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sunday 24 Oct

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    sunday 24 Oct

    Doing a little reading now in the "False Fat Diet." A quote you all can probably appreciate. (this is what the doctor discovered the first time he fasted, and then started adding foods gradually back to his diet)

    I also found that eating some foods, such as wheat, could trigger withdrawl symptoms, including food cravings, which seemed similar to the cravings suffered by my substance abuse patients. The intensity of these food cravings suprised me.
    Of course, this is the type of stuff that is incorporated in the My Way Out program. Just sometimes, someone will put something a certain way where it really hits home. The cravings I have had lately on the food front are insane.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      sunday 24 Oct

      Me too DG. Me too. Change of seasons perhaps? Less Vit D? I wonder. The peanut butter thing really surprised me. of course I knew that lots of people are allergic to peanuts but I didn't think it would cause more sublime allergy symptoms. i thought it was an all or nothing thing. I do like almond and sunflower seed butter Deter. I think I remember reading that people allergic to peanuts are NOT allergic to tree nuts such as almonds and walnuts. Peanuts being a legume and grow underground; I wonder if other legumes are just as symptom producing?
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        sunday 24 Oct

        Oh Deter on the Almond butter. It's funny - I don't believe I have issue with that. But if I'm grabbing for a jar, it's the peanut butter I WAAAAAAAANT!!! That is so strange that we are wired biochemically to want what is bad for us individually.

        P3, my Vit D is never a problem. My doc tests that every year and I'm high normal there. I really believe the cravings right now for me are the result of the fact that I've been feeding the beast more and more over the last few months.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          sunday 24 Oct

          greeneyes;988415 wrote: Bear I feel such disapointment in a empathetic way as I recall those feelings in myself, not judgemental by any means. What's scary is that it was so well thought out in advance. Perhaps it's tim to re-read those posts where long time abbers have advised you to stay home.

          Good Morning FABBIES!!!

          Did you SEE the moon this AM?? When I went out to get the paper, it was at the height of a gorgeous PINK sunrise and in the western sky which was pink at the bottom and blue at the top, the huge plump round white moon sat up there with a big satisfied smile. I'm always compelled to stand barefoot in the wet grass in moments like that; filled with gratitude at the magnificent start to a fresh new day full of magic and wonder. And an asparagus fritatta. I've settled on that for brekkie today. Just need to find a recipe.
          Today will include the gym. Now that I've gotten there a couple times for class, I'm ready to go do something else like weights or swim. The tundra beckons and I think I'll trim some shrubs - if only Lav were here to help me. :H But first, I'm into soft music a lit candle a coffee and the newspaper. I also need to do some smudging. I released a TON of negative stuff doing that program. Phew!!! Oh, And I'm going to put my hula hoop in the living room right now!


          Have a succulent sunday! X
          Err, what else were you wearing whilst staring at the moon?........:h

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            sunday 24 Oct

            DON'T LOOK ETHEL!!!!!


  [/video]]YouTube - Ray Stevens - The Streak
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              sunday 24 Oct

              Doggygirl;988597 wrote: OK Fabbies! I need your help! I need to submit a question that will be asked to a panel at the next Community Leadership School. I'm drawing a blank!!! Here are the descriptions of who is on the panel. If this were a similar panel in your city, what would you want to ask them?

              Manager - County Workforce Investment Board (they are responsible for policy direction and oversight of several workforce development programs across the county)

              VP - Manufacturer's Association of our Area - a non-profit that advances the interests of local manufacturers

              Superintendent of our local public High School District

              President of the local Junior College

              Obviously this is a convergence of people responsible for educating the emerging workforce, and some job oriented people. I'm just drawing a blank but I know you guys can help me out here. What would YOU want to know?


              Just saw this.

              Not knowing the system over there DG, but I'd want to know what program's are in place for student's who are restless in class, disruptive, and consequently end up in trouble. Have their skill's and strength's been identified, or are they just 'disciplined', and deemed to be hopeless? They most likely learn in a different way to other's, and may respond better to different subject matter, and a hand's on learning approach. What training/education option's are available to such young people, and if none, why don't we create something now? Is it cheaper for the state? Yes. Is it of benefit to the local and wider community? Yes. Is it of benefit to our young people? Yes.

              Here where i live, some govt. dept. idiot's have closed many of our trade school's, (which were a common alternative to high school/university) many year's ago now, and are realising what a mistake that obviously was, and are now looking at opening them again to younger student's who are more trade subject inclined. e.g. mechanics, plumbing, electrician, etc. My point being that some young people have an inclination to working with their hand's, whilst other's may be drawn to different area's of study/life, and young folk in our school's who are disruptive, are not necessarily stupid, or 'evil'. They all just need some understanding, but a program or 3 targeting the 'at risk' student's, and going with them to try to find their strength's/interest's, i think is an essential, common sense way to go.

              Anyway, just some thought's. Knock em dead DG.

              Best wishes everyone. Dig deep, travel lightly, laugh, any fat butt's? off couch and move it, Do what makes you happy, and that ain't drinking, is it?! No.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                sunday 24 Oct

                Thank you G. That is well thought out. I think I might cut and paste it, and give credit where credit is due to my magical musical friend from down under.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  sunday 24 Oct

                  Good evening!

                  I went and saw my dad today. He looks the best in many weeks. The feeding tube is really helping him. I am so happy that he is at least comfortable. Free of pain and the continuous vomiting, literally starving to death. So, I am going to sleep well tonight. Will see him again tomorrow morning.

                  I went to see my nana on Saturday until this morning.... had a sleep over. It was really good for my soul to just 'be' and enjoy someone's company without gloomy thoughts.

                  I am now eating a 'Weight Watchers' soup. It is called Thai Coconut Curry. It is really, really good! Very flavourful. It caught my eye this eve while grocery shopping. I LOVE Thai food. I love coconut, I love curry! Guilt free. I will be buying this one again!

                  Anyway, I am pooped. Talk to you all tomorrow.

                  bear, hop back on the wagon, my dear. This is just a reminder why we hate drinking. xo

