous when watching ladies as when watching other events involving men in sequins, makeup, or both. However I did learn that the extra fabric crotch part of tights can definitely give the appearance of "unwaxed" when combined with an inappropriate wedgie. That is all.

                              DG ok that is too funny. I need to send that quote to some old judges and skating moms I know. So, inquiring minds want to know, are you more a fan of singles, pairs or dance? I have my hypothesis... but will wait to give my opinion.

                              Papmom - Snickers isn't a tapas? Huh? but very funny anyway even if I don't get it.

                              Marshy have fun today! Lav your mind is trying to solve things that may be impossible to solve. Hope it quiets down today.

                              Bear push on, girl! You can do this!

                              Greenie your avatar is SPOOKY! Next it will gobble up puppies.

                              I gotta get a shower and get kids going now.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

