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October Optimism - Week 4

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    October Optimism - Week 4

    "Every moment is an opportunity for those who are ready to seize it."--unknown

    Can you believe it's the last week in October already?!!

    I hope you don't mind, Rustop, that I borrowed one of your wonderful quotes to start the week with.

    Rusty, my brother used to live in Huntington Beach. He absolutely loved it there. Enjoy yourself.

    Cyn, thanks for the follow up. Now it is all quite clear. I don't envy your hb's position.

    SD, thanks for expanding on your story. It gave me lots to think about.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    October Optimism - Week 4

    GM Dill & everyone!
    Just posted on the old thread, oh well

    Waiting for my 'coffee energy' to kick in so I can resume the work I started yesterday. I just wish I could afford to hire someone to help Dill. For now I just have to put up with it & put my thinking cap on....

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Optimism - Week 4

      Good Sunday Morning Friends:

      Sulking here as our Phillies lost last night and have been eliminated from the series :upset:. Now, the 2 underdog teams go to the World Series ? Go Rangers!

      I managed to get my computer problem fixed ? Yeah! And yes, Rusty, these problems are totally frustrating AND time wasting. Thankfully, I am somewhat computer savvy and I am able to find solutions on the internet but it does take lots of time.

      I had a nice time with my company last night. One of the guys was very playful with my dog so my little Westie got quite the workout - he is still laying at my feet sound asleep snoring. Gotta love it.

      Rusty ? I made one of my signature dishes last night ? Chicken Piccata with Artichoke Hearts. I also served sugar snap peas saut?ed with roasted red peppers in sesame oil, sesame seeds, and a little bit of honey. Dinner was enjoyed by all!

      SD ? Sorry to hear of your family dynamics. I have mentioned before that my partner?s family has similar dynamics. There are 5 siblings (all boys) and they all compete with one another and talk about one another ? there?s always some type of drama going on. It?s exhausting. Don?t let it get you down.

      Chill ? Anxious to hear about the MWO meet up in Dublin. Let us know all about it!

      Oh ? I had my massage yesterday afternoon and it felt great. I am so wound up, the masseuse kept telling me to relax! I really do need to learn how to relax more. Maybe I?ll get serious about looking for a meditation class. Does anyone have any recommendations for relaxation/meditation programs?

      The weather is supposed to be beautiful here for the next several days. Temps in the upper 70?s and close to 80. Hard to believe it is the last week of October but I am not complaining.

      Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Sunday? Take Care!
      AF since 7/13/2010


        October Optimism - Week 4

        Good Mroning Friends!!

        It's a dull (seriously that's how the local meterologist described it!!) day here but not too cold. Warmer as the week goes on. yea!!

        The quote of RT's I like best was:
        A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
        Contentment comes from making the most of what you have and going
        with it.

        I've been trying more and more to follow that exact philosophy for the past few months.

        Busy day planned, IF I ever get off my other end!!:H I have an urge to take care of my house which I've let go horrendously for the past few weeks. There are so many projects calling my name but this one is yelling so I'm listening. After I get the house back to a positive state, I may need to find a smudge stick. Lav, where to you get those? dinner plans at Sister's tonite. Actually looking forward to it as i'm feeling stronger and stronger in my sobriety the past few days. If you go over to the daily ab thread, yesterday G man wrote something that really resonated with me and kind of gave me a spark.

        I hope Chill and the rest are having a grand time at their meetup!! I think last nite they were all meeting at a restaurant they all voted on?? Can't wait to hear the stories Chill!!

        Lav-hope your funk lifts soon. Maybe you should stay away from the hedgetrimmers :H!!

        RT-so glad your daughter's B-day party went well. isn't it a nice surprise when 18 yo or any other teen show that much respect and genuine thanks?? You definitely did something right with raising her!!:goodjob:

        Yesterday at work, it was deadly slow. I spend the day looking at You Tube videos of an agility competitor in CA who won a spot on the World IFC team and competed in England this past May. She and her dog Masher won a gold medal!! It was set up like the Olympics so the US anthem was played!! I was inspired to start my own blog. I still have some work to do on it but let me know what you think so far:
        Agility Fool

        Have a great day everyone!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          October Optimism - Week 4

          Xpost John!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            October Optimism - Week 4

            Hi everyone

            Thanks for starting the thread Dill, have lost track of the days. Where has this month got to? Thank you all for the kind words regarding my daughter. She has her moments, mind you on Friday before the party there were times when I did not think she would see her
            19th birthday. As my husband said, wait for the wedding we will have a Bridezilla!!

            Have just had a lovely 6 mile walk with the doggies and hubby. We went around a lake and the goldie swam and swam so a lot of tired campers here this evening. Tomorrow is a holiday here and the girls are on mid-term so will be out of my routine a bit.

            Enjoy the rest of Sunday everyone, glad you all enjoy the quotes.



              October Optimism - Week 4

              Good Morning!!

              Omigoodness Pap3!!! You train dogs to run those courses?!?!?! (I think I spelled that like a college course..ha!) But honestly, that is amazing!! How in the world do you do that? I thought at first Koby was running and you(?) were leading him on a leash...then I noticed there was NO leash!!! I can't get my dumb dog to go outside with me...every time I say let's go outside and go potty, she rolls over onto her back and makes me puck her up...or runs away and then we play "the chase game"!! Maybe I've mentioned how naughty my little dog is?!?! Wow!! And your blog that you created was really cool as well!! I wish I knew how to do cool stuff like that!!

              Paguy--sorry about your was such a nail-biting game last night...all the way to the end!!! WOW!! It got kinda heated there in the 3rd (was it) inning when the benches cleared...oooohhhhh!!!!! Being a sappy counselor, I like to see the underdogs get a chance..however, probably wouldn't feel that way IF the Twins would have made it this far either. BUT on a different note...your supper dish last night sounded AMAZING!!!!!! WOuld you be willing to share...please, please, please!!!:fingers: Gosh, your whole dinner sounded awesome...lucky guests!!

              Dill-What are you thinking about all that rambling I did??? Don't get me wrong, I also know that i'm super oversensitive and over analyze way too much!! Although, sometimes I don't think my family really "gets" what goes on or really sees....or maybe if it's just ignored or not talked about (even with my dad let's say) will just go away. I dunno???? How's school going for you this year so far???

              Lav--you sound about like me with household chores...I'm going to shampoo the carpets today...was going to yesterday...seemed like too much work...but nope, it NEEDS to be done today...before my little man gets back....and we watch the VIKS vs. the PAC tonight....ohhhh how I love this match-up!!!!

              Chill---can't wait to hear about your trip wen you get back!!!! What a fun thing to do!!

              RT--glad your party was a hit!! SOunds like you had a a good group of kids over there!! I sure hope my son stays that 18 and past...I worry he will become some hell-ion in his teenage years! :H

              Well...I need to get cleaning...I only have 3 hours until I go get Brayden...yippee!!!! I'll check back in later!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                October Optimism - Week 4

                Hi SD-just one dog runs agility now. The other one never got to the competition stage. Well, how do I do it? LOTS of classes-2 years worth-every thursday nite. I'm very lucky that Koby is EXTREMELY smart (scary smart) and EXTREMELY bonded to me (which will be a problem as we advance because I'll need to send him away from me in order to get to the next part of the course in time). He has no desire to go "visiting" during a run or explore. We have so much fun I can't believe I waited so long to do this. As far as your little doggie goes-I wish I lived near you!! I could help with his reluctance to go outside!! He's playing a game you do realize that?? Also, somehow he has associated go out with bad things so you need to make it fun again. If you could afford it, the best thing to do would be to bring a trainer to your house for 1 or 2 sessions. I think you would be pleasantly surprised!!
                I've never done a blog either but this one by google is wicked simple!! all the templates are there-you just make your choices and fill in the blanks and write about anything you want!! The hardest part?? Naming it :H!!
                I won't have much to write about in terms of agility since we are taking a break except for classes so i'll probably supplement once a week with anythig dog related. thanks for your praise!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  October Optimism - Week 4

                  SD, I guess I was trying to understand your Mom’s response of course through my own lens. You’re family sounds very different from mine. You sound like a very extroverted group. We are more introverts here. However, I was thinking about your Mom’s possible feelings. See, I have had conversations about drinking with my daughter and now I am wondering if she thought I was being “judgmental” of her. I have mentioned to her on a couple of occasions that I am cutting back, but I have never sat down with her and told her I have a problem with alc. I have warned her that it runs in my family, general warnings like that. But one time I specifically asked her to please be careful about her consumption. I got one of those “Oh, Mom, I know.” Kind of responses and I wonder if she thought I was being judgmental, when I totally wasn’t. When dealing in only half-truths, things can get murky. I am trying to steer her away from the problem she might have in the future without being honest about my problem, so she may have thought I was being critical of her. Well, I know this whole explanation is a clear as mud!!! Sorry. But I guess I am suggesting that your mom’s reaction may be tied up in her own denial/concern about herself and her alc consumption, and how she may be contributing to your difficulties? Maybe I’m just over thinking it.

                  I just know I worry about my daughter going down this road someday, but in my efforts to head her away from it, I may be sounding preachy or judgmental

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    October Optimism - Week 4


                    Your blog is great! I tried to post a comment but I didn't know how. Sorry. That looks like quite a work out for the trainer as well as the dog! What fun!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      October Optimism - Week 4

                      Hi Dill-thank you!! To post a comment, go to the bottom of the post you want to comment on, and click on where it says "0 comments". I try to change that. anyway, if you click on that, a comment page opens up and you can comment to your hearts content!! I'd love to start seeing some comments on there!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        October Optimism - Week 4

                        Papmom, The part I didn't understand was when you tried to comment it ased you to 'select a profile'. I didn't know what that meant or what I should pick from the pop down menu.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          October Optimism - Week 4

                          Paguy, you asked about meditation. I have tried 2-3 different ones. Rustop, Sooty and myself are now all trying Jon Kabat-Zinn. I have been very happy with his body scan meditation. Of course, it is a very personal preference/choice, so I can only tell you what I have found to work for me. Google him and see what you you think.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            October Optimism - Week 4

                            Hey Dill-OK, I figured out the profile thing. Not sure why that is required-probably some type of spam preventer-but all you have to do is either select Anonymous or Name/Url (just type in your name; url isn't required) or if you have accounts at any of the other sites you can just click on it and your login name will automatically show up.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              October Optimism - Week 4

                              Thanks for starting us, Dill! (Sooty - I posted something about my Welsh tea on the last page of last week's thread - check it out!)

                              PapMom, I look forward to reading your blog - how great that you have leapt right are inspiring.

                              It's almost 11:00 p.m. here, and I still have an Association newsletter to write, so must get to it. Our house will be listed tomorrow, and I have one more day to get it looking great for the hordes (ahem) of people who will undoubtably want to see it and of course buy it. Crossing fingers. Must get it all done, because I just can't work on it anymore, too tired, and OVER IT.

                              Good happy Monday all -
                              to the light

