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af daily sat 23 oct

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    af daily sat 23 oct

    Yipes!! You folks were goin' at it this AM!!
    I'm in the floor over the tights thing. :H
    And I MUST know why and how one sorts___________:h That is all.

    I hopped up and went to yoga class. This is my third one. I'm not very good, but I don't mind. If I keep going, hopefully I will get better. I'm off to the river with little doggie now. Repair man comes this afternoon for the washing machine and refrigerator. Raise your hand if you remember a Sat afternoon appt totally wrecking your drinking schedule. Bah!

    Bear, keep your BGPs on snugged up to your armpits!

    Gaia, my avatar speaks for why I don't have children. Some eat their young. Just sayin'.

    Ta-ta, AFers!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      af daily sat 23 oct

      Greenie, I too love your avatar. If I was carving pumpkins this year, that is exactly what I would do. Steal your idea and run with it. My hand is raised. Sat afternoon appointments never STOPPED me from drinking. Never interfered in that regard. Just made me into a pissed off pissed up person.

      Hi Gaia. What are you up to today? Back when I was unenlightened, I like ladiezzzz the best. Now? Bring on the dance. Men and pairs are tied for second now with ladiezzz trailing way behind. First glimpse of the new "short dance" (combination of old compulsory dance and original dance) was.....strange. The Golden Waltz is the compulsory, and then the rest of it can have other waltz or quick step or......TANGO?????? :upset: There were actually several teams at NHK who combined Golden Waltz and Tango into one dance. I guess that would be the Wango. And it's BAD. :H (see? I bet you were not expecting more voids already!)

      Marshy. Underwear shopping. Hmmm.... I guess you are also on the futon sorting your ________????? :wings:

      P3, I am NOT the camera person at this event!!! The closeups are not my doing. :H That is VERY cool about your cable and internet stuff through your phone. WOW. Good for you!

      Lav, sorry you were tossing and turning over the current situation. I too think you are handling all this YB business like a trooper. Leaving the haircuts to the rest of us. I wish you peace of mind as you decide what is next in LavLife. It will be wonderul because YOU are wonderful from the inside out.

      Had a rockin' boot camp worthy Curves workout. 3X around the circuit at full tilt today + all the extra credit with no cutting corners on anything. Now I need to keep my snickers tapas under control and it will be a good day on the diet and exercise front.

      Off to shower and then stuff envelopes at the mission. Get out of myself for a bit. Have a lovely day fabbies!

      Two things are for sure. I will not be drinking AL today, and I will be careful with tights and wedgies.


      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        af daily sat 23 oct

        Hello friends.

        I stayed up and watched an old 80's movie called "Perfect" last night(speaking of weddgies). We had come home after the football game (in the rain) and I had a cup of coffee with my cake and ice cream. wow, that was a mistake! I fell asleep right before the end of the movie, but was revved back up again by the time I got back to bed. So anyway, I slept in a little this morning. I am enjoying these Saturdays where I don't HAVE to be somewhere. I'm going to do some more house cleaning soon.

        Bear--stay strong. I can relate to those thoughts though. Especially when you have someone telling you that one glass of wine won't hurt you, it's your birthday! Some of my friends and acquaintances still don't quite get it. Honestly, I probably could have had a glass off wine that day. But why? Break my 2 year totally af streak? Make me sleepy and have that crappy coming down feeling? After 2 years what would alcohol feel like? It made me think maybe I am being silly by totally not drinking. Why not just have a few now and again? Then, later when the boys and dh took me out for supper, it happened to be poker night in the bar where we ate (only place for steak). One guy stopped by our table to say hi, and #1 son announced that it was my birthday (including my age). He wanted to buy me a shot. I said no thanks. DH said--she doesn't drink anymore. Or smoke. You would have thought I slapped him in the face. WTF??? His attitude was bizarre, yet common with people I know. This guy had a heart issue awhile back and still smokes! Of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut when he said "Well, we all have to die from something, right?" I started going off about watching my mom die with emphysema and it wasn't so much her death that was bad, it was the quality of life BEFORE she died. I kinda felt like crawling under the table.

        Anyway, that is my story for the morning. I talked to the one friend that took me to the spa about it, that hardly ever drinks anymore, but when she does she said she gets drunk and stupid and then feels like shit for 3 days. I told her I simply have no time nor the desire for that and I feel so much better now. Why f --- that up? Sometimes I feel like a prude, but oh well.

        Now, I'm off to get something done. "Desserts to Die For" at the local library today. It is a lovely rainy day out, I may just stay in my warm comfy almost tidy house!

        Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          af daily sat 23 oct

          greeneyes;987911 wrote: Raise your hand if you remember a Sat afternoon appt totally wrecking your drinking schedule. Bah!
          I only ever made Sat appointments in the mornings, and even then it was a bit hit and miss what state I'd be in when appointee arrived
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            af daily sat 23 oct

            hey everyone!! I really meant to check in today during work (it was deadly slow) but I got inspired to start a blog so I did!! I still have some work to do on it but it was definitely fun. Here's the link to what I have so far:
            The Agility Fool

            DG-too funny about not being the photographer!! My phone can only do the internet although Sprint does have it's own TV station which doesn't have many choices and it's not live. Plus, it's on the phone's screen-no way to hook it up to the TV. For now I'm suffering with about only 5 channels that come in well. I'm particularly missing cable right this instant and not sure how long I can go without. Not too bad on the weeknights but I think weekends where I have down time will be deadly.

            Lav-you are really being strong about this whole YB thing. I sure hope some sort of closure comes soon for you.

            Greenie-Not raising my hand. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't drink during the day (at least I wasn't by the time I quit). But Saturday appointments are horrendous no matter what they're nterferring with!!

            LVT-Some people are just so cavalier when it comes to life threatening habits. "We all have to go sometime" really bothers me nowadays and yet I was guilty of saying that myself all the time. good for you for speaking up. Maybe he didn't appreciate it but maybe it will spark something in him. I'm sorry your husband couldn't be supportive on your night out. Probably trying to be one of the boys and felt like he had to save face with his buddy. Men.

            G-what a great story!! I can feel your joy and peace through the net waves!!

            OK-did I miss anyone? Hope not!! I'll be here for a bit so will probably post a good nite post.

            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              af daily sat 23 oct

              P3, your blog is fabulous! I was :H reading about "having to have it all" by the 3rd trial. I remember when we got started in conformation showing and I was the same way. That's how we ended up with the camper. :H Excessive in all things I guess.

              We do have TV's in our house that are hooked to cable. But I mainly watch stuff on the computers. Netflix ($16 per month and maybe lower now),, live audio from the radio station web sites, etc. I really think eventually there will be no cable -it will all merge with internet. And we will also be beaming places and cool stuff like that.

              I like this reading from Hazelden today. It's from "The Language of Letting Go" which I believe LVT has recommended from time to time. Several women have that book at the Friday tough chicks AA meeting I go to. I may have to get it. goes:

              Today's thought from Hazelden is:

              Property Lines

              A helpful tool in our recovery, especially in the behavior we call detachment, is learning to identify who owns what. Then we let each person own and possess his or her rightful property.

              If another person has an addiction, a problem, a feeling, or a self-defeating behavior, that is their property, not ours. If someone is a martyr, immersed in negativity, controlling, or manipulative, that is their issue, not ours.

              If someone has acted and experienced a particular consequence, both the behavior and the consequence belong to that person.

              People's lies, deceptions, tricks, manipulations, abusive behaviors, inappropriate behaviors, cheating behaviors, and tacky behaviors belong to them, too. Not us.

              People's hopes and dreams are their property. Their guilt belongs to them too. Their happiness or misery is also theirs. So are their beliefs and messages.

              If some people don't like themselves, that is their choice. Their choices are their property, not ours. What people choose to say and do is their business.

              What is our property? Our property includes our behaviors, problems, feelings, happiness, misery, choices, and messages; our ability to love, care, and nurture; our thoughts, our denial, our hopes and dreams for ourselves. Whether we allow ourselves to be controlled, manipulated, deceived, or mistreated is our business.

              In recovery, we learn an appropriate sense of ownership. If something isn't ours, we don't take it. If we take it, we learn to give it back. Let other people have their property, and learn to own and take good care of what's ours.

              Today, I will work at developing a clear sense of what belongs to me, and what doesn't. If it's not mine, I won't keep it. I will deal with myself, my issues, and my responsibilities.
              May I be mindful today of what is mine and what is not.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                af daily sat 23 oct

                Enjoying the Hazelden stuff DG. Thank's.

                LVT. You aren't a prude. I know what you mean. Why not look at yourself as a happenning, cool, tough, smart and very good lookin' groover, who is a living example of triumph, and heroism, has been to hell and back and survived, and a person who walk's the talk. This is what's in my mind whenever i'm in a bar, or when there's a bit of drinking going on around me. I walk tall, relax, and hope to feck there's a sober conversation of sort's still to be had! I also find i've got to keep up my inspiration and motivation level's too, by whatever means. Reading, exercise, thinking, mixing with people i like, movie's, and i ensure i get in some quality ME time for self care. This isn't hard work, or taxing for me either, it's fun and alway's a growth opportunity in there somewhere. My emotional well being is very important, but i know i must also go with the flow of life everyday, and what that may bring too, and that's okay. (More of me at


                picnic basket. Check.
                beach umbrella. Check.
                board short's. Check.

                Where's the week away by the sea again, and what time are we all meeting up?

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  af daily sat 23 oct

                  DG, I love that! I try to keep my stuff on my side of the street.

                  New underwear! How'd I miss that! :H G - my binoculars ARE in that picnic basket, right?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    af daily sat 23 oct

                    P3, great blog! OK, are you now watching TV on your phone?
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      af daily sat 23 oct

                      Nope-no TV on the phone. I'm staring at a blank screen on the new LCD because the fecking signal won't come in!!! Now I REALLY want a snicker tapas

                      G-that was a wonderful post. Thank you. Will be going to your website soon.

                      DG-great repost from Hazelton. Soooo true!! I will be mindful as to what is mine as well. Is DD's constant resource guarding HIS property???
                      Ahhh, a camper!! I swear to god if the right priced one had come along this summer it would be in my driveway right now!! No matter I have zero$$ for it-just use the credit card . Yep. Addictions.

                      OK-New blog site-trying out different hosts. I like this one because I can add gadgets. Not sure I like the background pic but can probably work on that later.
                      Agility Fool

                      Let me know which format you like better?
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        af daily sat 23 oct

                        P3 I vote for the second one. I like the format much better

                        G - I can't get to yours.

                        I was looking for batteries at the hole and found a carton of whoppers. I - ate - the - whole - fecking - thing. Gross, what a waste of fat grams and calories. In my recycle bin there's organic milk carton, decaf green tea box, grind it yourself peanut butter container, organic garbanzo beans can, organic yogurt....... carton of whoppers :H

                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          af daily sat 23 oct

                          Hey G- the link was broken for me too. A google search says that the domain name expired in June. Please renew G man so we can learn all about you!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            af daily sat 23 oct

                            Greenie, I feel your pain on the whoppers. Still battling my demons here.

                            G-Man, I'm guessing your web site domain resides in the same place as one of Mr. Doggy's favorites - Web hosting, domain name registration and web services by 1&1 Internet :H (he really did make that web site and it was hillarious, but no longer active and if you had seen it you would know why!)

                            P3, I vote the 2nd one too. Couldn't tell you why - I just like it better. Except the blurry background sort of reminds me of having this eye surgery. :H But the text part I like better.

                            LVT, I missed your post earlier! My apologies! Whenever I find myself feeling as you did, I remind myself how I used to be when I was drinking. I knew deep down I had a major drinking problem for many years. So I was UBER sensitive. Any mention by someone else that they had slowed down or quit made me quite uncomfortable and sent me running the other way. But it was never about the person who quit. It was about me. That was MY STUFF.

                            NORMAL DRINKERS DO NOT CARE WHETHER WE DRINK OR NOT. At least ones that are over the age of 17, in my experience. Like G said, stand tall and be proud that you are the LVT you are.

                            I'm trying to stay awake for the Mens Free Skate. It's a pretty talented lineup and should be good. Past my bedtime so we shall see. If I fall asleep I can watch it on demand tomorrow.

                            I guess the WUSV World Schutzhund Championships are being shown on the internet too. That's Mr. Doggy's sport. He likes "doing" more than "watching" though.

                            No way could I keep track of these sports while drunk. And if I drink, I'm getting drunk there is no doubt about that. I would also probably forget to bring the sunscreen for our upcoming vacation by the sea. And the popcorn. thing is for sure......

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              af daily sat 23 oct

                              thanks DG and Greenie-I'm partial to the second one too. More design options. I'll try to work on that fuzzy pic for ya!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                af daily sat 23 oct

                                Doggygirl;988207 wrote: Any mention by someone else that they had slowed down or quit made me quite uncomfortable and sent me running the other way. But it was never about the person who quit. It was about me. That was MY STUFF.

                                NORMAL DRINKERS DO NOT CARE WHETHER WE DRINK OR NOT. At least ones that are over the age of 17, in my experience. Like G said, stand tall and be proud that you are the LVT you are.
                                Absolutely!! I'd say anything flippant lest the spotlight land on me. G is spot on. (do I resist the temptation here to call him g-spot? nah) G-spot.
                                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

